Animal Advisory CommissionJuly 8, 2024

Item 5 - Cooling Center Draft Recommendation — original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMISSION Recommendation Number:20240708-005: Allowing of companion animals into designated City of Austin Cooling Centers WHEREAS, current city policy only allows service animals into City facilities, including the places used for Cooling Centers; and WHEREAS, any person with a companion animal would have to be aware to notify staff at a cooling center to contact Animal Services for a cooling truck; and WHEREAS, this would delay the person from being able to enter a cooling center while awaiting a response from Animal Services; and WHEREAS, Animal Services, only if available, will bring a cooling truck to the cooling center, where the companion animal can stay while their person is inside the cooling center; and WHEREAS, this would render that vehicle and the Animal Protection Officer unavailable to answer any calls for assistance while performing this function; and WHEREAS, if Animal Services does not have an available vehicle to send, the person and their companion animal would not be able to enter a cooling center for relief. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Animal Advisory Commission encourages the Austin City Council to designate a number of cooling centers located throughout the City of Austin that persons with companion animals may go to for relief during times of intense heat when cooling centers are activated. Date of Approval: Record of the Vote: Attest: