Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes
ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2024 The Animal Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on October 14, 2024, at 301 W. 2nd St in Austin, Texas. Chair Clinton called the Animal Advisory Commission Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Ryan Clinton, Chair, Travis County Luis Herrera, D6 Whitney Holt, D5 Dr. Paige Nilson, D4 Lotta Smagula, D1 Larry Tucker, D7 Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Ann Linder, Vice Chair, D3 Dr. Amanda Bruce, D10 Laura Hoke, Mayor’s Appointee Sarah Huddleston, D9 Commissioners Absent: Beatriz Dulzaides, D2 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Rochelle Vickery – Spay & neuter event, community cats program Laura Nesmith – Behind the misunderstood work behind TNR Deborah Ro – TNR’s positive impact on our community Jacobi Alvarez – TNR needs Diane Odegaard – Glue trap ban and bats Pat Valls Trelles – Community Cats Program 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Animal Advisory Commission Regular Meeting on August 12, 2024. The motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of August 12, 2024, was approved on Commissioner Holt’s motion, Commissioner Smagula’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Nilson abstained. Commissioner Dulzaides was absent. Approve the minutes of the Animal Advisory Commission Regular Meeting on September 9, 2024. The motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of September 9, 2024, with the following correction was approved on Commissioner Nilson’s motion, Commissioner Holt’s second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Dulzaides was absent. The correction was to revise the action for Item 1 to read: “The motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of August 12, 2024, failed on Commissioner Smagula’s motion, Commissioner Holt’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioner Nilson abstained. Parliamentarian Nemer, Commissioners Bruce, Herrera, Hoke, and Tucker were absent. STAFF BRIEFING 3. Staff briefing regarding monthly reports provided by the Animal Service Center. The presentation was made by Don Bland, Chief Animal Services Officer, Austin Animal Services and Jason Garza, Deputy Chief Animal Services Officer, Austin Animal Services. A motion to take up Item 7 next was made by Commissioner Holt, seconded by Commissioner Herrera, and approved on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Dulzaides was absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 7. Approve a recommendation to Council to ban glue traps at City of Austin owned and/or managed facilities. A motion to approve the recommendation was made by Commissioner Holt and seconded by Commissioner Herrera. A motion to suspend the rules to allow a member of the public to answer a question from a commissioner was approved on Commissioner Holt’s motion, Commissioner Tucker’s second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Dulzaides was absent. The following friendly amendment was made by Commissioner Smagula and accepted by the maker of the motion, Commissioner Holt. 2. 2 The amendment was to revise the “Description of Recommendation to Council” section to read: “The Austin Animal Advisory Commission recommends that the Austin City Council, the Austin City Manager’s Office, and Travis County Commissioners Court update City building management practices to prohibit the purchase and use of all glue traps at City owned and/or managed facilities due to the unsanitary and inhumane outcomes of using these traps.” The recommendation to Council to ban glue traps at City of Austin owned and/or managed facilities was approved as amended on Commissioner Holt’s motion, Commissioner Herrera’s second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Dulzaides was absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Presentation by Austin Pets Alive! regarding license agreement reports. The presentation was made by Stephanie Bilbro, Austin Pets Alive! Director of Operations. Discussion of the Animal Services strategic plan and planning process. A presentation was made by Audrey Muntz, Budget and Performance Manager, Financial Services and Dr. Larry Schooler, Consultant. Discussion of the first Austin Animal Center/Good Fix spay and neuter clinic held at the Travis County Expo Center from 9/24 to 9/28. Discussed. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS CONTINUED 8. Approve the Animal Advisory Commission 2025 meeting schedule. The Animal Advisory Commission 2025 meeting schedule, including March and November meetings, was approved on Commissioner Holt’s motion, Commissioner Smagula’s second on a 9-0 vote. Chair Clinton was off the dais. Commissioner Dulzaides was absent. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. was approved on Commissioner Nilson’s motion, Commissioner Herrera’s second on a 9-0 vote. Chair Clinton was off the dais. Commissioner Dulzaides was absent. 5. 6. 3 The minutes were approved at the December 9, 2024, meeting on Commissioner Tucker’s motion, Commissioner Herrera’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioners Bruce, Nemer, and Nilson were absent. 4