MCPD Approved Regular Meeting Minutes Friday March 13, 2020 — original pdf
Approved Minutes

Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities (MCPD) Regular Meeting Minutes March 13, 2020 Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities REGULAR MEETING MINUTES (13 March 2020) The City of Austin, Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities convened in a regular meeting on March 13, 2020 at the Board and Commission Room #1100 located inside City Hall at 301 W 2nd St in Austin, Texas. CALL TO ORDER: With quorum present and Chair Jonathan Franks absent, Commissioner Deborah Trejo called the March 13, 2020 meeting of the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities to order at 5:00 p.m. Committee Members in Attendance:, Commissioners: Joey Gidseg, Jose Levy, Robin Orlowski, Danny Saenz, Emily Shryock and Deborah Trejo. Committee Members Absent: Chair Jonathan Franks Commissioners: Taurean Burt, Gene Brooks and Diane Kearns-Osterweil Staff in Attendance: David Ondich, ADA Program Administrator 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Emily Shryock made a motion to approve the minutes from the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities and Commission on Seniors Joint Meeting from February 14, 2020. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Joey Gidseg. The motion passed unanimously. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: There was no citizen communication that took place during the March 13, 2020 MCPD Regular Meeting. Commissioner Deborah Trejo moved item 4A A City staff presentation up on the agenda. Please refer to item 4A for description. 2. OLD BUSINESS: 2A. Discussion and possible action on recommendation from the disability Quality of Life working group – Commissioner Jose Levy led a discussion on the progress of the Disability Quality of Life working group. To view the discussion, commissioners’ comments in their entirety please visit: and view item 2A Commissioner Deborah Trejo moved item 3 the appointment of a new MCPD Vice Chair under New Business up on the agenda. Please refer to item 3 for description. 2B. Discussion and possible action on MCPD 2021 budget recommendations - Vice Chair Jose Levy and Commissioner Deborah Trejo led a discussion regarding the 2020-2021 MCPD budget recommendations. No action was taken on the item. To view the discussion and commissioners’ comments in their entirety visit: and view item 2B 3. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion and possible action to appoint a vice-chair to replace the position vacated by Rachel Gandy – Commissioner Deborah Trejo and Full Committee Motion: Commissioner Robin Orlowski made a motion to nominate Commissioner Jose Levy as the MCPD Vice Chair. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Deborah Trejo. The motion passed unanimously. To view the nomination process in its entirety, please visit: and view item 3. 4. STAFF BRIEFING 4A. Presentation from APD Sgt. Michael King APD Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Unit, regarding Mental Health Taskforce and new Safe Place Initiative. To see the presentation and Commissioners’ discussion in its entirety, please visit: and view item 4A. 5. Commissioner Announcements There was two Commissioner announcements that took place during the March 13, 2020 MCPD Regular Meeting. 5a. Commissioner Danny Saenz announced that Adapt of Texas was holding it annual Fun Run at Yellow Jacket Stadium on April 25, 2020 11:00am-2:00pm. The event is a good opportunity for local nonprofits to fundraise money. 5b. Commissioner Robin Orlowski, announced that the budget form was revised and it would be sent out to Commissioners. To see the Commissioners’ announcements in its entirety, please visit: and view item 5-7. 6. Future Agenda Items 6A. Disability Quality of Life Study 6B. Austin Travis County Hate Crime Taskforce; 6C. Safe Place Initiative 6D. COVID-19 Staff Briefing from APH and Community Partner on indignant healthcare services 6E. Legal services for people being evicted To view the Commissioners’ discussion and comments on Future Agenda Items in their entirety please visit: and view item 5-7 7. Adjournment Commissioner Joey Gidseg made a motion to adjourn the March 13, 2020 MCPD Regular Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Emily Shryock. The March 13, 2020 meeting of the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities adjourned at 7:12p.m.