Recommendation 20221114-004: Letter to Austin City Manager and Chief Financial Officer Concerning SD28 — original pdf

Date: November 14, 2022 Recommendation: ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20221114-004 Subject: Letter to Austin City Manager and Chief Financial Officer Concerning SD28 Motioned By: Commissioner Norton Seconded By: Commissioner Herrera Dear City Manager Spencer Cronk and Chief Financial Officer Ed Van Eenoo: We recommend that the City of Austin include information about our many programs for The Animal Advisory Commission, as well as Austin Animal Center leadership and staff, were Austin citizens and their companion animals, as well as all of Austin’s valuable and iconic wildlife, in the upcoming Strategic Development 28 Plan (SD28). disappointed when no mention was made of Austin’s many programs for helping Austin’s animals in the last Strategic Development Plan. There is a tremendous amount of hard work done every day of the year for the animals of Austin by Shelter Staff, supported by the hard work of many Austin citizens who volunteer their time and donate their money to help make the lives of Austin’s companion and wild animals better. This extends out to our many Austin governmental organizations, such as APD, and all of our partner non-profits, all of whom contribute to our goal of the best No-Kill Shelter in the nation. It is an unfortunate omission that such hard work on such an important City function is lacking from a Strategic Plan for our City. Animals are family to many Austin residents, and to others, Austin’s wildlife is simply a part of home. Let us be more inclusive in the upcoming Austin Strategic Plan! Thank you for your attention to this matter. Description of Recommendation to Council: That the City of Austin include information about Austin Animal center’s many programs for Austin citizens, their companion animals, and Austin wildlife in the upcoming Strategic Development 28 Plan (SD28). That the Strategic Development 28 Plan (SD28) be as inclusive as possible. Rationale: Vote: For: 8 Against: 0 Abstain: 3 Absent: 2 1 of 2 Attest: 2 of 2