Draft Minutes — original pdf

AAC Meeting Minutes 2022-10-10 ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DRAFT MINUTES October 10, 2022 The Animal Advisory Commission convened for a regular meeting on Monday, October 10, 2022, 6 p.m., in the Boards and Commissions Room 1101 at Austin City Hall. Commission Chair, Craig Nazor, called the meeting to order at 6:12 p.m., conducted a roll call of members and confirmed a quorum of seven commissioners. Five Commissioners attended the meeting in person: Nazor, Norton, Dulzaides, Dr. Nilson and Dr Amanda Bruce. Two Commissioners attended via teleconferencing, Commissioners Nemer and Jarl. Six members were absent, including Commissioners Smagula, Clinton, Herrera, Mitchell, Neuhaus, and Hassen. Commission Members Absent: Commissioners Smagula, Clinton, Herrera, Mitchell, Neuhaus, and Hassen. Staff in Attendance: Don Bland, Jason Garza PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL In-person: Amber Rowland Neil Hay APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Corrections to the draft minutes were noted. Commissioner Nemer moved to approve the minutes with corrections; Commissioner Jarl seconded the motion which passed unanimously with all participating Commissioners voting in favor, 7 to 0: Six members were absent, including Commissioners Smagula, Clinton, Herrera, Mitchell, Neuhaus, and Hassen. 1 AAC Meeting Minutes 2022-10-10 BRIEFINGS DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Austin Animal Center and Animal Services Reports 3. AAC Staffing and Services 4. Update on ASO Audit, Keith Salas, Assistant City Auditor 5. Presentation by Parliamentarian regarding Roberts Rules of Order 6. Presentation by Austin Pets Alive! regarding APA! Monthly Report DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 7. Discussion and Possible Action Concerning the Congress Avenue Bridge Bat Colony Commissioner Dr. Nilson moved to approve the six recommendations presented by Dr. Merlin Tuttle, Bat Conservancy, to City Council. Commissioner Dulzaides seconded the motion which passed unanimously, 7-0, with the seven commissioners in attendance voting in favor, including Nazor, Norton, Dulzaides, Dr. Nilson, Dr Bruce, Nemer and Jarl. Six members were absent, including Commissioners Smagula, Clinton, Herrera, Mitchell, Neuhaus, and Hassen. 8. Discussion and Possible Action on Adopting Bird-Safe Building Ordinances Dr. Chris Sheppard, Director of the Glass Collisions Program at the American Bird Conservancy, presented on the importance of protecting birds and how to reduce bird collisions. Commissioner Norton moved to recommend the City Council adopt the American Bird Conservancy’s Model-Friendly Building Guidelines. Dr. Nilson seconded the motion which passed unanimously, 7-0, with the seven commissioners in attendance voting in favor, including Nazor, Norton, Dulzaides, Dr. Nilson, Dr Bruce, Nemer and Jarl. Six members were absent, including Commissioners Smagula, Clinton, Herrera, Mitchell, Neuhaus, and Hassen. 9. Discussion and Possible Action on ACC Monthly Reporting of Data 10. Discussion and Possible Action on Transferring Austin Animal Center Animals to Other 11. Discussion and Possible Action on Inclusion of Animal Services in the City of Austin next Five-Year Strategic Plan. Speaker: Amber Rowland No action 12. Discussion and Possible Action on City’s Use of Cooling Centers 13. Discussion and Possible Action on Closing Intake at the Austin Animal Center 14. Discussion and Possible Action on Procedures for Returning Lost Dogs to Owners 15. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Pet Services Available to Citizens No action Communities No action No Action No Action No Action No Action 2 AAC Meeting Minutes 2022-10-10 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Commissioners discussed and approved retaining agenda items 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15. New item under Discussion and Possible Action approved regarding the Commission’s 2023 meeting schedule Commission Chair Nazor adjourned the meeting without objection at 8:40 p.m. 3