Agenda Item 2a2_Budget Community Engagement event — original pdf
COMMUNITY BUDGET FORUM ASIAN AMERICAN QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (LDC) CONVERSATION: LDC is a very long and complex document LDC needs to be translated in multiple languages Advocating for affordable density Further outreach to the community Better quality/ quantity of LDC information There are parts of the community that are not receiving the LDC info. Immigrants communities are being pushed out of the City of Austin LDC info. needs to be presented in an objective format BUDGET RECCOMENDATION CONVERSATION: Language access Cultural understanding of Mental Health Educating health providers Helping Asian‐American/Immigrant communities build trust with the healthcare system Finding places for Asian‐Americans/Immigrant communities to get treated Affordable health services Constant/sustainable funding for initiatives (i.e. health, housing, etc.) Non‐profits having difficulty reporting performance measures back to the City of Austin