Approved MCPD June 12, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities (MCPD) Regular Meeting Minutes June 12, 2020 Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities REGULAR MEETING MINUTES (12 June 2020) The City of Austin, Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities convened in a regular meeting via video conference on June 12, 2020 with a live broadcast on ATXN. CALL TO ORDER: With quorum present Chair Jonathan Franks called the June 12, 2020 meeting of the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities to order at 1:01pm Committee Members in Attendance:, Chair Jonathan Franks, Vice Chair Jose Levy Commissioners: Gene Brooks, Joey Gidseg, Robin Orlowski, Emily Shryock, Deborah Trejo. Committee Members Absent: Commissioners: Taurean Burt, Diane Kearns-Osterweil, Danny Saenz Staff in Attendance: David Ondich, ADA Program Administrator and Lee Nguyen ADA Program Human Resources (HR) Specialist. Chair Jonathan Franks moved item 3A, A City staff presentation up on the agenda. Please refer to item 3A for description. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Deborah Trejo made a motion to approve the minutes from the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities May 29, 2020 Special Called Meeting. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Jose Levy. The motion passed unanimously. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: No citizen communication that took place during the June 12, 2020 MCPD Regular Meeting. 2. NEW BUSINESS: 2A. Discussion of possible changes to the Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Federal Benefits programs – Commissioner Brooks and Full Committee. To view the discussion, commissioners’ comments in their entirety please visit: and view item 2A. 2B. Discussion and possible action to write a letter regarding access to HEB Grocery Stores during the Covid19 Pandemic – Chair Franks and Full Committee. Chair Franks discussed follow up with HEB on his concerns, no additional action was taken by the Committee. To view the discussion, commissioners’ comments in their entirety please visit: and view item 2B 2C. Discussion possible action to approve a resolution opposing police violence against people with disabilities – Commissioners Orlowski and Trejo; Amendment: Commissioner Deborah Trejo made a motion to amend the resolution with edits to language, punctuation and format. Commissioners Joey Gidseg and Vice Chair Jose Levy made friendly amendments that Commissioner Trejo accepted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Joey Gidseg. The motion to amend was approved unanimously by all. Motion: Commissioner Robin Orlowski made a motion to approve the amended resolution on opposing police violence against people with disabilities. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Joey Gidseg. The motion passed unanimously. To view the discussion, commissioners’ comments in their entirety please visit: and view item 2C. 2D. Discussion possible action to approve a resolution regarding the provision of sufficient financial assistance for Austin renters with disabilities – Commissioner Orlowski and Full Committee; Motion: Commissioner Joey Gidseg made a motion to approve the resolution regarding the provision of sufficient financial assistance for Austin renters with disabilities with typographical, grammatical and stylistic changes. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Jose Levy. The motion was passed unanimously. Deputy City Clerk Myra Rios joined the meeting and provided clarification on the ability of the committee to pass the resolution and subsequently have staff make typographical, grammatical and stylistic changes. Deputy Clerk Rios clarified that this was possible as long as changes were not substantive and the committee read into the record that staff would make the identified changes. To view the discussion, commissioners’ comments in their entirety please visit: and view item 2D. 2E. Discussion possible action to approve a resolution that local pandemic prevention efforts must thoroughly include, affirm and support the rights and needs of people with disabilities. – Commissioner Orlowski and Full Committee; Motion to table: Commissioner Deborah Trejo made a motion to table this item. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Emily Shryock. The motion passed unanimously. The motion passed unanimously. 3. STAFF PRESENTATIONS: 3A. Presentation and Discussion: Donna Sundstrom, Assistant Director for Community Services, Austin Public Health (APH), on steps the department is taking to assist People with Disabilities, cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic. To view the complete presentation and the Commissioners’ discussion in their entirety please visit: and view item 1 4. Future Agenda Items: 3A. Approve a resolution that local pandemic prevention efforts must thoroughly include, affirm and support the rights and needs of people with disabilities. – Commissioner Orlowski and Full Committee; 5. Adjournment Commissioner Gene Brooks made a motion to adjourn the June 12, 2020 MCPD Regular Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Robin Orlowski. The June 12, 2020 meeting of the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities adjourned at 2:30p.m.