A resolution re sufficient financial assistance for Austin renters with disabilities — original pdf

A resolution re sufficient financial assistance for Austin renters with disabilities Because Austin Texas was already the most expensive city in Texas. The average Austin rent is $1,439 a month and the average income is only $63,717 annually. AND the City of Austin is prohibited under existing state statue from implementing rent control which would limit the amount of rent increases once the annual rent has ended. AND the Houston Texas City Council comparatively allocated $15 million in rental assistance for people impacted by the corona virus pandemic, the San Antonio City Council comparatively allocated $25 million for people impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, and the Dallas Texas City Council comparatively allocated $13.7 million in rental assistance for rent aid of people impacted by the corronavurus pandemic. AND this pandemic merely compounded the already strained ability of Austin renters with disabilities to obtain and effectively retain safe affordable and accessible housing. A permanent residence for people with disabilities is key to building and maintain community, to successfully transitioning out of high school, to helping either obtain or retain a job. AND massive employment furloughs, underemployment and unemployment directly related of the corona virus have made it difficult if not impossible for people with disabilities to then successfully pay rent in full The unemployment rate for a person without disabilities is 14.3% and the unemployment rate for a person with disabilities is 18.9% according to statistics released from the United States Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy AND several pre‐existing apartment corporations located inside the City of Austin prohibit the property office handling third party checks for tenant rent aid and also contain also no realistic consideration of a mass pandemic in a lease agreement or other mass disaster which then forces most residents living on the apartment property to be unable to successfully pay rent in full including people with disabilities and/or seniors who are especially vulnerable to both the coronavirus’s immediate effects and long‐term consequences The Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities therefore calls the existing $1.2 million rental assistance provided from the City of Austin inadequate in effectively and properly addressing both immediate and long‐term effects of the coronavirus as it specifically impacts City of Austin residents with disabilities and requests that allocated rental assistance efforts match other Texas cities.