AARC Phase Two Presentation from PARD (11.15.2022) — original pdf

Asian American Resource Center Phase II Schematic Design Presentation November 15, 2022 Project Team City of Austin Asian American Resource Center Public Works, Park & Recreation Dept., Captial Contracting Office Bianca Xoyamayagua-Galvan Kevin Johnson George Maldonado Christina Bies Laura Esparza David Nicks Jonathon Van Leila Grace Pandy Fabian Duran Tony Vo Emily Lee Michael Miyasaki Van Doan Flintco Construction Management Rich Maynard Gary Miller Sudheer Alluru Trahan Architects Trey Trahan Kevin Thomas David Sweere Vincent Lai SE33 Civil Engineer Collaborative Engineering Group MEPFP Engineer Datum Engineers Structural Engineer Asakura Robinson Landscape Architect Schuler Shook Theater Planning Threshold Acoustics Acoustics & AV Jensen Hughes Code Consultant Tillotson Design Associates Lighting Consultant N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERProject Introduction & Goals N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 3 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERAARC Guiding Principles & Values MISSION STATEMENT The Asian American Resource Center’s mission is to create a space of belonging and healing for Asian American communities in Austin and beyond. We do this through community Collaborations and partnerships; providing rental space; organizing cultural, educational, and health wellness programs and curating art and historical exhibitions. We lead with our values and our vision, so that our diverse Solidarity - Recognizing our interconnectedness with ourselves and other communities of color. communities are supported and connected. VALUES Diversity - Acknowledging our cultures and histories. Peace - Creating space for healing and unity. Collaboration - Building relationships and co-creating. Intergenerational - Connecting through stories. N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 4 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERConceptual Design PROJECT DESIGN GUIDELINES Grandeur - Grand Gestures to the Landscape, Entry, + Public Areas Iconic - Prominence as the Campus’s recognizable Building + AARC Identity Flow - Connection Between Spaces, People and Landscape Transparency - Visible and physical connections between Interior to Exterior Spaces Tex-Asian (Interconnectedness) - Intersection of Asian + Local Influences Harmony with Nature - Commitment to social and environmental sustainability. Improve people’s well-being and make life more enjoyable. N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 5 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERPrecedent Images These images are a collection of precedent images collected by AARC staff as part of a design charrette on June 17, 2022- The images were requested by Trahan Architects in response to the following request: Each team member to bring images that resonate with them regarding the following. We will ask each team member to discuss the images and reasons for selection and the relevance to this project. These images will form part of the engagement information obtained from programming. • Asian Influence • Values of the AARC • An Architectural Project • Local/Austin/Texas Influence The design categories were established in collaboration AARC and PARD staff to find common elements that weaved through the images and how they could influence the project design. Grandeur Gestures into the Landscape Flow Connections Between Spaces and Peo- Contemporary Explorations Contemporary Explorations Transparency Light, Shadow, and Visual Connections Harmony with Nature Landscape Tex-Asian (Interconnectedness) Comparing Asian, American, and Asian American Vernacular Native Landscape N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 6 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Design N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 7 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Design Aerial Image - Phase II AARC Phase II Pedestrian Bridge to Rutherford Campus Parking AARC Phase I N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 8 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Plan Future Phase III Building Site C l e a r C r e e k D r 4 5 ’ AARC Phase II 1 0 1 ’ 2 4 6 ’ 1 3 5’ AARC Phase I Future Phase III Building Site d n R ero m a C Setback Limit of Work Vegetated Area Future Parking Stormwater Detention Zone New Pedestrain Bridge Connection Vegetated Area 50’ 200’ 0’ 100’ N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 9 L i t t l e W a l n u t C r e e k t y L i n e P r o p e r ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Plan Site Circulation - Dropoff C l e a r C r e e k D r e L o b b y r m a n c f o r P e M P R i u m r o A u d i t t A r G a l l e c R e r y e p t i o n d n R ero m a C L i t t l e W a l n u t C r e e k t y L i n e P r o p e r 50’ 200’ 0’ 100’ N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 10 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERMassing Conceptual Design SITE PLAZA 1 2 3 4 5 Terrace the Site Extend the Plaza A Market of Cultural Activity Harmonize with Nature Unify under a canopy, creating a wrap-around porch Undulating, terraced topography influenced by Asian Agricultural Vernacular Extending the public platform for the site to make the building accessible Creating a cultural market place to experience a variety of arts and culture, but also to foster a community and celebrate culture with friends and family. Referencing the first asian-american settlements and local texas vernacular to create a unifying, protected outdoor public space around the building. From nature, we come, and to nature we belong. To truly preserve, connect and give back to it, we must first discover it. Experiencing the inherent rhythm of nature - the sunrises, and passing of the moon - strive to enhance our sense of surroundings, identity and relationship to the environment. N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 11 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERCAMERON RDCLEAR CREEK DRAARC PHASE ICAMERON RDCLEAR CREEK DRAARC PHASE ICAMERON RDCLEAR CREEK DRAARC PHASE ICAMERON RDCLEAR CREEK DRAARC PHASE ICAMERON RDAARC PHASE ICLEAR CREEK DRLandscape Strategy Conceptual Design N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 12 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERLandscape Strategy Performance Plaza ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER AS I A N A M E R I CA N R ES O U R C E C E N T E R AU G U S T 2 9, 2 02 2 N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 73 13 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERLandscape Strategy North Lawn & Courtyard ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER AS I A N A M E R I CA N R ES O U R C E C E N T E R AU G U S T 2 9, 2 02 2 N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 74 14 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERBuilding Plans N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 15 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERBuilding Plans Level 0 Finish Floor Elevation = 606’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOWER LOBBY 000A 2940 SF SLL 002 52 SF SEATING STORAGE 004 237 SF SLL 001 52 SF SLL 114 48 SF BALCONY SEATING 115 138 SF CONTROL BOOTH 116 201 SF THEATER ELECTRICAL 117 151 SF A B C D E F G H I J K L M CACF ROOM 034 58 SF JC 039 92 SF MEN 033 380 SF WOMEN 032 581 SF MOTHERS ROOM 193 55 SF MPR AV/AMP 199 98 SF CATERING KITCHEN 037 127 SF TELECOM ROOM 040 48 SF WC 041 72 SF WC 013 52 SF WC 016 51 SF DRESSING ROOM (LARGE) 011 233 SF DRESSING ROOM (MEDIUM) 014 149 SF LOCKERS DRESSING ROOM (SMALL) 015 102 SF WC 012 90 SF ELECTRICAL ROOM 026 307 SF EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ROOM 194 59 SF WATER/FIRE RISER ROOM 020 70 SF WASTE MANAGEMENT 019 104 SF CORRIDOR 000B 1688 SF AUDITORIUM 003 5073 SF A B C D E F G I J K L M UPPER LOBBY 100A 3131 SF CENTRAL CORRIDOR 100B 970 SF SLL 112 52 SF CONTROL/RECORDING BOOTH 113 93 SF E MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM 111 1119 SF SLL 110 52 SF WC 109 60 SF WC 108 61 SF WC 106 60 SF CORRIDOR 100C 940 SF F WC 107 61 SF G HOIST TO ROOF LEVEL PREP SPACE 104 218 SF INTEGRAL AIR SUPPLY GRILLE OFFICE 103 156 SF ART GALLERY 101 779 SF STORAGE 102 34 SF H I RECEPTION AREA 100 938 SF A B C D J K L M SLL 007 82 SF MAINTENACE WORKSHOP 008 142 SF STORAGE 007 298 SF H OFFICE 006 139 SF SLL 005 82 SF BACKSTAGE CORRIDOR 000D 556 SF SLIDING DOOR AVL/FACILITY STORAGE 122 295 SF AMP ROOM 121 204 SF PRINT ROOM 120 66 SF STAFF BREAK ROOM 119 165 SF CORRIDOR 100D 1214 SF 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 N 0’ 10’ 20’ 40’ 6 60’ N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 16 A B C D E F G H I J K L M ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERBuilding Plans Level 1 Finish Floor Elevation = 620’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 SLL 112 52 SF CONTROL/RECORDING BOOTH 113 93 SF SLL 114 48 SF BALCONY SEATING 115 138 SF CONTROL BOOTH 116 201 SF THEATER ELECTRICAL 117 151 SF SLL 114 48 SF BALCONY SEATING 115 138 SF CONTROL BOOTH 116 201 SF THEATER ELECTRICAL 117 151 SF A B C D E F G H I J K L M UPPER LOBBY 100A 3131 SF MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM 111 1119 SF CENTRAL CORRIDOR 100B 970 SF CORRIDOR 100C 940 SF WC 109 60 SF WC 108 61 SF WC 107 61 SF WC 106 60 SF SLL 110 52 SF HOIST TO ROOF LEVEL PREP SPACE 104 218 SF OFFICE 103 156 SF ART GALLERY 101 779 SF STORAGE 102 34 SF RECEPTION AREA 100 938 SF A B C D E F G I J K L M UPPER LOBBY 100A 3131 SF CENTRAL CORRIDOR 100B 970 SF SLL 112 52 SF CONTROL/RECORDING BOOTH 113 93 SF E MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM 111 1119 SF WC 109 60 SF WC 108 61 SF WC 106 60 SF CORRIDOR 100C 940 SF F WC 107 61 SF G SLL 110 52 SF HOIST TO ROOF LEVEL PREP SPACE 104 218 SF OFFICE 103 156 SF ART GALLERY 101 779 SF STORAGE 102 34 SF H I RECEPTION AREA 100 938 SF A B C D J K L M AVL/FACILITY STORAGE 122 295 SF AMP ROOM 121 204 SF H PRINT ROOM 120 66 SF STAFF BREAK ROOM 119 165 SF CORRIDOR 100D 1214 SF AVL/FACILITY STORAGE 122 295 SF AMP ROOM 121 204 SF PRINT ROOM 120 66 SF STAFF BREAK ROOM 119 165 SF CORRIDOR 100D 1214 SF 1 2 3 4 5 N 0’ 10’ 20’ 40’ 6 60’ 1 2 3 4 5 N 0’ 10’ 20’ 40’ 6 60’ N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 17 A B C D E F G H I J K L M ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSite Building Height - Section Clear Creek Drive Parking AARC Ring Road Vehicular Drop-off North Entry Plaza AARC Phase II Amphitheater & South Entry Plaza Events Lawn AARC Phase I N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 18 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERMassing + Material N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 19 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERShou Sugi Ban Material Narrative “Shou sugi ban” roughly translates to “burnt cedar board” in Japanese, and it was developed by carpenters seeking a unique finish that would improve the durability of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica). Shou Sugi Ban is an ancient Japanese architectural technique that was used to preserve wood by charring the surface with a hot flame. The process involved charring the wood, cooling it, cleaning off any soot or burnt debris on the surface, and finally finishing the boards with an oil. With fire treatment, Shou Sugi Ban enhances durability and is a natural means of preserving wood without chemicals, paints and other surface treatments. Shou Sugi Ban can be applied in both exterior and interior settings. N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 0 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERShou Sugi Ban Material Narrative Pros • Local production and craftsmen • Weathers gracefully • Natural fire resistance • Shou Sugi Ban is very durable, it protects wood from sun damage, termites, rotting, water damage • Natural variety in the material • Sustainability of using a local natural renewable resource • Shou Sugi Ban does last longer without maintenance than non-charred timber. (Maintenance includes wash, tighten and re-oil) • Possibility of inconsistent finish • Labor intensive process Interior and exterior weathering will vary Cons • • Durability: approx. 50+ years Cost: $65 / SF (installed) N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 1 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERExterior View - Shou Sugi Ban View from Cameron Road N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 2 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERExterior View - Shou Sugi Ban View from Cameron Road N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 3 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERExterior View - Shou Sugi Ban View from Northeast Corner N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 24 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERExterior View - Shou Sugi Ban View of Plaza between Phase I + Phase II N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 5 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERInterior View - Shou Sugi Ban View of Terrace from Reception Area N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 6 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERExterior View - Shou Sugi Ban View from South Lawn N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 7 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERExterior View - Shou Sugi Ban View from South Lawn N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 8 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERSchematic Cost Estimate Asian American Resource Center Phase II (Performing Arts Center) Construction Cost (Owner Controlled Insurance, Permits) 38,800,000 Consultant Fees (A/E, Commissioning, Surveying) 4,220,000 Testing (Geotechnical Report, Construction Testing) 200,000 Equipment + Furnishings Art in Public Spaces Interdepartmental Fees + Project Contingency $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,300,000 780,000 8,640,000 Total $ 53,940,000 N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 2 9 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTERC O N TAC T Kevin Thomas kthomas@trahanarchitects.com 646 661 6633 N OV E M B E R 1 5, 2 02 2 3 0 ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER PHASE IIASIAN AMERICANRESOURCE CENTER