APPROVED Minutes November 14 2022 — original pdf
Approved Minutes

ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2022 The Animal Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, November 14, 2022, at 301 W. Second Street, Rm 1101 in Austin, Texas. Chair Nazor called the Animal Advisory Commission Meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Chair Nazor, Vice Chair Clinton, Commissioners Bruce, Herrera, Nilson, Norton, and Smagula attended in person. Commissioners Dulzaides, Jarl, Nemer, and Neuhaus joined via videoconference. Commissioners Hassen and Mitchell were absent. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Eileen McFall – no kill shelter Pat Valls-Trelles – wildlife animal protection Rochelle Vickery – vouchers for spay/neuter Ellen Jefferson – no kill resolution APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Animal Advisory Commission Regular Meeting on October 10, 2022. The minutes from the meeting of October 10, 2022, were approved on Commissioner Nemer’s motion, Commissioner Norton’s second on a vote 9-0. Vice Chair Clinton and Commissioner Jarl abstained. Commissioners Hassen and Mitchell were absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS DISCUSSION ITEMS Austin Animal Center and Animal Services Monthly Report. Reports were provided in back up documents. Presentation the Monthly Report by Austin Pets Alive! Presentation by Neil Hay, Senior Director of Operations, Stephanie Bilbro, Director of Lifesaving Operations. 1. 2. 3. 1 4. 5. 6. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Approve a Recommendation to Council concerning the City of Austin's upcoming Five Year Strategic Plan. The motion to approve a Recommendation to Council for the City of Austin include information about our many programs for Austin citizens and their companion animals, as well as all of Austin’s valuable and iconic wildlife, in the upcoming Strategic Development 28 Plan was approved, as amended below, on Commissioner Norton’s motion, Commission Herrera’s second on an 8-0 vote. Commissioners Bruce, Herrera and Nilson abstained. Commissioners Hassen and Mitchell were absent. An amendment to replace “best no kill shelter in the world” to “the most Pet Friendly City in America” was offered on Commissioner Herrera’s motion, Commissioner Bruce’s second. Commissioner Dulzaides offered a friendly amendment to replace “in the world/America” with “in the nation” and was accepted without objection. The amendment to replace “best no kill shelter in the world” to “the most Pet Friendly City in the nation” failed on Commissioner Herrera’s motion, Commissioner Bruce’s second on a 4-7 vote. Those voting aye were Commissioners Bruce, Herrera, Nilson and Norton. Those voting nay were Chair Nazor, Vice Chair Clinton, Commissioners Dulzaides, Jarl, Nemer, Neuhaus and Smagula. Commissioners Hassen and Mitchell were absent. A friendly amendment was offered to replace “in the world” with “in the nation” on Commissioner Smagula’s, Commissioner Norton’s second and accepted without objection. Approve the creation of a working group regarding spay/neuter efforts within the community. The motion to create a working group regarding spay/neuter efforts within the community was approved, as amended below, on Commission Herrera’s motion, Commissioner Bruce’s second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Jarl abstained. Commissioners Hassen and Mitchell were absent. Chair Nazor offered a friendly amendment to include “increase spay/neuter efforts” in the purpose of the working group and was accepted without objection. Commissioners Bruce, Herrera, and Smagula were assigned to the working group. Approve the creation of a working group to evaluate and discuss the current state of reports and published literature related to the housing of dogs in Travis County animal shelters. The motion to create a working group to evaluate and discuss the current state of reports and published literature related to the potential for finding homes for dogs in Travis County and shelters failed on Commissioner Nilson’s motion, Commissioner Herrera’s second on a 5-5 vote. Those voting aye were Commissioners Bruce, Herrera, 2 7. Nilson, Norton, and Smagula. Those voting nay were Chair Nazor, Vice Chair Clinton, Commissioners Jarl, Nemer, and Neuhaus. Commissioner Dulzaides abstained. Commissioners Hassen and Mitchell were absent. Approve Commission Annual Meeting Schedule for 2023. The motion to adopt the 2023 annual meeting schedule was approved on Vice Chair Clinton’s motion, Commissioner Smagula’s second on a 11-0 vote. Commissioners Hassen and Mitchell were absent. Chair Nazor adjourned the meeting at 7:42 p.m. without objection. The minutes were approved at the December 14 meeting on Commissioner Jarl’s motion, Commissioner Norton second on unanimous vote of 11 to 0. 3