Item 3a - APD Victim Services Presentation — original pdf

Victim Services Division Manager (Kachina Clark) Crisis Team Investigation Support Team Austin Police Department Victim Services Division Investigation Team counselor assignments Homicide (1) Sex Crimes (5) Child Abuse (3) Domestic Violence (6) DV/Crisis Team (1) DV/Hate Crimes (1) DV/Vehicular Homicide (1) Robbery (1) Aggravated Assault (1) LE Counseling (1) Supervisors (2) Lead Counselors (3) Supervisors (3) Counselors (22) Counselors (14) Student Interns (7) 1 lead counselor position (Crisis Team) is vacant 2 counselor positions (Crisis Team) are vacant 1 counselor position (DV) is vacant Capacity Building With COA Commission for Women and Austin City Council support, APD Victim Services Division capacity has increased over the last three years to include: Nine new positions $30,000 for social work stipends ($2,500 flat rate per intern) $15,000 for basic victim needs EMDR o EMDR-trained counselors continue to provide pro-bono work (one client at any given time) to complete their commitment of 50 sessions. Capacity is stretched thin. For example, only fifteen counselors have the ability to accept new clients at this time. o One of the Investigations Team supervisors now oversees the APD EMDR program. Ideally, we need an EMDR coordinator (part-time position) and will include a request for the position with the next VOCA grant application. Our preference is that the position be included with the City’s operating budget. o We will soon fold the therapists managed by the SARRT EMDR committee into the APD EMDR program o Funding from previous budgets is exhausted.* The need for EMDR continues to grow and we cannot meet community expectations. For program sustainability, we recommend ongoing annual funding to train local therapists in EMDR. *EMDR funding was not included with the FY20-21 operating budget Unmet Needs Long-term fiscal planning Grant-funded positions Market study to potentially adjust compensation and reclassify positions