Animal Advisory CommissionAug. 7, 2020

APPROVED MINUTES August 7 2020 — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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AAC Meeting Minutes 2020-08-07 SPECIAL MEETING APPROVED SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMISSION August 7, 2020 The Animal Advisory Commission convened via a remote meeting, Friday, August 7, 2020, 3 to 4:58 p.m. Chair David Lundstedt conducted a verbal roll call and called the Commission Meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. Commissioner Monica Frenden recused herself from discussion and voting on Agenda Item 4a. Commission Members in Attendance: David Lundstedt, Katie Jarl, Craig Nazor, Palmer Neuhaus, Edward Flores, Monica Frenden, Andrea Schwartz, JoAnne Norton, Nancy Nemer, and Ryan Clinton. Commission Members Absent: Dr. Jon Brandes, Lisa Mitchell, District 4 Vacant Staff in Attendance: Don Bland, Jason Garza, Mark Sloat, Dr. Kathryn Lund, Robert Golembeski, Kelsey Cler, and Belinda Hare Speakers: The following 10 citizens spoke for three minutes on agenda items: Shelly Liebham, item 3b Lana Lesley, item 4a Lauren Silva, item 4a Beverly Luna, item 3e Christine Poreca, item 4a Rusty Tally, item 4a Leslie Padilla, item 3c Sharon Wichterich, item 4a Lucy Fernandez, item 4a Sandra Muller, item 4a 1 AAC Meeting Minutes 2020-08-07 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Nemer moved to approve the minutes from the July 6, 2020, Special Called meeting, and Commissioner Nazor seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously, 10 – 0, with Commissioners Lundstedt, Jarl, Nazor, Neuhaus, Flores, Frenden, Schwartz, Norton, Nemer and Clinton voting approval. Commissioners Mitchell and Brandes were absent, and District 4 is vacant. 2. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. Animal Services Office (ASO) Chief Animal Services Officer, Don Bland, and Jason Garza, Deputy Chief Animal Services Officer, presented a summary of the Austin Animal Center and Animal Services Reports for February, March, April, May, and June 2020. b. Don Bland presented an update on the Austin Animal Center’s intake operations. 3. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Clinton moved to table Old Business; Commissioner Nazor seconded the motion which passed unanimously, 10 – 0, with Commissioners Lundstedt, Jarl, Nazor, Neuhaus, Flores, Frenden, Schwartz, Norton, Nemer and Clinton voting approval. Commissioners Mitchell and Brandes were absent, and District 4 is vacant. a. Update, Discussion and Possible Action on Budget and Priorities Workgroup b. Update, Discussion and Possible Action regarding the Workgroup on Austin Animal Center’s Shelter-Neuter-Release (SNR) Program c. Update, Discussion and Possible Action regarding Code Revision Workgroup d. Update, Discussion and Possible Action regarding Target and Reporting e. Update, Discussion and Possible Action on the Animal Services Budget Categories 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Update, Discussion and Possible Action on Human Animal Support Services (HASS) Strategies for Providing Support Services to Community Members Dr. Ellen Jefferson, Austin Pets Alive! and American Pets Alive!, presented on the national Human Animal Support Services (HASS) program. Commissioner Schwartz moved to postpone the discussion due to questions and concerns about HASS; Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which failed by a vote of 6 – 3, with Commissioners Lundstedt, Jarl, Neuhaus, Nazor, Nemer and Clinton voting against. Commissioners Schwartz, Norton and Flores voted for the postponement. Commission Frenden abstained. Commissioners Mitchell and Brandes were absent, and District 4 is vacant. 2 AAC Meeting Minutes 2020-08-07 Following additional discussion, Commissioner Norton moved to form a Human Animal Support Services (HASS) Workgroup. Commissioner Nazor seconded the motion which passed 9 – 0, with Commissioners Lundstedt, Jarl, Nazor, Neuhaus, Flores Schwartz, Norton, Nemer and Clinton voting in favor. Commissioner Frenden abstained. Commissioners Mitchell and Brandes were absent, and District 4 is vacant 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Per Chair Lundstedt, future agenda items will include tabled Old Business items and, under New Business, Update, Discussion and Possible action on HASS Workgroup. 6. ADJOURNMENT Chair Lundstedt adjourned the meeting at 4:58 p.m. 3