Agenda Item 2a_COVID 19 Funding framework — original pdf

COVID‐19 Spending Framework Emergency Response: $105.5 Million Estimate Program Details Covid‐19 Emergency Management Department operating expenses substantially dedicated to Covid‐19 response Emergency Response Contingency Total Emergency Response Emergency Operations Center activation, direct pandemic response, and operational adjustments necessary for responding to the COVID‐19 pandemic Payroll expenses for public safety, public health, health care, human services, and similar employees whose services are substantially dedicated to mitigating or responding to the COVID‐19 public health emergency Contingency for disallowed expenditures by grantors and higher than projected COVID‐19 department expenses Medical and Public Health Needs: $62.9 Million Estimate Program Details Testing Epidemiology Response Planning & Research Shelters & Quarantine Facilities Public Health & Safety Measures Miscellaneous Items Costs of providing COVID‐19 testing, including Public Health laboratory, testing, and equipment Includes case investigation, contact tracing, and active monitoring Activities designed to study approaches to create greater resiliency in the community Emergency housing, supportive housing, and isolation of individuals related to the COVID‐19 pandemic and supportive services APH facility renovation funds to modify lobbies and reception areas; behavioral health/counseling support; sanitization Education and outreach; expenses for acquisition and distribution of medical and protective supplies, including sanitizing products and personal protective equipment; software; teleworking and distance learning Funding for additional medical and public health expenses that may be needed to combat the pandemic Public Health Contingency Total Medical and Public Health Needs * Subject to change. Estimates are inclusive of prior Council actions. Protection of Vulnerable Populations Support for preventing and reducting the risk and incidence of spread of COVID‐19; nursing home worker assistance; nursing home study; testing Residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and long‐term care facilities; people experiencing homelessness; seniors; populations with underlying health conditions Target Population Funding Sources Timeline Estimate* Community members; first responders June 1 ‐ December 30 $4.5M Individuals who do not have the ability to self‐isolate during the COVID‐19 pandemic FEMA; CRF; General Fund June 1 ‐ December 30 $14.5M Target Population Funding Sources Timeline Estimate* FEMA; Justice Assistance Grant Operating Funds March 1 ‐ December 31 $30M CRF CRF March 1 ‐ December 30 $68M March 1 ‐ December 30 $7.5M $105.5M FEMA; CRF; General Fund; CDBG; ESG; HOPWA; Ryan White; EMS Grant FEMA; CRF; General Fund FEMA; CRF; General Fund FEMA; CRF; General Fund May 1 ‐ December 31 $7.1M June 1 ‐ December 30 $4.7M June 1 ‐ December 30 $1.7M FEMA; CRF; General Fund June 1 ‐ December 30 $2.9M FEMA; CRF; General Fund June 1 ‐ December 30 $2.5M CRF March 1 ‐ December 30 $25M $62.9M Page 1 Immediate financial support for individuals; APH gift cards CRF; General Fund June 1 ‐ December 30 $15.5M $7.6M from RISE Funding Sources Timeline Estimate* Funding Notes Small Business Assistance Grants and loans to businesses for COVID‐recovery purposes CRF; General Fund $23.5M $10M from CLEAR Grants deployed June and July Grants deployed June and July Non‐profit Assistance CRF; General Fund $7M $6M from ANCHOR COVID‐19 Spending Framework Economic Support: $103.2 Million Estimate Program Financial and Other Direct Support Details Sustainability, operational, technical, or crisis support for organizations focused on health and human services, workforce development, social/legal services, education, arts and culture, and environment and animals Creative Sector Assistance Mini‐grants to individual creative‐sector workers, to sustain Austin's music industry, and to to provide rental/mortgage relief and other assistance Technical Assistance Classes, workshops, and individual coaching for grantees’ relevant needs (e.g., Board training support, lease terms assistance, business legal assistance, business model retooling) Available first to current grant awardees; Open to broader audiences as capacity allows CRF; General Fund $1M Training can be delivered throughout the grant period (through 12/30/2020) Childcare Service Provider Assistance Grants to childcare centers in Austin; grants capped at $20,000, which would allow support for 50 childcare centers CRF; General Fund; CDBG Grants deployed late May $2M $1M from the Childcare Support Fund CRF; General Fund Grants deployed June and July $8.5M $1.5M from the Music Disaster Relief Fund; A1$1M from the Austin Artist Disaster Relief Fund Worker and Customer Safety Food Assistance Rental Assistance Grants for the procurement of personal protective equipment and the modification of businesses to COVID‐ compliant standards for safe re‐opening Contract with counseling services provider to expand access for workers dealing with COVID‐related mental health challenges (Employee Medical Assistance Program) Direct and contracted food provision to address food insecurity created by COVID‐19; expenses for food delivery to residents Grants to landlords that agree to enter into long‐term leases with tenants that deliver community benefits (Long‐Term Lease Stability Fund) CRF; General Fund Grants deployed in June $1M $1M from CLEAR CRF; General Fund Services delivered through 12/30/2020 CRF; General Fund June 1 ‐ December 30 $1.5M $5.4M CRF; General Fund; CDBG‐CV; ESG; HOPWA CRF; General Fund Grants deployed June and July $2M $2.2M from RISE; $2.2M approved by Ordinance 20200507‐058 Page 2 Payment of rent directly to landlords on behalf of tenants June‐December 2020 $23.8M $5.2M from RISE Target Population Vulnerable populations; Individuals who are waiting for test results and/or test positive Small businesses, prioritizing businesses from Austin’s most vulnerable communities Locally based organizations (primarily within the city of Austin, Texas) classified as a “public charity” with tax‐exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) and 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Service Code that have been in existence for three or more years that have been impacted by COVID‐19 Low‐ to moderate‐income creative‐sector independent workers; local musicians, live music venues, and professionals within music‐related industries Childcare centers that serve families that receive childcare subsidies; have at least a 2‐star rating under the Texas Rising Star system; have not already received PPP funds; have been impacted by COVID‐ 19; have virus mitigation and protective equipment needs Targeted to customer‐facing retail & services, food, and manufacturing facilities Targeted to low‐and moderate‐income employees in customer‐facing industries (e.g., food service, retail, personal services) Caregiver meals delivered through Austin ISD and Del Valle ISD school meal distribution sites; vulnerable populations Households under 80% of median family income who have been impacted by COVID‐19 COVID‐19 Spending Framework Program Utility Bill Assistance Workforce Development Total Economic Support Details Suspension of utility disconnects and late fees; reduction of certain water and electric rates; increased discount provided through the customer assistance program (CAP); and expanded CAP eligibility Training and skills development; Austin Civilian Conservation Corp Utility customers * Subject to change. Estimates are inclusive of prior Council actions. Total Spending Framework Estimate Target Population Funding Sources Estimate* Funding Notes Timeline March 15 ‐ September 30 July 1 ‐ December 31 Austin Energy; Austin Water CRF; Operating Funds; Regional Partners $10M $10M approved by Ordinance 20200409‐083 Austin Civilian Conservation Corp Resolution 20200507‐061 $2M $103.2M $271.6 M Page 3