Item 3b - Survive2Thrive Presentation — original pdf

CAPACITY CREATION FOR DVSA VICTIMS THE HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVORS ARE FACING DISPLACEMENT AND HOMELESSNESS IN TEXAS Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault are being displaced and becoming homeless due to the lack of capacity and beds at local emergency shelters. Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic, shelters were turning away close to 48% of the victims coming to them and long waitlists. In March of 2020, that percentage skyrocketed to more than 90% according to the HHSE report presented by the Texas Council on Family Violence. The "shelter In place" order traps many victims in their homes, without an outlet to make an outcry. Virus or violence? HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION QUICK STATS 1 IN 3 WOMEN...1 IN 7 MEN... HAVE EXPERIENCED INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE AT LEAST ONCE IN THEIR LIFETIME. 13% OF AUSTIN'S HOMELESS COMMUNITY, SELF IDENTIFY AS VICTIMS OF SOME SORT OF DOMESTIC ABUSE. IN 2019, MORE THAN 12,000 VICTIMS A MONTH ARE TURNED AWAY FROM LOCAL SHELTERS IN TEXAS* *14TH ANNUAL NNEDV SNAPSHOT CENSUS 2019 HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION THE COMMUNITY NEED - MORE IMMEDIATE HOUSING CAPACITY FOR FLEEING VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC ABUSE. - MORE RESOURCE AVAILABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY . - A MECHANISM FOR THE QUICK PLACEMENT OF VICTIMS BY LAW ENFORCEMENT. - VICTIM-FACING TECHNOLOGY FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING AND RESTABILIZATION. SOME SUCCESSFUL COVID-19 OUTCOMES $935,000+ in Indirect and Indirect financial assistance to victims. $29,000+ in resources dispersed via our Seed A Survivor rent/utility/food assistance program (es. August 1, 2020) for housing costs and food insecurity. $14,000+ in Back-to-School supplies, clothes, and backpacks to the children in our SANCTUARY Program via S2T case management. 20,125 calls logged to COVID-19 hotline. 573+ families placed in our Hotel Safety Net in hotels across Austin in 2020; 1,039 men, women, and children of diverse backgrounds including COCs and the LGBTQ community. 205 successful interactions with law enforcement resulting in rapid placement most happening in under one (1) hour. The opening of the SANCTUARY Gardens Empowerment & Recovery Center for survivor immersion in South Austin. HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION WE DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY. WE HAVE A SURVIVOR BOARD AND OUR CARE IS CLIENT AND TRAUMA INFORMED. WE LOVE OUR PARTNERS AND COLLABORATE...A LOT. WE USE TECHNOLOGY TO CONNECT SERVICE PROVIDERS AND VICTIMS TO RESOURCES. HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION COMMUNITY AND TECH PARTNERS APD VICTIM SERVICES The SANCTUARY web platform gives immediate access to hotel rooms. Reduces victim placement time and places victims safe rooms and into the hands of advocates faster. AUSTIN HOTEL AND LODGING ASSOCIATION (AHLA) AHLA curated rooms with reduced prices at over 40 hotels In Austin and the surrounding areas. FINDHELP.COM FORMALLY AUNT BERTHA S2T and creates online strategic plans for recovering victims to access during and after their time In the SANCTUARY Program.. HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION WHAT OUR SUPPORTERS SAY... “Survive2Thrive and the SANCTUARY Program and Platform are redefining the City of Austin’s, and neighboring municipalities’ response to victims of domestic violence and human trafficking." Steve Felice, Former President of Dell Computer and SANCTUARY App Advisor/Investor “I had a victim who was extremely appreciative for S2T. She had nowhere to go, was just assaulted, shelters were full, and she kept telling me she just wanted a safe place to go.” Victim Services Counselor, APD "The most important time to assist a victim and begin rebuilding their self-esteem is from first hour through the first few days. Providing the police officers with the technology to quickly place a victim is key to the whole process. They provide hope and sometimes that’s all a victim has left." Penny Keller, Husch and Blackwell LLP and S2T Volunteer VIRUS OR VIOLENCE? NOW VICTIMS DO NOT HAVE TO CHOOSE. HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION "The gang-related incident that lead me to seek an escape route to safety, left me hopeless and homeless. I waited for nearly 6 hours with victim services, just to find out I was waitlisted. The SANCTUARY Program offered me the comfort needed in a time of crisis and a safe environment to gather my thoughts. This time kept my family safe and I had time to strategize my next move during my time In the hotel safety net. The SANCTUARY Program plays a very important role in my life and now I advocate for others like me and my children and myself are thriving." WHY WE DO THIS WORK... D. HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION OUR ASKS FROM THE WOMEN'S COMMISSION SUPPORT THE RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY MANAGER TO DIVERSIFY THE CITY BUDGET AND INCLUDE 1.2M IN FUNDING FOR THE HOTEL SAFETY NET CONSIDERATION BY THE WOMEN'S COMMISSION OF THE HOTEL SAFETY NET AS A YEARLY BUDGET PRIORITY GOING FORWARD HOTEL SAFETY NET SURVIVE2THRIVEFOUNDATION THANK YOU! FACEBOOK: Survive2Thrive Foundation TWITTER: @s2tfoundation INSTAGRAM: @s2tfoundation