A resolution re people with disabilities and COVID — original pdf

A RESOLUTION RE PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AND COVID‐19 Whereas people with disabilities have always been a large part of the people of Austin’s history and present And people with disabilities are especially vulnerable to COVID‐19 because of our preexisting medical conditions. And social distancing CAN help reduce and stop the spread of COVID 19 And the Centers for Disease Control website explicitly does not recommend social distancing include things like blocking off access to disability accessible parking, blocking off non‐emergency exit door access, or other erroneous and ridiculous tactics which local entrepreneurs have falsely claimed helps to prevent COVID‐19. AND a large number of local cases and deaths are occurring inside nursing homes and assisted living centers which are populated by people with disabilities. People without disabilities do not go to live there. AND a large number of homeless individuals have one or more pre‐existing conditions but cannot effectively shelter in place because they have no permanent home due to the city’s high cost of living and a shelter’s close living quarters can quickly spread covid‐19. AND testing sites are still only ‘drive by’ making the reliable access of COVD‐19 status difficult for many in the disability community who cannot legal drive specifically because of our disabilities such as epilepsy, blindness and other pre‐existing conditions. AND Capital Metro had attempted to make ALL pass users including those with disabilities board at the back of the bus even though there was no ramp to safely board/exit the vehicle and that portion of the vehicle could not lower . The Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities therefore recommends that the local pandemic prevention efforts must thoroughly include, affirm and support the rights and needs of people with disabilities.