Block 188 KOR Variance Request Letter — original pdf

April 8 Nikki Hoelter, Senior PlannerPlanning & Development ReviewCity of Dear Nikki, The Kor Group Advisory Board on January 12 located at the border of the Waterfront Overlay and the Down During the base wall plans to The Waterfront Overlay Ordinancewithin 60 feet horizontally of the centerline of Shoal Creek, which is alsstarting point for the 70 We are minor areas of the façade exceed the 70on the very top of the building. I have included an exhibit that shows how our building envelope relates t This variance will allow us to maintain a great pedestrian experience on the trail next to Shoal Creek, provide an architecturally attractive and sustainable building, and work towards the density goals of the Green Water Master P A few points for consideration:1.2.3.April 8, 2015 Nikki Hoelter, Senior PlannerPlanning & Development ReviewCity of Austin Re: Block 188 Shoal Creek SetbackDear Nikki, The Kor Group Advisory Board on January 12 located at the northwest corner of Second and Nueces Streetthe border of the Waterfront Overlay and the DownDuring the January 12the base wall within the 45 foot height plans to comply and Waterfront Overlay Ordinancewithin 60 feet horizontally of the centerline of Shoal Creek, which is alsstarting point for the 70We are staying within the envelope minor areas of the façade exceed the 70on the very top of the building. I have included an exhibit that shows how our building envelope relates tThis variance will allow us to maintain a great pedestrian experience on the trail next to Shoal Creek, provide an architecturally attractive and sustainable building, and work towards the density goals of the Green Water Master PA few points for consideration:1. The shape of the Overlay. An alterinefficient and lacks the opportunity for outdoor patios and terraces. 2. The design and shape of the Building is intended to engage Shoal Creek along with the public walkways and improvements.3. The location ofStaying within the envelope would mean moving the core eastward which Nikki Hoelter, Senior PlannerPlanning & Development Reviewnikki.hoelter@austintexas.govBlock 188 Shoal Creek SetbackThe Kor Group presented Advisory Board on January 12 the northwest corner of Second and Nueces Streetthe border of the Waterfront Overlay and the Downthe January 12 meeting we received comments from the board within the 45 foot height comply and on March 9 Waterfront Overlay Ordinancewithin 60 feet horizontally of the centerline of Shoal Creek, which is alsstarting point for the 70-degree setback angle away from Shoal Creek. staying within the envelope minor areas of the façade exceed the 70on the very top of the building. I have included an exhibit that shows how our building envelope relates tThis variance will allow us to maintain a great pedestrian experience on the trail next to Shoal Creek, provide an architecturally attractive and sustainable building, and work towards the density goals of the Green Water Master PA few points for consideration:The shape of the building complies with the intent of the Waterfront . An alternative would be a wedgeinefficient and lacks the opportunity for outdoor patios and terraces. The design and shape of the Building is intended to engage Shoal Creek along with the public walkways and improvements.The location of the building core is driving the shape of the building. Staying within the envelope would mean moving the core eastward which Nikki Hoelter, Senior Planner Planning & Development Review Block 188 Shoal Creek Setbackpresented its hotel/residential building Advisory Board on January 12 and March 9 the northwest corner of Second and Nueces Streetthe border of the Waterfront Overlay and the Downmeeting we received comments from the board within the 45 foot height on March 9 presentWaterfront Overlay Ordinance limits building height within 60 feet horizontally of the centerline of Shoal Creek, which is alsegree setback angle away from Shoal Creek. staying within the envelope but minor areas of the façade exceed the 70on the very top of the building. I have included an exhibit that shows how our building envelope relates to this variance request.This variance will allow us to maintain a great pedestrian experience on the trail next to Shoal Creek, provide an architecturally attractive and sustainable building, and work towards the density goals of the Green Water Master PA few points for consideration: uilding complies with the intent of the Waterfront native would be a wedgeinefficient and lacks the opportunity for outdoor patios and terraces. The design and shape of the Building is intended to engage Shoal Creek along with the public walkways and improvements.the building core is driving the shape of the building. Staying within the envelope would mean moving the core eastward which Block 188 Shoal Creek Setback its hotel/residential building and March 9 for feedback on proposed designthe northwest corner of Second and Nueces Streetthe border of the Waterfront Overlay and the Downmeeting we received comments from the board within the 45 foot height limit adjacent to the creek. We presented to the board limits building height within 60 feet horizontally of the centerline of Shoal Creek, which is alsegree setback angle away from Shoal Creek. but requesting a variance to permit a few minor areas of the façade exceed the 70-degree setback. These primarily occur on the very top of the building. I have included an exhibit that shows how our o this variance request.This variance will allow us to maintain a great pedestrian experience on the trail next to Shoal Creek, provide an architecturally attractive and sustainable building, and work towards the density goals of the Green Water Master Puilding complies with the intent of the Waterfront native would be a wedgeinefficient and lacks the opportunity for outdoor patios and terraces. The design and shape of the Building is intended to engage Shoal Creek along with the public walkways and improvements.the building core is driving the shape of the building. Staying within the envelope would mean moving the core eastward which its hotel/residential building to the Waterfront Plannifor feedback on proposed designthe northwest corner of Second and Nueces Streetthe border of the Waterfront Overlay and the Downtown Creeks Overlay.meeting we received comments from the board adjacent to the creek. We to the board with a nlimits building height to 45 feet vertically within 60 feet horizontally of the centerline of Shoal Creek, which is alsegree setback angle away from Shoal Creek. requesting a variance to permit a few degree setback. These primarily occur on the very top of the building. I have included an exhibit that shows how our o this variance request. This variance will allow us to maintain a great pedestrian experience on the trail next to Shoal Creek, provide an architecturally attractive and sustainable building, and work towards the density goals of the Green Water Master Puilding complies with the intent of the Waterfront native would be a wedge-shaped building that is inefficient and lacks the opportunity for outdoor patios and terraces. The design and shape of the Building is intended to engage Shoal Creek along with the public walkways and improvements. the building core is driving the shape of the building. Staying within the envelope would mean moving the core eastward which to the Waterfront Plannifor feedback on proposed designthe northwest corner of Second and Nueces Streets. Block 188 is on town Creeks Overlay.meeting we received comments from the board adjacent to the creek. We with a new 45 feet vertically within 60 feet horizontally of the centerline of Shoal Creek, which is alsegree setback angle away from Shoal Creek. requesting a variance to permit a few degree setback. These primarily occur on the very top of the building. I have included an exhibit that shows how our This variance will allow us to maintain a great pedestrian experience on the trail next to Shoal Creek, provide an architecturally attractive and sustainable building, and work towards the density goals of the Green Water Master Plan. uilding complies with the intent of the Waterfront shaped building that is inefficient and lacks the opportunity for outdoor patios and terraces. The design and shape of the Building is intended to engage Shoal Creek the building core is driving the shape of the building. Staying within the envelope would mean moving the core eastward which to the Waterfront Planning for feedback on proposed design . Block 188 is on town Creeks Overlay. meeting we received comments from the board to keep adjacent to the creek. We revised ew design. to 45 feet vertically within 60 feet horizontally of the centerline of Shoal Creek, which is also the egree setback angle away from Shoal Creek. requesting a variance to permit a few degree setback. These primarily occur on the very top of the building. I have included an exhibit that shows how our This variance will allow us to maintain a great pedestrian experience on the trail next to Shoal Creek, provide an architecturally attractive and sustainable building, lan. uilding complies with the intent of the Waterfront shaped building that is inefficient and lacks the opportunity for outdoor patios and terraces. The design and shape of the Building is intended to engage Shoal Creek the building core is driving the shape of the building. Staying within the envelope would mean moving the core eastward which ng degree setback. These primarily occur This variance will allow us to maintain a great pedestrian experience on the trail next to Shoal Creek, provide an architecturally attractive and sustainable building, The design and shape of the Building is intended to engage Shoal Creek Staying within the envelope would mean moving the core eastward which creates an unusable floor plate for hotel/residential due to shallow bay depths, creating a hardship. 4. 40% of the revenue from property taxes collected at Green Water are diverted to the Affordable Housing Fund. Increased density is a direct public benefit. 5. The limited number of areas penetrating the setback are very high in elevation on the Building tower and not discernable at the pedestrian level. 6. We have created a Public Overlook at the intersection of the Shoal Creek Bridge and our future Restaurant Deck allowing Pedestrians to engage Shoal Creek and the improvements and atmosphere we plan to accomplish. Attached you will find: 1. Green Water Redevelopment Master Plan 2. Block 188 Building Renderings 3. 3D Building Elevations showing proposed variances 4. Landscape design and renderings of the Shoal Creek Deck and Public Overlook Regards, Matthew Green The Kor Group Cc: Michael Simmons-Smith George Adams Fred Evins Clayton Baca EXHIBITS