Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

ASIAN AMERICAN QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION (AAQOLAC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2020 The AAQOLAC convened in a regular meeting on Monday, June 22, 2020 Chair Vince Cobalis called the Commission Meeting to order at 10:06 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Vince Cobalis, Sarah Chen, Peter Chao, Kirk Yoshida, Nguyen Stanton, Kavita Radhakrishnan, Hanna Huang, Ketan Patel, Shubhada Saxena, and Pooja Sethi Staff in Attendance: Rey Arellano, Assistant City Manager Brion Oaks, Chief Equity Officer Diane Siler, Deputy Budget Officer Joshua Robinson, Commissions Liaison (Equity Office) Brandon Kroos, Business Process Specialist (Equity Office) CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: N/A 1. OLD BUSINESS a. Workgroup Reports: 1. Asian American Resource Center (AARC) Workgroup: See workgroup meeting notes in the backup materials. 2. Health and Community Engagement Workgroup: No update 3. Arts and Culture Workgroup: See workgroup meeting notes in backup materials. 4. Business Planning Workgroup: No updated Budget timeline/process c. Follow-up Items: 1. Update on AARC Masterplan: 2. Update on the Asian American Recourse Center Bridge 3. Results from prior Mini-Grant awards 4. Current status of City Budget process and COVID-19 impact 2. STAFF BRIEFING a. COVID-19 Funding framework (Rey Arellano -City Manager’s Office and Diane Siler -Budget Office) – Assistant City Manager Rey Arellano and Deputy Budget Officer Diane Siler provided an update on funding the COVID-19 Funding Framework. b. Results from prior Mini-Grant awards and Update on upcoming Equity Mini-Grant application and timeline (Brion Oaks – Equity Office) – Chief Equity Officer Brion Oaks and Business Process Specialist Brandon Kroos provided an update on the Equity Mini-Grant process. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action on the election of officers to the Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission – Commission did not take action. b. Discussion and possible action on recommendations for the Austin Police Department – Commissioner Saxena moved to approve the recommendation. Commissioner Yoshida seconded. The vote was 8 - in Favor. 3 – Abstain – (Commissioners Chen, Patel, and Stanton) c. Network of Asian American organizations and Asian American Pacific Islander response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – Commission did not take action. and Telecommunications Commission) provided a presentation over the 2020 Census Asian d. Census 2020 initiative "Count Us In" – Commissioner Sumit DasGupta (Community Technology American Complete Count. e. Discussion and Possible action related to the FY 2021 Budget – Commissioner Yoshida moved to revise the FY2021 Budget Recommendations. Commissioner Chen seconded. Vote was 11-0. 5. FUTURE AGENDA a. Analysis of Austin Police Department’s Racial Profiling Data joint report and update on the new Community Police Review Commission (Maya Guevara – Office of Police Oversight) b. Austin Public Health briefing on the Social Services Audit Report and 2021 Budget initiatives. c. Annual Internal Report 6. ADJOURN Chair Cobalis adjourned the meeting without any objections at 11:45 p.m.