Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes
COMMUNITY TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Wednesday – February 12, 2020 – 6:30 PM Austin Public – Studio One 1143 Northwestern Avenue ‐ Austin, TX 78702 Please go to for backup material associated with this agenda. All ATXN (City Channel 6) programming is cablecast on Spectrum, Grande Communications, and Google Fiber on their cable channel 6, on AT&T U‐ Verse Channel 99 and webcast online. Over 20 meetings per month, including this commission meeting, are available on demand online, typically within a few hours of the cablecast. Schedules and video can be found at: CURRENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Sophie Gairo ‐ Mayor Steve Adler Nehemiah Pitts III ‐ Council Member Natasha Harper‐Madison, District 1 Claudia Yanez ‐ Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza, District 2 Malcolm Yeatts ‐ Council Member Sabino “Pio” Renteria, District 3 David Alexander ‐ Council Member Gregorio Casar, District 4 Dave Floyd ‐ Council Member Ann Kitchen, District 5 Irfan Syed ‐ Council Member Jimmy Flannigan, District 6 Dina Ayman ‐ Council Member Leslie Pool, District 7 Michelle Reinhardt ‐ Council Member Paige Ellis, District 8 Nicole Thompson – Council Member Kathie Tovo, District 9 Sumit DasGupta ‐ Council Member Alison Alter, District 10 Commission Members Present Sophie Gairo Nehemiah Pitts III Malcolm Yeatts David Alexander Dave Floyd Michelle Reinhardt Nicole Thompson Sumit DasGupta Excused Absence Irfan Syed Unexcused Absence Claudia Yanez Dina Ayman CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three‐minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. No citizens were signed up to speak 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 8, 2020 Motion to approve the January 8, 2020 made by Commissioner Reinhardt, seconded by Commissioner DasGupta passed on a vote of 7‐0. 2. STAFF AND COMMUNITY BRIEFINGS (A member of the public may not address a board at a meeting on an item posted as a briefing) a. 2020 Census (John Lawler, Travis County Census Program Manager) b. Digital Inclusion Ecosystem ‐ Austin Urban Technology Movement (Michael Ward, Jr., The presentation by John Lawler can be viewed here. President of AUTM) The presentation by Michael Ward Jr. can be viewed here. c. City Website Upgrade and Redesign Update (Yasmin Wagner, Corporate Public Information & Marketing Manager, Communications & Public Information Office & Marni Wilhite, IT Project Manager Senior, Office of Design & Delivery) The presentation by Yasmin Wagner can be viewed here. 3. NEW BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action) a. Commission discussion and action on the FY21 Budget Recommendations including City Council Vote Tabulation, Police Video Processing, Remote Meeting Participation b. Commission discussion and action on GTOPs 2020 Award Recommendations Motion to approve the GTOPs 2020 recommendations as proposed by the GTOPs 2020 Grant Review Committee made by Commissioner DasGupta, seconded by Commissioner Thompson approved on a vote of 8‐0. 4. COMMISSION UPDATES (Discussion and Possible Action) a. Digital Inclusion, Civic Engagement, and Strategic Technology and Telecom Policy Working Group Chair Pitts noted the accomplishments of the working group in increasing GTOPs funding, resulting in 6 more GTOPs awardees this year than in years prior. lead for communications, Commissioner Ayman will be For the Strategic Technology and Telecom Policy summit, Commissioner Alexander will be logistics, Commissioner Gairo will be the lead on content, Chair Pitts will be lead on partnerships and collaboration, and Commissioner Thompson will be a backup. These five commissioners make up the current membership of this commission. lead for The event will take place between October 5 and 10, with the location being the Long Center (with the Google Fiber space being backup). b. Knowledge, Information, and Data Stewardship Working Group Commissioner Alexander noted that this group met with the Clerk’s office on their plans to digitize and make tabular the City Council votes. Commissioner Reinhardt gave an update on the APD body cam transfer process. The working group will take this item into consideration for budget recommendations on system upgrades and additional personnel. c. Technology, Infrastructure, and Innovation Working Group Commissioner DasGupta noted that he will be seeking to have a working group meeting to discuss OTMR. Chair Pitts will be speaking with Rondella Hawkins on Google and conduit sharing. This working group will be seeking a teleconference with the project managers over shared conduits (especially on the Riverside corridor) in March. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Next Regular Meeting: March 11, 2020 Rondella Hawkins on Google 5G / Small Cell Rollout presentation Presentation from Jay Boisseau AE on electric vehicle charging stations Presentation on Austin Core Transportation Plan Budget Recommendations Stakeholder Summit Presentation Stephen Elkins on CTM Initiatives 6. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn proposed by Commissioner DasGupta and seconded by Commissioner Floyd passed on a vote of 8‐0. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please contact Jesse Rodriguez at the Office of Telecommunications & Regulatory Affairs at (512) 974‐7676, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Community Technology & Telecommunications Commission, please visit their website at or contact Jesse Rodriguez at Posting Submitted by: Jesse Rodriguez, Business Process Specialist, Wednesday, February 26, 2020