Item 2g - 2021 Commission Charter — original pdf

City of Austin Commission for Women 2021 Charter • Austin will be the most equitable city in the nation for women and girls Vision Mission Definition Values • The Commission for Women serves as an advisory body that advocates for and inspires the city council and city manager to prioritize women’s quality of life, so that Austin becomes the most equitable city in the nation for women and girls. • The Commission for Women defines “women and girls” as individuals who identify as female, including those who are transgender and non-binary. • We prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion • We raise awareness, are a resource, and take action through our expertise on women's issues • We recognize the achievements of women who make an impact on equity • We collaborate among the community and city leadership to accomplish collective goals • We are tenacious and drive results Quality of Life Issues and Priorities for Women and Girls • Economic equity, including access to opportunity, workplace equity, affordability, housing and homelessness, childcare, and non-discrimination (e.g., CEDAW) • Safety, including sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, violence prevention, public safety and policing reform, victim services, and survivor experience • Health, including mental and physical well-being, access to quality and affordable healthcare, menstrual equity, maternal mortality, reproductive and sexual health, and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic • Gender and race equity, including the intersection of disparities across race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation These issues are a priority for the Commission for Women, and they define our work through 2023. We will measure our success on these issues and use them as benchmarks for the quality of life of women and girls. We will collaborate with city departments, community organizations, the Equity Office, and other Commissions (via the Joint Inclusion Committee), particularly regarding issues that affect women and girls of color. We will monitor key City of Austin leadership positions to ensure candidates make these issues a priority. We will champion these issues through recommendations, aligned working groups, budget planning, and recognition of those who advance equity for women and girls. Page 1 City of Austin Commission for Women 2021 Charter 2021 Working Groups & Goals Working Groups 2021 Goals Homelessness Research and recommend actions to address women and children with housing vulnerabilities or experiencing homelessness. Analyze the intersection of homelessness with safety and mental health, including shelter and housing for women and girls experiencing sexual abuse, domestic violence, and sex trafficking. Health Research and recommend actions to address mental health for women and girls. Recommend actions to address the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on women and girls, including equitable access to treatment and vaccines. Represent the needs of women and girls with the Reimagining Public Safety task force. Ensure that Public Safety leadership, resources, budgets, policies, and practices address the needs of women and girls, are trauma informed, culturally competent, and support healing and justice for survivors. Monitor progress and impact of APD’s evaluation of sex crimes and Austin’s implementation of new state laws related to sexual assault systems response. Monitor the timely processing of rape kits and DNA evidence. Request updates from past recommendations and council resolutions related to systems improvement, with coordinated community response. Monitor staffing needs for APD Victim Services; ensure a victim services counselor is dispatched to every emergency call involving sexual assault. Recognize leaders and organizations who are making an impact on Austin becoming the most equitable city for women and girls. Redesign the nomination process, selection criteria, program name, recognition event, and promotion to align with the Commission’s vision and mission. (Suspended in 2020; resume nomination, selection and promotion processes in 2021, and plan recognition event in consideration of health and safety guidelines.) Safety Recognition of Equity for Women and Girls Page 2 City of Austin Commission for Women 2021 Charter Strategic Alignment Austin Strategic Direction 2023 outlines a shared vision and six priority Strategic Outcomes: Together we strive to create a complete community where every Austinite has choices at every stage of life that allow us to experience and contribute to all of the following outcomes: • Economic Opportunity and Affordability: Having economic opportunities and resources that enable us to thrive in our community. • Mobility: Getting us where we want to go, when we want to get there, safely and cost- • Safety: Being safe in our home, at work, and in our community. • Health and Environment: Enjoying a sustainable environment and a healthy life, physically • Culture and Lifelong Learning: Being enriched by Austin’s unique civic, cultural, ethnic, and effectively. and mentally. learning opportunities. • Government That Works for All: Believing that city government works effectively and collaboratively for all of us — that it is equitable, ethical and innovative. The Commission's priorities are aligned with these strategic priorities as follows: Strategic Priorities Economic Mobility Safety Health and Environment Culture and Lifelong Learning Government That Works for All Opportunity and Affordability Commission for Women Priorities Economic Equity Safety Health Gender & Race Equity X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 3