Mayor's Committee for People with DisabilitiesMarch 12, 2021

Recommendation — original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Mayor’s Committee on People with Disabilities Recommendation Number: 20210312-2D: A Resolution To Increase Parks Programming for People with Intellectual Disabilities WHEREAS many recreational centers do not provide equitable access to programming for people with intellectual disabilities; WHEREAS, recently, the City expanded programming at the Dottie Jordan Recreational Center to include a limited amount of recreational programming for children and adults with disabilities. However, the McBeth Recreational Center – a segregated facility in south-central- west Austin – remains the primary option available to most families for childcare and recreational activities for children with disabilities and the only location for a limited number of spots for day habilitation for adults with disabilities; WHEREAS, many more spaces are need in Austin for adults with intellectual disabilities, who currently have to wait at least three to five years for a spot in the day habilitation program; WHEREAS, cultural inclusion and awareness of current technology must include fully include people with disabilities and people with disabilities must fully include the Deaf community and their preferred and current means of communicating with all City personnel and facilities; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that The Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities recommends that the City of Austin increase the number of slots available for children with intellectual disabilities in seasonal camps and after-school programs, and for adults with intellectual disabilities in recreational programs, including expanding day habilitation at McBeth and Dottie Jordan and beginning such programs at other city recreational centers. Expand access across all of Austin to ensure residents can participate in valuable programs, no matter their zip code. This recommendation is in alignment with these Strategic Outcomes: Health and Environment (including accessibility to quality parks, trails, and recreational opportunities); Government That Works for All (including equity of City programs and resource allocation); and Culture & Lifelong Learning (including appreciation, respect, and welcoming of all people and cultures) Date of Approval: 03/12/21 Record of the vote: Unanimous on a 7-0 vote Attest: Lee Nguyen (Mayor’s Committee for people with Disabilities City Co-Staff Liaison)