REVISED January 2024 AAC Narrative Report — original pdf

January 2024 January 2024 Animal Services Report AUSTIN ANIMAL SERVICES REPORT Animal Services News at a vet clinic). at a vet clinic). Animal Protection • The live outcome rate for January was 97.42%. • A total of 787 animals were brought to the shelter which included 437 dogs, 314 cats, 24 wild animals, 7 guinea pigs, 2 rabbits, a hamster, a bird and a rat. • A total of 625 animals were adopted (360 dogs, 262 cats, and 3 small pets). • A total of 81 dogs, cats, guinea pig, and hamster were returned to their owners (RTOs and RTO-Adopt). • On January 1, there were 986 dogs and cats within the ASO inventory (694 onsite, 288 in foster, 1 at APA, and 1 • On February 1, there were 823 dogs and cats within the ASO inventory (554 onsite, 264 in foster, 3 at APA, and 2 • Animal Protection Officers (APOs) returned 13 animals to their owners in the field. • Officers handed out 21 fencing assistance applications and implanted 0 microchips. • Officers impounded 102 injured animals and delivered 40 wildlife animals to Austin Wildlife Rescue. • Officers entered 201 rabies exposure reports and submitted 27 specimens for rabies testing. 2 bats and 1 raccoon were nonnegative (decomposed or destroyed). • 86 total coyote related activities o 55 wild sick o 22 sightings o 5 encounters o 2 wild speak o 1 incident o 1 wild injured observation] • Out of 86 coyote related activities, 61 fell within the reported behavior types [sighting, encounter, incident, and o Encounters: Pets were a factor in 5/5 (100%) of encounters reported. ▪ Two encounters involved a coyote entering a fenced backyard with pets present, but no ▪ An encounter was reported involving a pet, but nothing was stated in the memo and unable ▪ An encounter involved a coyote going after an owned outside cat, but caller was able to incident occurred to contact the caller chase off coyote off ▪ An encounter involved a coyote following a resident and dog o Incidents: Pets were a factor in 1/1 (100%) of incidents reported. ▪ An incident involved a coyote injuring a dog • Out of 86 related activities, 25 fell within the reported behavior types [wild sick, wild speak, and wild injured] Volunteer • A total of 490 volunteers donated 5,724 hours of volunteer service. January 2024 Animal Services Report • The Volunteer Coordinators held 5 orientations for new volunteers, introducing 128 people to the shelter programs. 125 new volunteers attended their first training or mentor shifts in January. • 24 individuals donated 48 hours towards dog walking and cat care through group volunteer service. • 15 Community Service Restitution individuals performed 103 hours of laundry, dishes, and other duties as • 127 volunteers spent 427 hours on volunteer development and training. assigned. Foster & Rescue • 102 animals were adopted directly from foster care. • More than 250 different people/families fostered. • 251 new foster applications were processed. (This number does not necessarily include walk-in / in person applications that were processed.) • There are currently 655 members (approved fosters) in the foster program’s GivePulse group. (A membership clean up was done in January; everyone still in the group indicated that they wish to remain active and plan to foster a pet in the next 12 months.) • 2 pets died or were euthanized in foster care. • As of February 1 at 8:55 a.m. there were 318 animals in foster care. • 81 dogs and cats were transferred to AAC Rescue Partners in January. Vet Services • AAC vets performed 796 exams. • AAC vets spayed/neutered 590 animals. • 0 visibly pregnant animals were spayed. • 54 emergency cases were treated at AAC. • 45 emergencies were transferred from the emergency clinic. • The estimated emergency clinic bill for January is $30,522. • 10 animals received orthopedic surgeries. • 23 animals received other specialty surgeries (enucleations, amputations, mass removals, hernia repair, wound repairs, dentals, etc). • 0 cruelty cases were treated. • 51 animals were pulled by Austin Pets Alive! for medical reasons (17 medical urgent, 11 medical attention, 13 neonatal, 3 pregnant, 7 parvo/panleuk). • APA pulled 6 large dogs and 1 small dog for behavior in January.