Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionJune 21, 2022

Developing Austin's 1st Food Plan Presentation from the Office of Sustainability — original pdf

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A Food Plan for Austin Developing the City’s first -ever Food Plan What is a Food System? The Office of Sustainability defines the food system as an interconnected network that includes everything that happens with food —where and how it is grown, distributed and sold, consumed, and ideally recovered. The food system is shaped by its stakeholders, practices, and the laws that regulate both. Post Consumption & Waste Diversion Processing & Distribution Production Food Justice Consumption & Access Markets & Retail Did you know? ● 14.7% food insecurity in Travis County and 18 out of 47 zip codes in Travis County don’t have a full service grocery store ● 16.8 acres of farmland are lost every day in Travis ● Less than 1% of food consumed in Austin -Travis County is locally produced ● 1.24 million pounds of food is wasted every day in County Austin When disaster strikes ● Lack of supplies and limited organized means of distribution what they need ● Road conditions can prevent people from getting ● Support services closed ● Long lines and bare shelves ● Emergency supplies lack food that meets culture and dietary needs Disaster Food & Water Appendix ● Working with Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HSEM) and other departments ● Creating a plan to supplement the Emergency Operations Plan ● Will include learnings from Winter Storm Uri, COVID-19, boil water notices, and other possible scenarios Developing Austin’s firs t ever Food Pla n Why do we need a Food Plan? ● The impact of the Covid -19 pandemic & Winter Storm Uri exposed and exacerbated deficiencies in our food system. ● A Food Plan will set clear Goals and Strategies to mitigate the impact of future crises, correct the system’s inequalities, and move toward a more equitable, sustainable & resilient food system that serves everyone. ● This will be Austin’s first ever Food Plan; when completed, it will provide a coordinating structure for all food related initiatives to work towards a shared vision and address key issues Resolution In June 2021, Austin City Council directed the City Manager to initiate a planning process and multilingual engagement strategy for the creation of the Austin Travis County Food System Plan, which shall convene experts and stakeholders to craft a 5 -year plan. The Office Of Sustainability is the department in charge of overseeing the achievement of this goal. Source: Austin City Council RESOLUTION NO. 20210610-039 State of the Food System 2022 Office of Sustainability is currently drafting an updated version of Austin’s State of the Food System. Builds off State of the Food System Reports from 2015and 2018. The State of the Food System report will serve as a foundational document to help ground participants in the planning process with context of our local food system. It will cover key terms, trends & challenges, key questions, and facts around the various sectors of the food system. Finding the Right Project Team The Office of Sustainability is in the process of hiring a Consultant Team experienced in project planning, food systems and equitable community engagement to support the development and implementation Austin’s first Food Plan. The proposals have been evaluated and the decision will be shared with Council for approval in late July. Project Organization Austin’s Food Plan Emergency Food and Water Appendix City and County Staff Austin-Travis Food Policy Board Consultant Team Community Food Ambassadors Community Advisory Committee *Potential Groups Issue Area Groups *Production AG General Public and Community Food Equity Toolkit *Access AG *Markets AG *Labor AG *Recovery AG Community Advisory Committee A good plan has to be grounded in its community. The City Council’s resolution requires this process be led by a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) comprised of community members impacted by food system inequities, small business owners, food access organizers, & other stakeholders. – which will be The CAC will oversee the planning process, help determine the Focus Areas for the Issue Area Groups, refine goals for the Plan, and assist in community outreach. Issue Area Groups The Issue Area Groups will be thematic working groups that will provide of background information on an specific food system area based on the participants experience. The number and the themes of the AG’s will be determined with the help of our Community Advisory Committee and will provide critical input when developing goals and metrics. Project Timeline 1 2 3 6 7 Spring 2022 Summer - Fall 2022 Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 Summer 2023 - Early 2024 1 2 4 5 7 5 3 4 6 Next Steps Com in g u p s oon Now Summer 2022 Fall 2022 Outreach and Community Aw a ren es s Con s u lta n t On boa rdin g a n d Kick off Meetin g CAC Recru itm en t a n d Selection Stay involved Regu la r Upda tes State of the Food System Release Spread the word Sign up for our Food Plan Interest Form to stay in the loop! Dive deeper into Austin’s Food System. Available this Summer at nability Outreach materials coming early this Summer. Email : Sergio.torres - for updates. In your community, Wh o n eeds to be in volved in th e Food Pla n n in g proces s ? Thank You! /austinsustainability