Item 3a - Rainey Neighborhood Submission — original pdf

2019 Board of Directors:Sandra De LeonPresidentTowers of Town Lake CondosDan KnopfVice PresidentThe Shore CondosLora HerringTreasurerTowers of Town Lake CondosBrooke SchumacherSecretaryWindsor on the Lake ApartmentsStaci LivesayCommunications OfficerThe Shore CondosJudy CobbMilago CondosRandall MinickMilago CondosRobert ReySkyhouse ApartmentsMichael CortinasMilleniun ApartmentsRainey Neighbors AsociationFebruary 11, 2019Dear Esteemed Design Commissioner,A City Council resolution was passed in 1999 directing the City Manager to workwith the Rainey Neighborhood to facilitate discussions leading to land use objectivesand priorities for the neighborhood. Of special concern was the vulnerable nature ofthe neighborhood due to its relative isolation and susceptibility to the negative effectsof larger scale projects in the vicinity. (Resolution No 990603-81, Austin City CouncilMeeting, June 3, 1999) Today, the Rainey Neighborhood has eleven infill projects invarious stages of the permitting process for new development with five of thoseprojects surpassing 45 stories in height.There are significant mobility issues in the Rainey Neighborhood as a result of therapid growth predicted in 1999. Factors that contributed to these issues include: theabsence of any process that assessed the infrastructure prior to the upzone from SF-3to CBD; the lack of process that studied, optimized and informed the appropriate levelof density and mixed-use for the area; and Rainey is bordered on three sides by WallerCreek, Lady Bird Lake and IH-35, leaving only two main access points in and out ofthe neighborhood. Rainey was built to accommodate single-family homes on longblocks, a pattern that impedes circulation, unlike the street grid in the downtown corewith shorter blocks that create connectivity. Add to the mix a maximum FAR of 15:1with unlimited height. To date, Rainey has yet to implement a comprehensive masterplan. In the absence of a plan, and given the accelerated pace with which newdevelopment is occurring in the area, the neighborhood is requesting that these fiveconditions be formally adopted in the Rainey Street Subdistrict.▪ Adopt a comprehensive mobility plan, like the Rainey Traffic Study, formed collaboration with the Rainey Neighbors Association, specifically addressing the unique mobility issues in the Rainey Subdistrict.▪ Approval of current entitlements, 8:1 FAR and below, for site plans on the condition that they are accompanied by corresponding improved infrastructure, especially mobility infrastructure that is based on the 34 mobility recommendations outlined in the Rainey Street Traffic Study.▪ Approve infill that does not alter the current street dimensions nor speed limit.▪ Approve infill that promotes ancillary amenities in addition to restaurants, such as retail that provides goods and services to Rainey residents.▪ Amend code to allocate half of density bonus to Rainey-specific benefits other than affordable housing.Thank you for taking the time to consider our requests. We look forward to workingwith the city to create a vibrant, walkable neighborhood for residents and visitors inthe Rainey Street District.Sincerely,Sandra De LeonPresident, Rainey Neighbors AssociationRAINEY NEIGHBORHOOD MOBILITY STUDY & PLAN INSIDE: IDENTIFICATION OF MOBILITY CHALLENGES AND POTENTIAL SOLUTIONSPLANNING FOR GROWTH PREPARED BY: BIG RED DOG ENGINEERING & CONSULTING1EXISTING CONDITIONSItem 1 30%Item 2 70%65-70%OF VEHICLE TRAFFIC TO/FROM NEIGHBORHOODCOMES FROM RED RIVER ST OR RIVER STPEAK HOUR CONGESTION STEMS FROM EAST CESAR CHAVEZ & I-35DEDICATED BICYCLE FACILITIESTRANSIT STOPSNONO2EXISTINGCONDITIONSAS MANY PEDESTRIANS AT RAINEY/DAVIS 4XVSAT RAINEY/RIVER ON SATURDAYBETWEEN-2:30 AM9:30 PMPEDESTRIAN CROSSES RAINEY/DAVIS INTERSECTION EVERY13 SECONDS NIGHTSSTREETS WITH MISSING SIDEWALKS DRISKILL RED RIVER RAINEY RIVER DAVIS 3OUTREACHON-STREET PARKING NOT NEEDED DURING LATE NIGHT FOR BUSINESSES. REMOVAL COULD HELP THE PEDESTRIAN ENVIRONMENT.NEIGHBORHOOD STAKEHOLDERS WANT SIDEWALKS AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS.#1 PRIORITY0102030400102030405040%30%45%34%WHEN AND WHERE IS THE WORST TRAFFIC?RED RIVER/EAST CESAR CHAVEZ INTERSECTIONRAINEY STREETSATURDAY NIGHTAFTERNOON RUSH HOUR4OUTREACH90%OF RESPONDENTS DO NOT PAY A SEPARATE MONTHLY RATE FOR AT LEAST ONE PARKING SPACE PARKING80%OF RESPONDENTS HAVE 2 OR MORE PARKING SPOTSVEHICLESOTHER MODES44%50%+2.75OF RESIDENTS USE TAXIS OR A TNC, 30% DO SO SEVERAL TIMES PER MONTH OF RESIDENTS TAKE TRIPS BY FOOT OR BIKE ON WEEKDAYS, 82% ON WEEKENDS OF RESIDENTS TAKE NO MORE THAN 2 CAR TRIPS PER DAYVEHICLE TRIPS PER WEEKDAY PER PERSONOF HOUSEHOLDS HAD 1 OR FEWER CARS 75%74%20%+OF RESPONDENTS HAD PREVIOUSLY USED CAR2GO, 15% FOR B-CYCLE4FUTURE GROWTH52017 DEVELOPMENTS COMING SOON, ADDING...2,000HOTELROOMS2,0007501,550,000105,000APARTMENTSCONDOSSF OF OFFICE SPACESF OF RETAIL & RESTAURANT SPACE56FUTURE GROWTHItem 1 55%45%40-45% OF THE PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION PROJECTED TO COME FROM OFFICE SPACEItem 1 78%22%20-25% OF THE PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION PROJECTED TO COME FROM RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTSItem 1 60%40%45-50% OF THE PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION PROJECTED TO COME FROM 3 SUTTON COMPANY NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENTS3-4x DEMAND VOLUMES COULD INCREASEAT FULL BUILDOUT OF ALL IDENTIFIED POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS$9 million WORTH OF MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS COULD BE SUPPORTED BY DEVELOPMENTS NOT YET APPROVED (UNDER THE CITY OF AUSTIN'S ROUGH PROPORTIONALITY ORDINANCE)7IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONSCOMPLETE THE PEDESTRIAN NETWORK ALONG ALL ROADWAYS & AT ALL INTERSECTIONS, INCLUDING PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING UPGRADESEXTEND RAINEYSTREET FROM DRISKILL STREET TO EAST CESAR CHAVEZ STREETPROVIDE VEHICLE & PEDESTRIAN-SCALE WAYFINDING SIGNAGE FOR DESTINATIONS AND PARKINGADD PUBLIC BICYCLE PARKING AND EXPAND B-CYCLE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD8IMPROVEMENTRECOMMENDATIONSIMPROVE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE ACCESS ACROSS I-35 WITH NEW BICYCLE LANES & LIGHTINGINSTALL TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES ON RED RIVER, DRISKILL,RAINEY AND DAVIS STREETSFORMALIZE BUS STOPS ON EAST CESAR CHAVEZ & SUPPLEMENT TRANSIT SERVICE WITH SHUTTLESREMOVE SOME ON-STREET PARKING TO CREATE PASSENGER LOADING/UNLOADING ZONES. REDUCE RESERVED PRIVATE PARKING & UNBUNDLE COST OF SPACESTRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLANS FOR ALL NEW DEVELOPMENTRainey Neighborhood Mobility Study & Plan May 2017 78 TABLE 19: RAINEY NEIGHBORHOOD POTENTIAL MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS Category Issue Strategy Description Vehicle Mobility Peak Period Congestion Congestion stems from I-35 and East César Chávez Street – adding capacity within the neighborhood would only encourage cut-through traffic. Instead, the neighborhood should focus on new connections to the west (extending Davis Street across Waller Creek), south (to connect to the South Central Waterfront developments), and east (burying I-35). Additional Connections into/out of Neighborhood Extend Rainey Street to East César Chávez Street for right-in, right-out intersection. Extend Davis Street across Waller Creek and connect to Trinity Street. Wayfinding Signage Provide neighborhood-specific wayfinding signage for important locations, parking. Weekend Late Night Congestion Pedestrians and passenger loading create much of the vehicle congestion in the area. With a complete pedestrian network and designated loading area for passenger vehicles, travel lanes would not be blocked during weekend late night time periods. Northbound/Southbound Connectivity Upgrade alleys between Davis Street and River Street and re-consider treatment at 70 Rainey and MACC. Consider extending Red River Street through MACC and connect to River Street. Cut-through Traffic There is currently some evidence of cut-through traffic on Red River Street and Driskill Street around eastbound East César Chávez Street congestion. Traffic calming devices for Driskill Street should be considered to reduce speeds on this street. This could become a greater issue with more connections and increased vehicle capacity internal to the neighborhood. Queuing at Development Access Points Security gates at parking garages should be farther from right-of-way and should be designed to contain queuing on-site. Access points for new developments should be kept off of major streets within neighborhood (Rainey Street, Red River Street, East César Chávez Street, River Street). Policy Require TDM Plans for each new development with detailed standards / enforcement plans. Rainey Neighborhood Mobility Study & Plan May 2017 79 TABLE 19: RAINEY NEIGHBORHOOD POTENTIAL MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS Category Issue Strategy Description Pedestrian Mobility Lack of Continuous Sidewalks Internal to Neighborhood Provide curb-separated pedestrian facilities on both sides of all streets. Missing crosswalks/sidewalks along East César Chávez Street Require Sutton Company development on this parcel to provide appropriate pedestrian access along East César Chávez Street. Red River Street / East César Chávez Street Intersection There are several options to improve the intersection, but modifying the northwest corner of the intersection may be the most practical. Leading pedestrian intervals could also be provided to enhance the visibility of pedestrians at the intersection. Pedestrian Access Across I-35 Improve crossings, lighting, and aesthetics at East César Chávez Street and River Street. Rainey Street / River Street intersection Improve pedestrian conditions (including sight distance) at roundabout; formalize crossings. River Street / East Avenue / I-35 Southbound Frontage intersection couplet Leading pedestrian intervals could be provided to enhance the visibility of pedestrians at the intersection. Pedestrian-Scale Lighting Provide pedestrian-scale lighting at identified locations throughout neighborhood. Pedestrian-Scale Wayfinding Provide neighborhood-specific wayfinding signage for important locations. Pedestrian Connections Consider pedestrian connections across Lady Bird Lake and Waller Creek, regardless of potential vehicle connections. Other Pedestrian Safety Issues Include speed tables and other traffic calming improvements at certain locations. Bicycle Mobility Establishing Comfortable Bicycling Routes Bicycle routes through neighborhood should be established with traffic calming, sharrows. B-Cycle Stations Replace station lost at 64 Rainey. Consider MACC as potential replacement. Public Bicycle Parking Replace bicycle parking equivalent to or greater than what was lost at 64 Rainey. Convert some public on-street parking spaces to public bicycle parking. Connections to Regional Routes Consider additional connections to Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail at MACC, from East Avenue, along Bierce Street, and Waller Creek and Waller Creek developments. Transit Mobility Transit Access Within Neighborhood Supplement CapMetro service with shuttles (Chariot, TMA, Project Connect UT circulator). Ask Capital Metro to consider extending the 21/22 to MACC Pedestrian Access to Transit Stops Complete pedestrian network and add connections / crossings to shorten trips to existing transit stops. Transit Stop Improvements Formalize stops on East César Chávez Street. Rainey Neighborhood Mobility Study & Plan May 2017 80 TABLE 19: RAINEY NEIGHBORHOOD POTENTIAL MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS Category Issue Strategy Description Parking On-Street Public Parking Remove on-street parking on Rainey (and north of River Street) on evenings after 8:00 PM. Off-Street Public Parking Provide wayfinding signage for parking lots/garages. Consider electronic signage with locations, costs, and/or available spaces. Off-Street Reserved Parking Reduce reserved parking and make individuals pay true cost of space. Parking Policy Standardize / raise parking price for on-street and off-street spaces. Lengthen duration of parking allowance. Apply for Parking and Transportation Management District, but do not add on-street parking spaces. Loading Establishing Passenger Loading Zones Designate areas on River Street, Rainey Street, and Driskill Street for TNCs, taxis, and pedicabs. Establishing and Enforcing Commercial Loading Zones Pave alleys and provide appropriate turning radii through the ability to jump curbs and removal of fixed objects. Remove tour buses, tourist vans from streets without appropriate loading areas. Design appropriate loading areas for private buildings. Construction Construction Within Right-of-Way Develop traffic control plans to maintain pedestrian right-of-way. Develop traffic control plans to not block travel lanes. Use parking/loading areas for construction staging. Construction-Related Congestion Consider off-site parking and shuttles for construction workers to reduce parking demand. Consider policies to reduce vehicle traffic due to construction (trucks and workers). Source: BIG RED DOG Engineering, 2017.