Approved Minutes Feb 8 2021 — original pdf
Approved Minutes

AAC Meeting Minutes 2021-02-08 REGULAR MEETING APPROVED March 8, 2021 ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2021 The Animal Advisory Commission convened, via video conferencing, in a Regular Meeting, Monday, February 8, 2021, 6 p.m. Chair David Lundstedt conducted a verbal roll call and called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: David Lundstedt, Lisa Mitchell, Craig Nazor, Katie Jarl, Edward Flores, Dr. Jon Brandes, Monica Frenden, JoAnne Norton, and Nancy Nemer. Commission Members Absent: Palmer Neuhaus, Andrea Schwartz, Ryan Clinton, District 4 Vacant Staff in Attendance: Don Bland, Jason Garza, Dr. Kathryn Lund, Mark Sloat, Belinda Hare CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: The following speakers were allowed a three-minute allotment to express their views on items not posted on the Agenda: Delia Garza Meike Alana Susan Wampler Rachel Patfield Valerie Yates James Piper Michael Kinney Donna Skibbie 1 AAC Meeting Minutes 2021-02-08 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Jarl moved to approve the minutes from the January, 2021, meeting; Commissioner Nemer seconded the motion. Motion passed 8 to 0 with Commissioners Lundstedt, Mitchell, Nazor, Jarl, Frenden, Brandes, Nemer and Norton voting to approve. Commissioner Flores joined the meeting later, after the vote; Commissioners Neuhaus, Clinton, and Schwartz were absent. District 4 position is vacant. 2. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. Austin Animal Center and Animal Services Reports b. COVID Update 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Revisions to the City’s Vicious Dog Ordinance Commissioner Norton moved to approve the changes to the Vicious Dog Ordinance; Commissioner Nazor seconded the motion. Commissioner Flores joined the meeting and voted to approve, along with Commissioners Lundstedt, Mitchell, Nazor, Jarl, Frenden, Brandes, Nemer and Norton, for a unanimous, 9 to 0 vote. Commissioners Neuhaus, Clinton, and Schwartz were absent. District 4 position is vacant. b. Update, Discussion and Possible Action on Comparative Evaluation of Monthly Release Rates No action taken. 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and Possible Action on Off Leash Dogs Commissioner Norton moved to form a Work Group to see what can be done to resolve loose dog issues. Commissioner Nazor seconded the motion which passed unanimously, 9 to 0, with Commissioners Lundstedt, Mitchell, Nazor Jarl, Frenden, Flores, Brandes, Nemer and Norton voting to approve. Commissioners Neuhaus, Clinton, and Schwartz were absent. District 4 position is vacant. Commissioner Nazor made a motion to move Agenda Item 4c to the second item under New Business. Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed unanimously, 9 to 0, with Commissioners Lundstedt, Mitchell, Nazor Jarl, Frenden, Flores, Brandes, Nemer and Norton voting to approve. Commissioners Neuhaus, Clinton, and Schwartz were absent. District 4 position is vacant. b. Discussion, Update and Possible Action on How to Increase Microchipping in the City of Austin Don Bland is putting together a Work Group and has scheduled a virtual meeting. Commissioners Nazor and Flores asked to participate on the Work Group. c. Update from the Commission Chair No action taken. 2 AAC Meeting Minutes 2021-02-08 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner agreed to add an agenda item on the City Budget under New Business and to bring forward Agenda Item 3b, Comparative Evaluation of Monthly Release Rates, under Old Business. 4. ADJOURNMENT Chair Lundstedt adjourned the meeting at 7 p.m. 3