Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionApril 20, 2021

Agenda Item 2a1_AARC Workgroup Meeting Notes — original pdf

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‘Arts and Culture’ workgroup report -April 2021 Attendee: (a) Pramod Patil (Chair) (b) Shubhada Saxena (c) Hanna Huang (d) Laura Esparza (AARC) Date: 04/15/2021 Meeting minutes: Here are the notes from Arts and Culture workgroup meeting in April-2021. This meeting was mainly focused on learning various avenues for displaying Asian art at various public places. • Laura Esparza – the division Director of Museums and Cultural Programs Division shared different programs and process around this. Most of the details are available the arts in public places are at the link below • Laura also went over some of the specifics around the timeline, donation and curation process etc. We also learned that we need to have an artist involvement for the arts in public places even if you are working as an organization for the art donations. Airport Exhibits: We discussed about options for Airport exhibits and Laura to explored and provide specific contact for the same. • Overall the team learned a lot during this meeting about arts in public places and have good data to share with the community.