Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionOct. 20, 2020

Agenda Item 4a_Commission Policing / Public Safety project — original pdf

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10/16/2020 October Meeting - Reimagining Public Safety October Meeting - Reimagining Public Safety Date: 10/15/2020 | Google Hangouts Attendees Commissioners Hanna Huang, Sarah Chen, Nguyen Stanton, Debasree Dasgupta, Kirk Yoshida Not in Attendance Commissioners Ketan Patel, Pooja Sethi  Agenda 1. Group Name & Scope 2. 3. 4. Resources List Questions for Rey Misc. Items Notes 1. Group Name & Scope Group named "Reimagining Public Safety Project Team" per Sarah's advice and recommendation  Develop & Review a timeline for our Project Scope - next meeting City's reallocation Timeline is 1 year, need to propose to council in May for budget Follow up with Departments/Rey in Jan about business plans since they are due in Feb 2. Review of Resources List APD Budget Reallocations: Joint Report: Analysis of APD’s Racial Profiling Data: c. Reimagining Public Safety SpeakUp Austin Page: Community Input medium a. b. a. b. i. ii. i. ii. Lack of language access (even Spanish translations are not provided) iii. Team has questions about how public is being adequately engaged for the district meetings and d. Budget Summary for Reimagining Public Safety: survey id=347114 i. presented by ACM Rey Arellano to AAQoL in Sept. 1/3 10/16/2020 October Meeting - Reimagining Public Safety e. Gov. Abbott’s Back The Blue Pledge: i. Governor's intent to limit City's reallocation/defunding of police departments  f. COA Public Safety Page: i. We found the information on the Share Input part of this page hard to navigate and does not accurately relate to the Speak Up Austin page about Reimagining Public Safety ii. Hanna to reach out to Alicia Dean about recommendations to update the Share Input section 3. Questions for Rey a. What is the number of police officers that actually go out into the community and how this may compare to other cities in Texas/similar to us? (i.e. Community Policing update and comparison to other Texas cities or cities similar to Austin) b. What type of data/statistics is currently available (publicly or within City) that relate to Public Safety? Is there particular areas that the City is working on or does not have significant data? (e.g. 911 call data analysis, crime comparison by year data, APD response time) c. What are some key lessons learned and challenges the City has been encountering in Reimagining d. What selection criteria is used in the selection of Reimagining Public Safety Task Force members? Will additional members be added on a rolling basis or is the Task for complete? e. What was the City's response to the Office of Police Oversight Commission's recommendations from 2018? Public Safety? commission/ f. Are citizens who volunteered for the APD Body Cam review panel receiving mental health support and resources from the City for their participation? We have heard of people stepping down from this panel due to how taxing it is to view large amounts of footage of APD handling calls.  a. City has hired consultant for APD to look at applicant process & training programs like Cadet Is Pooja still an OPO representative?  needs fit into this project. Group should talk with Hailey (AACHI/Task Force) and AFSSA (victim services) to see how their 4. Misc. Items Academy b. c. Action items Hanna - e-mail Rey Arellano compiled questions, cc Project Team members Hanna - e-mail Alicia Dean & Commissioner Saxena (Community Engagement Workgroup) about AAPI community outreach for Reimagining Public Safety Surveys/Group Sessions, cc Nguyen Everyone - Tune in after AAQoL meeting to Reimagining Safety Task Force Meeting 6-8pm Tues, Oct. 20. Livestreamed on FB Hanna - Summarize Key Points of Reimagining Safety Task Force Meeting Notes, due next Meeting Next Meeting's Agenda 2/3 10/16/2020 October Meeting - Reimagining Public Safety 1. 2. 3. Review Timeline for Project Team Review Responses from Rey Arellano (ACM) & Alicia Dean (PIO) Key Points from Reimagining Safety Task Force Meeting Notes 3/3