Item #2 Draft Meeting Minutes September 13, 2024 — original pdf

MAYOR’S COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Friday, September 13, 2024 The Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities convened in a regular called meeting on Friday, September 13, 2024, at City Hall, 301 W 2nd St Austin, Texas. Commissioner Kelly called the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Conor Kelly Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Gabriel Arellano Lisa Chang Jennifer Powell Pete Salazar Kristen Vassallo PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities regular meeting on August 9, 2024. The minutes from the meeting on 08/09/2024 were approved on Commissioner Salazar’s motion, Commissioner Chang’s second on a 6-0 vote. Chair Meyer, Vice Chair Franks, and Commissioner Fetonte were absent. STAFF BRIEFING 2. Staff briefing regarding the Equity Based Preservation Plan’s path to adoption by Cara Bertron, Program Manager II, Planning Department. 1 The presentation was made by Cara Bertron, Program Manager II, Planning Department and Michelle Benavides, Preservation Plan Working Group member. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Presentation by David Ondich, ADA Program Administrator, Human Resources Department, and Emi Johnson, Policy Compliance Consultant, Office of Civil Rights, on how the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities can collaborate with Human Resources on disability training and awareness. Presentations were made by David Ondich, ADA Program Administrator, Human Resources Department and Emi Johnson, Policy Compliance Consultant, Office of Civil Rights. 4. Presentation by Lila Valencia, City Demographer, Planning Department on Austin demographic data and discussion on how to collect disability data for future surveys. Presentation was made by Lila Valencia, City Demographer, Planning Department. Items 5, 6 and 7 were acted on by one motion. 5. Discussion of Disability Employment and Entrepreneur Awards. The motion to postpone this item to the next meeting was made by Commissioner Kelly, seconded by Commissioner Powell and approved on a 6-0 vote. Chair Meyer, Vice Chair Franks, and Commissioner Fetonte were absent. 6. Discussion of Disability Pride and Disability Awareness in 2025. The motion to postpone this item to the next meeting was made by Commissioner Kelly, seconded by Commissioner Powell and approved on a 6-0 vote. Chair Meyer, Vice Chair Franks, and Commissioner Fetonte were absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEM 7. Approve a commissioner to represent the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities at the White Cane Day event to provide information about the Committee and their objectives. The motion to postpone this item to the next meeting was made by Commissioner Kelly, seconded by Commissioner Powell and approved on a 6-0 vote. Chair Meyer, Vice Chair Franks, and Commissioner Fetonte were absent. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 2 APH Presentation on First Aid and Biohazard Cleanup (Salazar, Kelly) CapMetro Special Transit and Overview of Services (Salazar, Kelly) Scooters in Walkways/Sidewalks causing Accessibility Issues (Kelly, Chang, Powell) APD Office of Community Outreach and Chief Greenwalt on self-reported registry (Chang, Vassallo) Undoing Institutional Racism training and discussion (Chang, Salazar) Commissioner Kelly adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m. without objection. 3