Animal Advisory CommissionSept. 21, 2020

APPROVED Minutes Sept 14 2020 — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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AAC Meeting Minutes 2020-09-14 REGULAR MEETING APPROVED SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMISSION September 14, 2020 The Animal Advisory Commission convened via a remote meeting, Monday, September 14, 2020, 3:02 to 4:37 p.m. Chair David Lundstedt conducted a verbal roll call and called the Commission Meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: David Lundstedt, Lisa Mitchell, Craig Nazor, Palmer Neuhaus, Andrea Schwartz, JoAnne Norton, Nancy Nemer, and Ryan Clinton. Commission Members Absent: Dr. Jon Brandes, Katie Jarl, Edward Flores, Monica Frenden, District 4 Vacant Staff in Attendance: Don Bland, Jason Garza, Abigail Varela, and Belinda Hare Speakers: The following seven citizens spoke for three minutes on agenda items as noted: Christine Poreca, 4b Lana Lesley, item 4b Sandra Muller, 3c Lucy Fernandez, 4b Nicole Clark, 4b Pat Valls-Trellis, 4b Dolly Ensey, 4b 1 AAC Meeting Minutes 2020-09-14 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Nemer moved to approve the minutes from the August 7, 2020, Special Called meeting, and Commissioner Norton seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously, 7 – 0, with Commissioner Mitchell abstaining. Commissioners Lundstedt, Nazor, Neuhaus, Schwartz, Norton, Nemer and Clinton voted approval. Commissioners Dr. Brandes, Jarl, Edwards and Frenden were absent, and District 4 is vacant. 2. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. Animal Services Office (ASO) Chief Animal Services Officer, Don Bland, and Jason Garza, Deputy Chief Animal Services Officer, presented July and August 2020 monthly reports. b. Don Bland provided updates on expenditures and vacant positions. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Update, Discussion and Possible Action on Budget and Priorities Workgroup. Commissioners to discuss Animal Services Office (ASO) budget priorities. No Action. b. Update, Discussion and Possible Action regarding the Workgroup on Austin Animal Center’s Shelter-Neuter-Release (SNR) Program. No Action c. Update, Discussion and Possible Action regarding Code Revision Workgroup. Commissioners to discuss review of Ordinance 2019107-025 and recent Code Revisions regarding public safety and animal welfare. Commissioner Norton presented two recommendations from the Work Group: 1) to remove the word, “fear,” from Section 3-1-1 (20); and 2) to add language to the ordinances, including new language for Section 3-1-26, Notice to Rescue Organization. Commissioner Schwartz moved to approve the removal of the word, “fear,” from Section 3-1-1 (20); Commissioner Norton seconded. Commissioners Lundstedt, Norton and Schwartz voted for the move; Commissioners Mitchell, Neuhaus, Nazor, Nemer and Clinton voted against. Motion failed, 5 – 3. Commissioners discussed concerns and suggested changes to recommendation which will be brought forward for further discussion d. Update, Discussion and Possible Action regarding Target and Reporting Categories. Discussion on current data requirements, including targeted and reporting data. No Action. e. Update, Discussion and Possible Action on the Animal Services Budget. Discussion and update on status of ASO budget. No action the second 2 AAC Meeting Minutes 2020-09-14 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Update, Discussion and Possible Action on Frozen Animal Protection Officer (APO) Positions. Commissioner Nazor moved, and Commissioner Clinton seconded, the following be shared with City Council: “We respectfully request that the Austin City Council take any actions available to them to ensure that already budgeted Animal Protection Officer positions currently unstaffed and “frozen” be filled as soon as possible, and that none of the full-time positions be designated as “temporary.” Commissioners Lundstedt, Mitchell, Neuhaus, Nazor, Schwartz, Norton, Nemer and Clinton voted unanimously, 8 – 0, to approve b. Update, Discussion and Possible Action on Human Animal Support Services (HASS) Strategies for Providing Support Services to Community Members Commissioners discussed the challenges and benefits of having the Austin Animal Center participate in HASS and agreed to a Special Called Meeting for further discussion and possible action. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No Action. 6. ADJOURNMENT Chair Lundstedt adjourned the meeting at 4:37 p.m. 3