
DRAFT A RESOLUTION OPPOSING POLICE VIOLENCE AGAINST PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Because ableism is discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities. Ableism also includes violence perpetrated against people with disabilities. AND a 2019 report published by the University of Texas Law School Human Rights Clinic had already found and documented that the Austin Police Department shot people with mental health issues at a rate twice as high compared against similarly sized police departments across America despite all cadets receiving Americans with Disabilities Act training. AND only certain sworn in Austin Police Department officers had mental health training. But the dispatchers were instead sending whoever was available to calls involving people with disabilities specifically needing mental health care resulting in those often fatal situations for the disability community. AND despite having proactively invited the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities to an introductory community breakfast, the Office of Police Oversight staff had not successfully addressed either the contents of that law school report or the ultimate impact of violence on the disability community. AND The first Federal Crimes Against Persons with Disabilities Report was released in 2009 and the City of Austin, despite being home to the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Texas School for the Deaf among other institutions devoted to servicing people with disabilities has instead downplayed or ignored various forms of discrimination faced by people with disabilities. AND Texas state hate crimes law already lists disability as a specifically recognized category according to reports which are issued by the Department of Public Safety to categorize people covered under hate crimes statue. The Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities therefore calls for ableism to be elevated as a civil and human rights issue, thoroughly addressed, and fully resolved with proper and full attention by the Office of Police Monitor, the Austin Police Department and the City of Austin.