APPROVED Minutes January 11, 2021 — original pdf
Approved Minutes

AAC Meeting Minutes 2021-01-11 REGULAR MEETING APPROVED FEBRUARY 8, 2021 ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMISSION January 11, 2021 The Animal Advisory Commission convened, via video conferencing, in a Regular Meeting, Monday, January 11, 2021, 6 p.m. Chair David Lundstedt conducted a verbal roll call and called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: David Lundstedt, Craig Nazor, Katie Jarl, Palmer Neuhaus, Edward Flores, Dr. Jon Brandes, Monica Frenden, Andrea Schwartz, JoAnne Norton, and Ryan Clinton (some commissioners joined the meeting late as noted below). Commission Members Absent: Lisa Mitchell, Nancy Nemer, District 4 Vacant Staff in Attendance: Don Bland, Jason Garza, Belinda Hare Speakers: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Jarl moved to approve the minutes from the October 12, 2020, meeting; Commissioner Norton seconded the motion. Motion passed 7 to 0 with Commissioners Lundstedt, Jarl, Neuhaus, Flores, Frenden, Schwartz, and Norton voting to approve. Commissioners Nazor, Brandes and Clinton joined the meeting later, after the vote; Commissioners Mitchell and Nemer were absent. District 4 position is vacant. Commissioner Flores proposed moving agenda item 4b, Staff Briefing on Animal Sales in Travis County, before New Business; Commissioner Jarl seconded the motion which passed, 7 to 0, with Commissioners Lundstedt, Jarl, Neuhaus, Flores, Frenden, Schwartz, and Norton voting to approve. Commissioners Nazor, Brandes and Clinton joined the meeting later, after the vote. Commissioners Mitchell and Nemer were absent; District 4 position is vacant. 1 AAC Meeting Minutes 2021-01-11 4. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. NEW BUSINESS b. Animal Sales in Travis County Animal Services Officer Mark Sloat reported that animal sales in Travis County are outside the jurisdiction of Animal Protection; calls regarding related animal welfare/cruelty go to the Travis County Sheriff’s Office. a. Discussion and Possible Action on the Sale of Animals in Travis County Commissioners Nazor and Brandes joined the meeting during this discussion. Commissioner Jarl proposed, and Commissioner Norton seconded, the commission recommend Travis County Commissioners Court review Austin’s Ordinance §-3-2-3, Commerce in Live Animals, and incorporate the portions allowed under State statutes into a County ordinance. The motion passed 9 to 0 with all those present voting in favor, including Commissioners Lundstedt, Jarl, Neuhaus, Flores, Frenden, Schwartz, Norton, Nazor and Brandes voting in favor. Commissioner Clinton was not present for the vote. Commissioners Mitchell and Nemer were absent; District 4 position is vacant. b. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Changes and Updates to the Vicious Dog Ordinance. Commissioner Clinton joined the meeting during the discussion. Commissioners provided feedback, including suggested revisions to Commissioner Norton’s presentation and bringing back the item as Old Business at the February meeting. c. Discussion and Possible Action on a State Bill to Provide Funding for Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation. Commissioner Jarl provided a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nazor, to recommend that the City of Austin’s Intergovernmental Relations Office (IGRO) add wildlife funding to the City’s 2021 Legislative Agenda. Commissioners voted unanimously, 10 to 0, in favor, including Commissioners Lundstedt, Jarl, Neuhaus, Flores, Frenden, Schwartz, Norton, Nazor, Brandes and Clinton. Commissioners Mitchell and Nemer were absent; District 4 position is vacant. 4. STAFF BRIEFINGS (continued) a. Don Bland, Chief Animal Services Officer, and Jason Garza, Deputy Chief Animal Services Officer, presented monthly reports. Don Bland proposed a collaborative initiative to increase the microchipping of animals, to increase the number of animals going home and to reduce the number of animals entering the shelter. Commissioner Clinton proposed a motion, seconded by Commissioner Frenden, to add “how to increase microchipping in the City of Austin” under New Business at the February 2021 meeting. Commissioners voted unanimously, 10 to 0, in favor, including Commissioners Lundstedt, Jarl, Neuhaus, Flores, Frenden, Schwartz, Norton, Nazor, Brandes and Clinton. Commissioners Mitchell and Nemer were absent; District 4 position is vacant. 2 AAC Meeting Minutes 2021-01-11 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Commissioner Frenden proposed to return to the agenda item, under Old Business, on discussion and possible action on the increase in cats euthanized or dying while in care. Commissioner Clinton seconded the motion. b. Commissioner Frenden also proposed to return to the agenda item, under Old Business, discussion and possible action on potential violations of the City’s Code of Ordinances. Commissioner Clinton seconded the motion. c. Commissioner Nazor moved to include discussion and possible action, under New Business, on how the City of Austin is dealing with feral hogs. Commissioner Clinton seconded the motion. 6. ADJOURNMENT Chair Lundstedt adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m. 3