Community Technology and Telecommunications CommissionMarch 5, 2025

Item 10: Draft Recommendation Backup — original pdf

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Recommendation for Continued Funding for AI Upskilling for City of Austin Employees in the FY26 Budget WHEREAS, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries, including government operations, and enhancing efficiencies in data analysis, decision-making, and service delivery; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin has already made initial investments in AI training and upskilling programs to ensure that its workforce is equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to leverage AI-based technologies effectively; and WHEREAS, the previous requested budget amendment during FY2025 of $75,000 for AI training, technical assistance, and continuing education has provided City employees with critical skills in data science, design, and AI applications; and WHEREAS, demand for AI-related education and resources continues to grow among City employees, highlighting the need for sustained investment in training programs; and WHEREAS, the expansion of initiatives such as the DIVE (Data Impact Visualization and Exploration) program would further support the City’s commitment to fostering technological innovation and digital proficiency among its workforce; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Technology Commission recommends that the Austin City Council allocate continued funding in the FY26 Budget to sustain and expand AI upskilling initiatives for City of Austin employees, ensuring they remain proficient in emerging technologies that enhance public service delivery.