Asian American Quality of Life Advisory CommissionApril 10, 2020

Agenda Item 4d_ Health Equity Reallocation — original pdf

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2021 Budget Recommendations Root Cause Analysis Story: What did you hear from the community? <There is an increasing need for culturally and linguistically sensitive physical and mental health services to immigrants and Asian Americans. Funding from the City can help patients gain access to safety net services to augment the medical services they receive. Problem: What is the problem you identify? <Limited funding was provided in FY 2019 and FY 2020, but the data shows that it doesn’t meet the growing demand. The currently funded clinic is serving 917 patients and has had to drastically limit new patients because they are at capacity. How does the problem show up in your community? Who is most impacted by the problem? <Most of the Asian Americans, immigrants and refugees served in the free health clinics have incomes below 200% of FPL. They face cultural and language barriers and, when given a choice between paying for housing, food or basic medical care, many will skip medical care. Considering all of the information you have or have not collected above, how do we solve for this problem? <We have seen how the limited funding currently available has impacted the lives of Asian Americans, immigrants and refugees. We know that individuals from these communities are more successful if they can access services that are sensitive to their culture and language needs. We propose additional funding for this program in the amount of $100,000 to increase the capacity to serve the Asian American and immigrant population. After question three, which questions from the flowchart are you prepared to answer? __Is there funding? Yes, the reallocation of funds from the Community Health Worker Training program __Which department holds the funding? Austin Public Health ___How much funding is there? $175,000 currently available. $75,000 will remain after reallocation. ___Which orgs receive it? __How is success measured? __What are the impacts, and gaps? __Check All