Item 7 Draft Recommendation Backup — original pdf

Recommendation for Funding an Affordable Device Distribution & Repair Program in the FY26 Budget WHEREAS, access to affordable, functioning digital devices is essential for participation in education, employment, healthcare, and government services; and WHEREAS, the Travis County - City of Austin Broadband and Digital Equity Needs Assessment found that lower-income households, older adults, and individuals with disabilities face significant barriers to obtaining and maintaining digital devices; and WHEREAS, planned obsolescence, high repair costs, and lack of affordable device options disproportionately affect underserved communities; and WHEREAS, expanding access to low-cost or refurbished devices and repair services would enable more Austin residents to participate fully in the digital economy; and WHEREAS, creating a dedicated GTOPs Hardware Fund would allow for targeted grants supporting device distribution and repair programs through partnerships with local nonprofits, libraries, and community organizations; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Community Technology and Telecommunications Commission recommends that the Austin City Council allocate funding in the FY26 Budget to establish a GTOPs Hardware Fund, ensuring that all residents have access to affordable devices and repair services, thereby closing the digital divide in Austin.