City Manager Search Advisory Task Force - June 16, 2017

City Manager Search Advisory Task Force Regular Meeting of the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force - Meeting will be held in Assembly Room 130

Agenda original pdf

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CITY MANAGER SEARCH ADVISORY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING Friday, June 16, 2017 1:00 p.m. Austin Energy Headquarters Town Lake Center – Assembly Room, Room 130 721 Barton Springs Austin, Texas 78704 CURRENT TASK FORCE MEMBERS: Laura Huffman, Chair Saundra Kirk, Vice Chair Claudia Conner Susan Hambright Perla Cavazos Julio Gonzalez Altamirano Bill Spelman Channy Soeur Walter Muse Bobby Inman Jan Lehman AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL (Citizens will each be allowed three minutes to address the task force.) 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. INVITED PUBLIC COMMENT ON IDEAL CANDIDATE QUALIFICATIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS AND IDENTIFY KEY COMMUNITY ISSUES FOR CITY MANAGER PROFILE Discussion and possible action regarding the following: a) Austin Fire Fighters Association – Bob Nicks b) Asian American Employee Network – Lei Ye c) Rev. Daryl Horton d) Austin Hispanic/Latino Network – Kristi Samilpa 4. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Discussion and possible action regarding the following: To help ensure consistency, Task Force is requesting public comment/feedback around four critical questions that the Consultant Steve Newton from Russell Reynolds will use to develop the profile for our next city manager. (Citizens may sign up to speak on any of the four questions. Each speaker will be allotted 3 minutes to speak for each question for which they signed up to speak.) a) What skills and abilities are most important for someone to manage our city? This could include previous job experience, education, etc. b) What are the personal characteristics that are most important for our next city manager to lead our unique community? Please think about the attributes that would be essential for someone to thrive in this environment. c) What do you see as the most critical challenges to Austin over the next 5-10 years? Our next city manager is going to have to have the professional skills and personal attributes to tackle these issues, so we think it is important to provide this specific feedback to the City Council. 5. NEW BUSINESS Discussion and possible action regarding the following: a) City Manager Recruitment Process, updates on district meetings, public meetings, website to solicit community input, and utilizing 311 to survey public. b) Continued discussion on recommendation of Task Force’s role beyond phase 1 (Development of City Manager Profile) of the City Manager recruitment process. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:12 a.m.

Approved Minutes original pdf

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1 CITY MANAGER SEARCH ADVISORY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Friday, June 16, 2017 The City Manager Search Advisory Task Force convened in a regular meeting on Friday, June 16, 2017 at Town Lake Center Assembly Room 130. Chair Laura Huffman called the Board Meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Laura Huffman (Chair), Saundra Kirk (Vice Chair), Claudia Conner, Susan Hambright, Perla Cavazos, Julio Gonzalez Altamirano, Bill Spellman, Channy Soeur, Walter Muse, Jan Lehman. Admiral Bobby Inman was absent. Staff in Attendance: Joya Hayes, Debbie Maynor, Trinh Bartlett, Lara Foss, Monika Arvelo, Sonya Alexander-Harry, Rod Sigler, and Cindy Henson. Erin Carbrey from Russell Reynold Associates was in attendance. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Recommendation by Task Force Member Jan Lehman to approve the minutes for the June 12 City Manager Search Advisory Task Force meeting was approved on Jan Lehman’s motion, Task Force Member Perla Cavazos seconded on a 10-0 vote. Task Force Member Admiral Bobby Inman was absent. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL a) Dana Blanton - comments regarding needs for next Police Chief stating that similar qualities are needed for the next City Manager. b) Sammy Easterday – comments regarding skills, personal characteristics and challenges for the next City Manager. c) Daniel Llanes – discussed equity issues and also discussed skills, experience, and characteristics needed for the next City Manager. 3. INVITED PUBLIC COMMENTS a) Darlene Berghammer – Austin Hispanic/Latino Network b) Bob Nicks – Austin Firefighters Association c) Lei Ye – Asian American Employee Network d) Reverend Daryl Horton 4. STAFF BRIEFINGS a) Task Force Member Laura Huffman (Chair) let everyone know that the survey was now available for public input. The survey is posted on NextDoor, and the Task Force website. The City of Austin website is being revised to make it easier for the public to find the survey. Citizens can also call 3-1-1 to provide input; they have the capabilities for verbal communication in any language. 2 b) Erin Carbrey from Russell Reynolds stated that survey to City of Austin senior management (approximately 861 staff members) will be sent out early next week. c) Task Force Member Saundra Kirk (Vice Chair) discussed the role of Task Force members for feedback. Each member is to work with their Council member staff to ensure meetings are recorded. Task Force members may facilitate/host a meeting to receive input and to capture information provided by the …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:12 a.m.

Approved City Manager Search Advisory Task Force Work Plan original pdf

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As submitted by Laura Huffman City Manager Search Advisory Task Force Work Plan Austin is in the initial stages of ushering in a new form of governance. The success of the 10‐1 Council depends on a productive and trusting partnership with the City Manager. This partnership is the most basic building block of successful policy making and implementation. Our city is part of one of the fastest growing urban areas in the country. The opportunities and challenges associated with this growth must be identified quickly to ensure we preserve the special character of Austin and grow with grace. The selection of the next City Manager is the most important decision the Mayor and Council make. That final decision should flow from a community process that reaches deep into the community and broadly across the country. On April 13, 2017, the Austin City Council created The City Manager Search Advisory Task Force to develop and conduct a community engagement process intended to shape a candidate profile for the next city manager. The Mayor and Council recognize the importance of engaging our community in identifying the kinds of skills, abilities, experience and personal characteristics the next City Manager should possess. Gaining this input on the front end of the process is critical because it will inform the subsequent recruiting process, candidate pool and narrowing of that pool to semi‐finalists. The Task Force is responsible for the first stage of a three‐phase process that will be utilized by the City Council to select a new City Manager. In this first phase, the Task Force will independently collect public input and, based on the input, develop and submit recommendations to the Mayor and Council for the best profile for Austin City Manager candidates. The City’s selected recruitment firm, Russell Reynolds Associates, will provide the Task Force with support in developing the profile. In the second phase, Russell Reynolds Associates will use the profile to recruit qualified candidates for consideration. In the final phase, the Austin City Council will deliberate and select a new City Manager. Public Process for City Manager Search Advisory Task Force, Work Plan and Deliverables Our citizens have valuable perspectives on Austin’s opportunities and challenges. Citizen input will help inform the selection of City Manager candidates and better ensure Austin is a vibrant and livable city in the future. The Task Force will solicit the public’s perspectives on Austin’s needs and …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:12 a.m.

City Manager Search Community Flyer in Arabic original pdf

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ةٌلمع راٌتخا رٌدم ةنٌدملا ةنٌدمب نتسوأ ةنيدملا ريدم رايتخا ةيلمع .نتسوأ ةنٌدم سلجم هذختٌ رارق مهأ وه لبقملا ةنٌدملا رٌدم راٌتخا دعٌ رٌستو ،كدنع نم أدبت نأ بجٌ ًئاهنلا رارقلا ىلإ يدؤت ًتلا ةٌلمعلاف.دلابلا ءاحنأ عٌمج ًف عساو قاطن ىلعو ،نتسوأ ءاحنأ عٌمج ًف لقتنتو ،ًلحملا كعمتجم للاخ ناسٌن / لٌربأ ًفو7102دملا يرٌدم راٌتخا ةرادإب ةٌنعم ةٌراشتسا لمع ةقرف هٌف نٌعٌ ارارق ةنٌدملا سلجم ردصأ ، ةكرش عم لمعلل نRussell Reynolds Associates ثلاث نم ةٌلمعلا نم ىلولأا ةلحرملا ًف لمعلا ةقرف ةٌلوؤسم عقت .راٌتخلاا رٌٌاعم نمضتت سلجملا ىلإ تاٌصوت مٌدقتلف موقتس ،هذه ىلولأا ةلحرملا للاخ .دٌدج ةنٌدم رٌدم راٌتخلا ةنٌدملا سلجم لبق نم اهمادختسا متٌس ًتلاو لحارم تلاخدملا عمجب لمعلا ةقر موقتس ،ةٌناثلا ةلحرملا ًفو .ةنٌدملا سلجم ىلإ اهمٌدقتو تاٌصوتلا دادعإب موقت ،تلاخدملا ىلع ءانبو ،لقتسم لكشب ةماعلاRussell Reynolds Associatesف نم ةدراولا تابٌقعتلا مادختساب فٌظوتلا بٌتك رٌوطتب ،ةنٌدملا ًف ةراتخملا فٌظوتلا ةكرش ًهو ، نٌحشرم نٌٌعتل لمعلا ةقرتلاب لمعلا ةقرف ءافو نامضلو .دٌدج ةنٌدم رٌدم راٌتخاو لوادتلاب نتسوأ ةنٌدم سلجم موقٌس ،ةٌئاهنلا ةلحرملا ًفو .اهٌف رظنلل نٌلهؤم هاجت انماز لبق مكئارآ ىلإ جاتحن ،ًلحملا عمتجملا5 ةراٌزل كتقو نم قئاقد عضبب لضفتلا ىجرٌ .وٌلوٌ / زومت -page/citysearch-manager لاث ىلع ةباجلإل.لبقملا ةنٌدملا رٌدمل ًفٌرعتلا فلملا رٌوطت ةٌلمع ًف نٌٌعتلا دهعتم اهب نٌعتسٌ فوس ةٌروحم ةلئسأ ةث :لبقملا ةنيدملا ريدمل يفيرعتلا فلملا لوح مكئارآ حرطل لمعلا ةقرفل ةماعلا تاعامتجلاا روضحل نووعدم متنأ • ،ةعمجلا01 ،وٌنوٌ7102 ةعاسلا ،0011 - 0011 ًف ءاسمTown Lake Center, 721 Barton Spring ةعاق ،عامتجلاا ةعاق ،001 • ،ءاعبرلأا73 ،وٌنوٌ7102 ةعاسلا1011 - 3011 ةنٌدملا سلجم رقم ًف ءاسمCity Hall, Council Chambers • ،تبسلا3 ةعاسلا ،وٌلوٌ10011 - 0011 ةنٌدملا سلجم رقم ًف ءاسمCity Hall, Council Chambers كنكمي مقرب لاصتلاا اضيأ3-1-1 .ةغل يأب كتاظحلام ميدقتل دإب ةٌنعملا ةٌراشتسلاا لمعلا ةقرف ةراٌزب لضفت ،ندملا يرٌدم راٌتخا ةرادإب ةٌنعملا ةٌراشتسلاا لمعلا ةقرف لوح تامولعملا نم دٌزمل راٌتخا ةرا ربع ندملا يرٌدم :عم لصاوتلا مهنكمٌ رظنلل بلطب مدقتلا نودٌرٌ وأ فٌظوتلا ةٌلمع لوح تاراسفتسا مهٌدل نٌذلا دارفلأا | نتوين نفيتسRussell Reynolds Associates :ينورتكللإا ديربلا | The City of Austin City Manager Search

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:12 a.m.

City Manager Search Community Flyer in Burmese original pdf

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၂ ၁၇ Russell Reynolds Associates ၃ Russell Reynolds Associates ၈ : • ၁ ၁: - ၃: ၁၃ ၇၂၁ Barton Spring Town Lake Center • ၂၈ : - ၈: • ၈ ၁: - ၃: 3-1-1 ( ) : Stephen Newton | Russell Reynolds Associates | :

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:12 a.m.

City Manager Search Community Flyer in English original pdf

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The selection of the next City Manager is the most important decision the Austin City Council will make. The process that leads up to the final decision should start with you, flow through your community, travel throughout Austin, and broadly across the country. In April 2017, the City Council passed a resolution which appointed the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force to work with Russell Reynolds Associates to provide recommendations including selection criteria to Council. The Task Force is responsible for the first stage of a three-phase process that will be utilized by the City Council to select a new City Manager. In this first phase, the Task Force will independently collect public input and, based on the input, develop and submit recommendations to the City Council. In the second phase, Russell Reynolds Associates, the City’s selected recruitment firm, will develop the recruitment brochure using the feedback from the Task Force to recruit qualified candidates for consideration. In the final phase, the Austin City Council will deliberate and select a new City Manager. To ensure the Task Force fulfills our commitment to the community, we need your feedback by July 5th. Please take a few minutes to visit to answer three critical questions that the recruiter will use to develop the profile for our next City Manager. You are welcome to attend the Task Force public meetings to provide input on the profile for the next City Manager: • Friday, June 16, 2017, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Spring, Assembly Room, Room 130 • Wednesday, June 28, 2017, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers • Saturday, July 8, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers You may also call 3-1-1 to provide your feedback in any language. For more information regarding the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force, visit the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force at that have questions about the recruitment process or want to apply for consideration may reach out to:Stephen Newton | Russell Reynolds Associates | Email: citymanager@russellreynolds.comCITY MANAGER SEARCHThe City of Austin City Manager Search

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:12 a.m.

City Manager Search Community Flyer in Korean original pdf

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시행정 담당관 선출 다음 시행정 담당관 선출은 오스틴 시의회(Austin City Council)의 결정사항 중 가장 중요한 사항입니다. 이 선출 과정은 여러분 개인을 시작으로 지역 사회의 의견과 오스틴 시 그리고 광의적으로는 전국의 의견을 수렴해 시행정 담당관을 최종 선출하게 됩니다. 2017년 4월 오스틴 시의회에서는 위원회에 선출 기준을 포함해 권고사항 제안에 Russell Reynolds Associates와 협력할 시행정 담당관 선출 자문 태스크포스(City Manager Search Advisory Task Force)를 지명하는 결의하는 통과시켰습니다. 이 태스크포스는 새로운 시행정 담당관 선출을 위해 오스틴 시의회에서 채택한 3단계 선출 과정 중 첫 번째 단계를 담당하게 됩니다. 첫 번째 단계에서 태스크포스는 독립적으로 대중의 의견을 수렴하고 그를 바탕으로 오스틴 시의회에 권고사항을 제출합니다. 두 번째 단계에서 오스틴 시의회에서 선택한 리쿠르팅 회사인 Russell Reynolds Associates가 태스크포스의 의견을 바탕으로 고려 대상에 포함시킬 적격 후보를 소개하는 채용 브로셔를 만듭니다. 마지막 단계에서 오스틴 시의회가 심사숙고 후 새로운 시행정 담당관을 선출합니다. 태스크포스가 오스틴 시에 대한 약속을 충실히 이행하기 위해서는 7월 5일까지 여러분의 의견이 필요합니다. 바쁘시겠지만, 잠깐 시간을 내어에서 다음 시행정 담당관에 적합한 인재에 대한 프로필을 만드는 데 사용할 중요한 세 가지 질문에 답해 주시기 바랍니다. 태스크포스 공개회의에 참석해 다음 시행정 담당관에 적합한 인재에 대한 의견을 제공해 주시기 바랍니다. • 일시: 2017년 6월 16일 금요일 오후 1:00 ~ 3:00, 장소: Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Spring, Assembly Room, Room 130 • 일시: 2017년 6월 28일 수요일 오후 6:00 ~ 8:00, 장소: City Hall, Council Chambers • 일시: 7월 8일 토요일 오후 1:00 ~ 3:00, 장소: City Hall, Council Chambers 3-1-1로 전화를 걸어 의견을 제공해 주실 수 있습니다(모든 언어 가능). 시행정 담당관 선출 자문 태스크포스에 대한 자세한 정보는의 시행정 담당관 선출 자문 태스크포스(City Manager Search Advisory Task Force)에서 확인하십시오. 선출 과정에 문의사항이 있거나 후보로 지원하고자 하시는 분은 다음으로 연락하시면 됩니다. Stephen Newton | Russell Reynolds Associates | 이메일: 오스틴 시 시행정 담당관 선출

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:13 a.m.

City Manager Search Community Flyer in Simplified Chinese original pdf

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尋找市政經理 下一任市政經理的遴選是奧斯汀市議會作出的最重要的決定。整個遴選流程應首先從您開始,再擴展到您所在的社區,然後延伸至整個奧斯汀乃至全國各地,最終由市議會作出決定。 2017 年 4 月,市議會通過了一項決議,委派市政經理搜尋諮詢工作組與 Russell Reynolds Associates 公司合作,向市議會提供包含遴選標準在內的遴選建議。此次市議會遴選新市政經理的流程分為三個階段,該工作組負責第一階段。在這一階段,工作組將獨立收集公眾意見,然後根據這些意見制定建議,並提交給市議會。在第二階段,市議會選擇的招聘公司 Russell Reynolds Associates 將根據工作組的反饋編寫招聘簡章,以招募合格的候選人。在最後階段,奧斯汀市議會將展開審議並選出新一任市政經理。為確保工作組履行我們對社區的承諾,我們需要您在 7 月 5 日之前提供反饋。請花幾分鐘時間瀏覽,回答上面提出的三個關鍵問題,招聘人員將根據您的回答制定下一任市政經理的任職要求。 我們也歡迎您參加工作組的公開會議,就下一任市政經理的任職要求提供意見和建議: • 2017 年 6 月 16 日(週五),下午 1:00 - 3:00,地點:Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Spring, Assembly Room, Room 130 • 2017 年 6 月 28 日(週三),下午 6:00 - 晚上 8:00,地點:市政廳,市議會會議廳 • 7 月 8 日(週六),下午 1:00 - 3:00,地點:市政廳,市議會會議廳 您還可以致電 3-1-1,以任何語言提交您的反饋。 有關市政經理搜尋諮詢工作組的更多資訊,請瀏覽市政經理搜尋諮詢工作組的網頁。 如對招聘流程有任何疑問或想申請成為候選人,請聯絡: Stephen Newton | Russell Reynolds Associates | 電子郵箱 奧斯汀市政經理搜尋

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:13 a.m.

City Manager Search Community Flyer in Spanish original pdf

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BÚSQUEDA DEL ADMINISTRADOR MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE AUSTIN La selección del próximo Administrador Municipal es la decisión más importante que tomará el Concejo Municipal de Austin. El proceso que conduce a la decisión final debe comenzar con usted, seguir por toda la comunidad, viajar por todo Austin y proseguir extensamente por todo el país. En abril de 2017, el Concejo Municipal aprobó una resolución para designar una Comisión Especial para la Búsqueda del Administrador Municipal para que trabaje junto con Russell Reynolds Associates y provea recomendaciones para el Concejo, incluyendo los criterios de selección. La Comisión Especial es responsable de la primera etapa de un proceso de tres etapas que utilizará el Concejo Municipal para seleccionar a un nuevo Administrador Municipal. En esta primera fase, la Comisión Especial recogerá de manera independiente las opiniones del público y, de acuerdo con estas, creará y presentará sus recomendaciones al Concejo Municipal. En la segunda fase, Russell Reynolds Associates, la firma de reclutamiento de personal seleccionada por la Ciudad, creará un folleto de reclutamiento usando las recomendaciones de la Comisión Especial para reclutar a los candidatos calificados a considerarse. En la fase final, el Concejo Municipal de Austin deliberará y seleccionará a un nuevo Administrador Municipal. Para garantizar que la Comisión Especial cumpla con nuestro compromiso con la comunidad, necesitamos sus opiniones y comentarios antes del 5 de julio. Por favor, tómese unos minutos para visitar y responder tres preguntas importantes que la firma de reclutamiento usará para crear el perfil de nuestro próximo Administrador Municipal. Le invitamos a asistir a las reuniones públicas de la Comisión Especial para proveer sus comentarios sobre el perfil del próximo Administrador Municipal: • Viernes 16 de junio de 2017, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. en Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Spring, Sala de Reuniones, Sala 130 • Miércoles 28 de junio de 2017, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. en City Hall, Cámara del Concejo • Sábado 8 de julio, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. en City Hall, Cámara del Concejo También puede llamar al 3-1-1 para expresar su opinión y comentarios en cualquier idioma. Para más información sobre la Comisión Especial para la Búsqueda del Administrador Municipal, visite la página de la Comisión Especial para la Búsqueda del Administrador Municipal en Las personas que tengan preguntas sobre el proceso de reclutamiento o que deseen ser consideradas para la posición pueden comunicarse con: Stephen Newton | Russell …

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City Manager Search Community Flyer in Traditional Chinese original pdf

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寻找市政经理 下一任市政经理的遴选是奥斯汀市议会作出的最重要的决定。整个遴选流程应首先从您开始,再扩展到您所在的社区,然后延伸至整个奥斯汀乃至全国各地,最终由市议会作出决定。 2017 年 4 月,市议会通过了一项决议,委派市政经理搜寻咨询工作组与 Russell Reynolds Associates 公司合作,向市议会提供包含遴选标准在内的遴选建议。此次市议会遴选新市政经理的流程分为三个阶段,该工作组负责第一阶段。在这一阶段,工作组将独立收集公众意见,然后根据这些意见制定建议,并提交给市议会。在第二阶段,市议会选择的招聘公司 Russell Reynolds Associates 将根据工作组的反馈编写招聘简章,以招募合格的候选人。在最后阶段,奥斯汀市议会将展开审议并选出新一任市政经理。为确保工作组履行我们对社区的承诺,我们需要您在 7 月 5 日之前提供反馈。请花几分钟时间访问,回答上面提出的三个关键问题,招聘人员将根据您的回答制定下一任市政经理的任职要求。 我们也欢迎您参加工作组的公开会议,就下一任市政经理的任职要求提供意见和建议: • 2017 年 6 月 16 日(星期五),下午 1:00 - 3:00,地点:Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Spring, Assembly Room, Room 130 • 2017 年 6 月 28 日(星期三),下午 6:00 - 晚上 8:00,地点:市政厅,市议会会议厅 • 7 月 8 日(星期六),下午 1:00 - 3:00,地点:市政厅,市议会会议厅 您还可以致电 3-1-1,以任何语言提交您的反馈。 有关市政经理搜寻咨询工作组的更多信息,请访问市政经理搜寻咨询工作组的网页。 如对招聘流程有任何疑问或想申请成为候选人,请联系: Stephen Newton | Russell Reynolds Associates | 电子邮箱 奥斯汀市政经理搜寻

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:13 a.m.

City Manager Search Community Flyer in Vietnamese original pdf

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TÌM KIẾM NGƯỜI QUẢN LÝ THÀNH PHỐ Lựa chọn Người quản lý Thành phố tiếp theo là quyết định quan trọng nhất mà Hội đồng Thành phố Austin sẽ đưa ra. Quá trình đi đến quyết định cuối cùng sẽ bắt đầu từ bạn, qua cộng đồng của bạn, lan khắp Austin và trải rộng trên toàn hạt. Vào tháng 04 năm 2017, Hội đồng Thành phố đã thông qua một nghị quyết bổ nhiệm Nhóm Chuyên trách Cố vấn Tìm kiếm Người quản lý Thành phố để làm việc với Russell Reynolds Associates nhằm đưa ra các đề xuất, bao gồm các tiêu chí lựa chọn, cho Hội đồng. Nhóm Chuyên trách chịu trách nhiệm về giai đoạn đầu của một quá trình gồm ba giai đoạn, được Hội đồng Thành phố sử dụng để lựa chọn Người quản lý Thành phố mới. Trong giai đoạn đầu, Nhóm Chuyên trách sẽ làm việc độc lập và thu thập ý kiến cộng đồng và, căn cứ vào ý kiến thu được, xây dựng và nộp các đề xuất cho Hội đồng Thành phố. Trong giai đoạn hai, Russell Reynolds Associates, hãng tuyển dụng được Thành phố lựa chọn, sẽ lập một tập tài liệu tuyển dụng bằng cách sử dụng phản hồi từ Nhóm Chuyên trách, mục đích là để tuyển các ứng viên đủ tiêu chuẩn để xem xét. Trong giai đoạn cuối cùng, Hội đồng Thành phố Austin sẽ thảo luận và lựa chọn Người quản lý Thành phố mới. Để đảm bảo Nhóm Chuyên trách đáp ứng cam kết của chúng tôi với cộng đồng, chúng tôi cần phản hồi của quý vị trước ngày 05 tháng 07. Vui lòng dành vài phút để truy cập và trả lời ba câu hỏi quan trọng mà người tuyển dụng sẽ sử dụng để lập hồ sơ cho Người quản lý Thành phố tiếp theo của chúng ta. Rất mong quý vị hãy tham dự các buổi họp công khai của Nhóm Chuyên trách để cung cấp ý kiến về hồ sơ của Người quản lý Thành phố tiếp theo: • Thứ sáu, ngày 16/06/2017, 1:30 chiều – 3:00 chiều, tại Trung tâm Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Spring, Phòng họp hội nghị, Phòng 130 • Thứ tư, ngày 28/06/2017, 6:00 chiều – 8:00 chiều tại Tòa Thị Chính, Phòng họp Hội đồng • Thứ bảy, ngày 08/07/2017, …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:13 a.m.

Draft Minutes original pdf

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1 CITY MANAGER SEARCH ADVISORY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday, June 12, 2017 The City Manager Search Advisory Task Force convened in a regular meeting on Monday, June 12, 2017 at City Hall, Boards & Commissions Room. Chair Laura Huffman called the Board Meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. Board Members in Attendance: Laura Huffman (Chair), Saundra Kirk (Vice Chair), Claudia Conner, Susan Hambright, Perla Cavazos, Julio Gonzales Altmirano, Bill Spellman, Channy Soeur, Walter Muse, Jan Lehman. Admiral Bobby Inman was absent. Staff in Attendance: Mark Washington, Ray Baray, Joya Hayes, Debbie Maynor, Trinh Bartlett, Lara Foss, Sonya Alexander-Harry, and Cindy Henson. Russell Reynold Associates Area Manager Steve Newton was present. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Recommendation by Task Force Member Laura Huffman (Chair) to approve the draft minutes for the May 19 City Manager Search Advisory Task Force meeting was approved on Laura Huffman’s motion, Task Force Member Susan Hambright seconded on a 10-0 vote. Task Force Member Admiral Bobby Inman was absent. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL a) Erwin Mazariegos spoke to Task Force to provide feedback on what the City needs to look for in the next City Manager. 3. STAFF BRIEFINGS a) Task Force Member Laura Huffman (Chair) began the meeting to let everyone know that City Council had approved the work plan with revisions. Districts will collect feedback and are not required to have meetings. Flyers and a script for use at meetings will be emailed to all Task Force members. b) Steve Newton (Russell Reynolds) discussed culture measurement and survey. Feedback can be provided in multiple ways 3-1-1, respond to survey, attend in-district or Task Force Meeting. A dedicated phone number and email will be set up at Russell Reynolds for questions from public. 4. NEW BUSINESS a) Recommendation by Task Force Member Laura Huffman (Chair) to table discussion on role of Task Force beyond the current role and include an agenda item on the June 16 agenda to continue the discussion of the role of the Task Force after they submit their recommendations to Council on the City Manager Profile was approved on Laura Huffman’s motion, Task Force 2 Member Bill Spelman second on an 10-0 vote. Task Force Member Admiral Bobby Inman was absent. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a) Discussion of the role of Task Force beyond phase 1 of City Manager recruitment process (July 12th Task Force Meeting) 6. ADJOURN Chair Laura …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:13 a.m.

Resolution No. 20170608-011 original pdf

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RESOLUTION NO. 20170608-011 WHEREAS, on April 13, 2017 the Austin City Council approved Resolution No. 20170413-027, which created the City Manager Search Advisory Task Force (the "Task Force") and directed the Task Force to recommend and execute an outward-facing community process to recommend to the Council a City Manager profile for use in connection with the current search for Austin's next City Manager; and WHEREAS, the Task Force met on May 19, 2017, and unanimously approved the attached proposed work plan, which would establish an outward-facing community process consistent with Council's direction in Resolution No. 20170413-027; and WHEREAS, the Task Force recommends approval of the attached proposed work plan by the Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: The Council approves the attached proposed work plan, and directs the Task Force to execute the outward-facing community process and report its results to the Council as provided in the proposed work plan. ADOPTED: June 8, 2017 ATTEST: nnette S. Goodall City Clerk Page 1 of 4 Updated City Manager Search Advisory Task Force Proposed Work Plan Austin is in the Initial stages of ushering in a new form of governance. The success of the 10-1 Council depends on a productive and trusting partnership with the City Manager. This partnership is the most basic building block of successful policy making and implementation. Our city is part of one of the fastest growing urban areas in the country. The opportunities and challenges associated with this growth must be identified quickly to ensure we preserve the special character of Austin and grow with grace. The selection of the next City Manager is the most important decision the Mayor and Council make. That final decision should flow from a community process that reaches deep into the community and broadly across the country. On April 13, 2017, the Austin City Council created The City Manager Search Advisory Task Force to develop and conduct a community engagement process intended to shape a candidate profile for the next city manager. The Mayor and Council recognize the importance of engaging our community in identifying the kinds of skills, abilities, experience and personal characteristics the next City Manager should possess. Gaining this input on the front end of the process is critical because it will inform the subsequent recruiting process, candidate pool and narrowing of that pool to semi-finalists. The Task Force …

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:13 a.m.