Community Technology and Telecommunications CommissionJan. 8, 2025

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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few hours of the cablecast. Schedules and video can be Community Technology and Telecommunications Commission REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday –January 8th, 2025 – 6:30PM City Hall – Boards and Commissions – Room 1101 301 W 2nd St., Austin, TX 78701 Please go to for backup materials associated with this agenda. All ATXN (City Channel 6) programming is cablecast on Spectrum, Grande Communications, and Google Fiber on their cable channel 6, on AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 and webcast online. Over 20 meetings per month, including this commission meeting, are available on demand online, typically within a found at: The Community Technology and Telecommunications Commission convened in a REGULAR meeting on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025, at 301 W 2nd St. in Austin, Texas. Current Commission Members Keith Pena-Villa ‐ Mayor Kirk Watson Brian AM Williams ‐ Council Member Natasha Harper‐Madison, District 1 Steven Apodaca – Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, District 2 Carina Alderete ‐ Council Member José Velásquez, District 3 Suzanne Heritage ‐ Council Member José “Chito” Vela, District 4 Thomas Rice‐ Council Member Ryan Alter, District 5 Gabriel Nwajiaku‐ Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, District 6 Vacant ‐ Council Member Leslie Pool, District 7 Vacant ‐ Council Member Paige Ellis, District 8 Ibiye Anga – Council Member Zohaib “Zo” Qadri, District 9 Sumit DasGupta ‐ Council Member Alison Alter, District 10 Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance in person: Steven Apodaca, Chair Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Sumit DasGupta Ibiye Anga Brian AM Williams 1 Suzzane Heritage Carina Alderete, Vice-Chair Board Members/Commissioners Not in Attendance: Keith Pena-Villa Gabriel Nwajiaku Thomas Rice CALL TO ORDER Chair Apodaca called the Community Technology and Telecommunications Meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers who register to speak no later than noon on the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. There were no speakers registered to deliver comments. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Community Technology and Telecommunications Commission special called meeting on November 13th, 2024. Motion to approve the minutes made by Commissioner Heritage and seconded by Commissioner DasGupta. The minutes from (11/13/2024) were approved on a vote of 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS Presentation on the Collaborative Art + Technology Situation (CATS+) provided by the Museum of Human Achievement (Rachel Stuckey, Director of Digital Arts, Museum of Human Achievement) The presentation on the Museum of Human Achievement’s CATS+ program was delivered by link: can Stuckey viewed Rachel this and be at Presentation on the City of Austin website redesign project by the city’s CTM department (Jessica King, Chief Communications Director, Communications & Technology Management) The presentation on the City of Austin website redesign was by Yasmin Wagner, Rick Bowman, Caleb Sanchez, and Divya Rathanlal and can be viewed at this link: 2. 3. 2 4. Presentation on the status of the city’s participation and involvement in the BEAD challenge process (Khotan Harmon, Program Manager, City of Austin Economic Development Department) This item was moved to the following meeting due to a scheduling conflict. 5. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion, selection, and approval of Grant for Technology Opportunities Program 2025 Review Panel The commission discussed the applicants for the GTOPs Core review panel. GTOPs staff informed the commission it was discovered that some applicants were affiliated with organizations applying for GTOPs or were not within city jurisdiction thus unable to participate. Despite this discovery, all applications were to be evaluated by commissioners and the problematic applicants would be removed from the selection at the end of the process. Commissioners were given time to evaluate the applications and postponed the final vote until the end of the meeting once the scores were tabulated. The commission came back to item five after the working group updates. Liaisons informed the commission that redundancies had been built into the process to ensure that panelist participation does not impact the GTOPs process. Motion to approve the selected applicants for the GTOPs Core review panel made by Chair Apodaca and seconded by Commissioner Anga. The motion was approved on a vote of 6-0. WORKING GROUP UPDATES 6. Update from the public surveillance working group Chair Apodaca provided some updates in lieu of Commissioner Pena Villa, the working group has created a list of stakeholders and have scheduled interviews with plans to possibly draft a recommendation in the near future. Commissioner Heritage added that the group met with Chelsea Collier from Smart Cities Connect who shared some contacts, insights, and themes to assist the group. The group has also already prepared an interview guide they plan to use during their conversations with these stakeholders. Update from the Artificial Intelligence working group Commissioner Williams discussed the groups efforts towards forming an AI policy recommendation for the city. They have gathered ingights from experts in the field and reviewed existing initiatives within other city departments in preparation to draft a recommendation. 3 7. 8. Commisisoner DasGupta recommended looking in the precedent recently set by the European Union and Chair Apodaca suggested reaching out to his council representative who is a member of the National League of Cities to see if that group has discussed AI policy. Update from the duplicative technologies working group Commissioner DasGupta informed the group that he will be meeting with Economic Development Department leadership in the coming week to discuss the duplicative software being implemented. - Presentation on the status of the city’s participation and involvement in the BEAD FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS challenge process - GTOPs Recipient programming presentation ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:20PM. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If you require Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please contact Dan Martinez at the Office of Telecommunications & Regulatory Affairs at (512) 974-3510, for additional information; TTY users’ route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Community Technology & Telecommunications Commission, please visit their website at or contact Dan Martinez at The Minutes were approved at the February 12th, 2025 Meeting on Chair Apodaca’s motion and Commissioner DasGupta’s second with a final vote of 6-0. 4