Mayor's Committee for People with DisabilitiesJuly 12, 2024

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Meeting Minutes Friday, July 12, 2024 MAYOR’S COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Friday, July 12, 2024 The Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities convened in a regular called meeting on Friday, July 12, 2024, at City Hall, 301 W 2nd St Austin, Texas. Chair Meyer called the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Meeting to order at 5:37 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Elisabeth Meyer, Chair Jonathan Franks, Vice Chair Gabriel Arellano Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Lisa Chang Mickey Fetonte Adrianne Hogan Jennifer Powell Kristen Vassallo PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities regular meeting on June 14, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of 06/14/2024 were approved on Vice Chair Frank’s motion, Commissioner Vassallo’s second on an 7-0 vote. Commissioner Hogan was off the dais. Commissioner Salazar was absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Introduction of new District 10 Commissioner, Gabriel Arellano. 1 Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Meeting Minutes Commissioner Arellano was introduced. Friday, July 12, 2024 3. Update by Chair Elisabeth Meyer on accessibility and inclusivity in Texas state parks. Chair Meyer provided an update. 4. Discuss and gather feedback on the Community Council Report, Building a Person Centered Community to provide to the Community Advancement Network. Discussion was held. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 5. Approve Jonathan Franks to provide feedback on behalf of the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities to the Community Advancement Network for their Community Council Report, Building a Person Centered Community. The motion to approve Jonathan Franks to provide feedback on behalf of the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities to the Community Advancement Network for their Community Council Report, Building a Person Centered Community was approved on Commissioner Chang’s motion, Commissioner Powell’s second, on a 7-0 vote. Commissioner Hogan was off the dais. Commissioner Salazar was absent. 6. Approve the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities annual report. The motion to amend the annual report was approved on Commissioner Franks’ motion, Commissioner Vassallo’s second, approved on an 8-0 vote. Commissioner Salazar was absent. The amendment was to add a bullet point to the annual report to “have one community event.” The motion to approve the annual report as amended was approved on Commissioner Franks’ motion, Commissioner Vassallo’s second, approved on an 8-0 vote. Commissioner Salazar was absent. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES 7. Update from the Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC) on the upcoming JIC Budget Town Halls 8. Update from the Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC) on the upcoming City budget presentations 9. Update from the Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC) on a presentation by the City in October. An update was given by Commissioner Powell. on the finalized 24-25 budget. An update was given by Commissioner Powell. Demographer. An update was given by Commissioner Powell. 2 Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Meeting Minutes Friday, July 12, 2024 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Lila Valencia, City Demographer and input on wording for future demographic questionnaires– August/September (Salazar, Franks, Powell, Hogan) Review of Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities’ website – August (Meyer, Franks) Disability Quality of Life Study Presentation – August (Salazar, Meyer) Cara Bertron, Equity Based Preservation Plan – September (Meyer, Arellano) Disability Employment and Entrepreneur Awards – (Meyer, Franks) August - October Disability Pride and Disability Awareness for 2025 such as White Cane Day – (Hogan, Meyer) Discussion on Disability Awareness and possible proclamation – (Franks, Hogan) August Discussion of Chair Basketball – (Arellano, Meyer) - November Chair Meyer adjourned the meeting at 6:33 p.m. without objection. The minutes were approved at the 08/09/2024 meeting on Commissioner Vassallo’s motion, Vice Chair Frank’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioners Arellano, Fetonte, Hogan and Salazar were absent. 3