ASO Guinea Ltr — original pdf

January 13, 2021 To: Residents of Gracey Farms Neighborhood Ref: Guinea Fowl Austin Animal Services (ASO) has received numerous complaints and concerns about the guinea fowl in the neighborhood. We understand the guinea fowl have long been part of the neighborhood, but the current flock of around 70 birds appears to be much more than the area can support, and, due to this, the guinea fowl are causing damage to some properties. The ASO team would like to encourage all Gracey Farm neighborhood and surrounding area residents to please refrain from feeding and/or supporting the flock in any manner. The guineas are considered “wild” and outside the purview of ASO, as is any other nuisance wildlife. ASO’s role is to educate the public about wildlife and not to capture, remove, or utilize other methods to eliminate area wildlife. Fred Rodgers, former Director of Austin Health and Human Services, noted in a letter, June 30, 1995, that the guineas are considered “wild” and, therefore, need no assistance with propagation, feeding or any other measure of care or intervention to continue to live as “free unkept wildlife.” Our ASO team would like to encourage residents who continue to have issues with guinea fowl on their property to contact one of several Central Texas wildlife rescue companies that specialize in removing wildlife for assistance, as you would with any other nuisance wildlife on private property. Your neighborhood association also may select to survey residents and engage a private company on behalf of the entire neighborhood. Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention. Respectfully. Mark Sloat Program Manager II Austin Animal Service The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request.