Regular Meeting of the Water and Wastewater Commission December 4, 2024 — 6:00 pm Austin Water Headquarters Waller Creek Center 625 East 10th Street, Austin Texas Some members may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: For more information go to: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation. To register, call or email the board liaison at 512-972-0083 or . To register to speak in person, people must sign up at least ten minutes before the meeting is called to order. Commissioners: William Moriarty (Mayor) Jesse Penn (District 1) Alex Navarro (District 2) Amanda Marzullo (District 3) Mike Reyes, (District 4) Vacant (District 5) Shwetha Pandurangi (District 6) Judy Musgrove (District 7) Christopher Maxwell-Gaines, Vice Chair (District 8) Marcela Tuñón Sion (District 9) Susan Turrieta, Chair (District 10) CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES DISCUSSION AND ACTION 1. Approval of minutes from the November 13, 2024, regular meeting of the Water and Wastewater Commission. 2. Recommend approval to authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the cities of Round Rock, Cedar Park, and Leander for the reimbursement of costs related to the rehabilitation of the East Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System and authorize the City's share of funding for capital improvements to the East Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in an amount not to exceed $1,400,000. Funding in the amount of $1,400,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Department. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. 3. Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for construction services for the Ivanhoe Trail Water Pipeline Renewal with Facilities Rehabilitation Inc. in the amount of $2,977,416 plus a $297,742 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,275,158. Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. (District 5) The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language …
WATER AND WASTEWATER COMMISSION REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, November 13, 2024 The Water and Wastewater Commission convened in a regular called meeting on November 13, 2024, at Waller Creek Center, 625 E 10th Street, Austin, Texas. Chair Turrieta called the Water and Wastewater Commission to order at 6:01 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Chair Susan Turrieta, Alex Navarro (Remote), Shwetha Pandurangi, Jesse Penn, Mike Reyes, Marcela Tunon Sion (Remote), Amanda Marzullo Commission Members Absent: Vice Chair Christopher Maxwell-Gaines, Judy Musgrove, William Moriarty PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL There were no registered public speakers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from the October 9, 2024, regular meeting of the Water and Wastewater Commission. The minutes from the October 9, 2024, regular meeting were approved on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Reyes’ second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell- Gaines absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION 2. Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2024, in a principal amount not to exceed $2,910,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 3. Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2024A, in a principal amount not to exceed $6,280,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 4. Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2024, in the amount of $3,630,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 5. Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2024A, in the amount of $7,085,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with …
..De Item 2 Water & Wastewater Commission: December 4, 2024 Council: December 12, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the cities of Round Rock, Cedar Park, and Leander for the reimbursement of costs related to the rehabilitation of the East Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System and authorize the City's share of funding for capital improvements to the East Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in an amount not to exceed $1,400,000. Funding in the amount of $1,400,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Department. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Lead Department Austin Water. Prior Council Action: July 23, 2009 - Council approved an interlocal agreement to purchase the City’s share of the Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System from the Lower Colorado River Authority. September 22, 2011 - Council approved an agreement with the Brazos River Authority for the operation and maintenance of the Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System. March 6, 2014 - Council approved an interlocal agreement with the Cities of Round Rock, Leander, and Cedar Park concerning the capacity, operation, maintenance, and improvements to the Southwest Interceptor of the Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System. May 18, 2017 - Council approved negotiation and execution of interlocal agreements with the cities of Round Rock, Cedar Park, and Leander for the reimbursement of costs related to the expansion of the Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System. May 7, 2020 - Council approved negotiation and execution of an amendment to the agreement with the cities of Round Rock, Cedar Park, and Leander to increase Austin’s reimbursement share related to the expansion of the Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System. March 21, 2024 – Council approved negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the cities of Round Rock, Cedar Park, and Leander for the reimbursement of costs related to the expansion of the Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: December 4, 2024 - to be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System (Brushy Creek System) is a wastewater system located in southern Williamson County. The cities of Austin, Round Rock, and Cedar Park jointly purchased the Brushy Creek System from the Lower Colorado River Authority in 2009, and each City is a …
..Body Item 3 Water & Wastewater Commission: December 4, 2024 Council: December 12, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for construction services for the Ivanhoe Trail Water Pipeline Renewal with Facilities Rehabilitation Inc. in the amount of $2,977,416 plus a $297,742 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,275,158. Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. (District 5) Lead Department Financial Services Department. Managing Department Capital Delivery Services. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids IFB CLMC1055 for these services. The solicitation was issued on August 26, 2024, and closed on October 3, 2024. Of the three offers received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at MBE / WBE: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 98.48% MBE and 1.52% WBE participation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: December 4, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The Ivanhoe Trail Water Pipeline Renewal project is part of the Renewing Austin Program. The Renewing Austin Program is an ongoing effort to replace and upgrade deteriorated and aging water mains with a documented history of multiple breaks that are in poor condition and impact service delivery. This project consists of repairing and replacing existing water mains located within the general boundaries of Ivanhoe Trail, Foxton Cove, Larson Cove, Wadsworth Way, Rochelle Drive, and Jubilee Trail in southwest Austin. The project includes approximately 4,690 linear feet of 8-inch water main along with service lines to individual properties and associated appurtenances. The project also includes upgrading sidewalk ramps at intersections and repaving all affected streets. This item includes one allowance of $10,000 that will be used to address contaminated soil and groundwater. An allowance is an amount that is specified and included in the construction contract or specifications for a certain item(s) of work when details are not determined at the time of bidding. Due to the potential for unknown underground utilities during construction, a 10% contingency in funding has been included to allow for the expeditious processing of any change orders to cover any unforeseen …
..Body Item 4 Water & Wastewater Commission: December 4, 2024 Council: December 12, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for construction services for the Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements: Boulder Lane Lift Station project with C.C. Carlton Industries, LTD in the amount of $6,881,000 plus a $688,100 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $7,569,100. Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. (District 6) Lead Department Financial Services Department. Managing Department Capital Delivery Services. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids IFB 6100 CLMC1060 for these construction services. The solicitation was issued on June 24, 2024, and closed on August 15, 2024. Of the four offers received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at MBE / WBE: Note: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 5.27% MBE and 0.67% WBE participation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: December 4, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: This project is a Winter Storm Uri After Action Report Tier 1 recommendation due to environmental impacts. This lift station was built in 1997 as a dry pit/wet well duplex station and has exceeded its expected design life. This project is necessary to ensure the lift station operates in good condition and to minimize ongoing maintenance costs. The project will construct a new lift station to meet ultimate demand requirements and reduce maintenance concerns. The new lift station design includes a new wet well, valve vault, odor control equipment, screening equipment, electrical improvements to meet current City standards, a natural gas generator, and a retaining wall to flatten the site. The work includes bypass pumping, wastewater service connections, erosion and sedimentation controls, traffic controls, and mill and overlay for final pavement restoration including pavement markings. Work also includes the removal and disposal of abandoned asbestos cement pipes where encountered. Construction of these improvements will allow Austin Water to continue providing wastewater services to the increasing population in the area, as well as reducing noxious odors impacting the community. Due to the potential for unknown subsurface conditions, a …
..Body Item 5 Water & Wastewater Commission: December 4, 2024 Council: December 12, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for construction services for the Hillspring and Scottsdale Water and Wastewater System Renewal Project with Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc., in the amount of $1,337,580 plus a $133,758 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,471,338. Funding in the amount of $1,204,947 is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. Funding in the amount of $266,391 is available in the Capital Budget of Watershed Protection. (District 1) Lead Department Financial Services Department. Managing Department Capital Delivery Services. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids IFB 6100 CLMC1050 for these services. The solicitation was issued on September 9, 2024, and closed on October 10, 2024. Of the three offers received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at MBE / WBE: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) with 99.32% MBE and 0.68% WBE participation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: December 4, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The Hillspring and Scottsdale Water and Wastewater System Renewal Project is part of the Renewing Austin Program, replacing and upgrading deteriorated and aging water mains with a history of multiple breaks impacting service delivery and replacement of wastewater lines in need of replacement. The Hillspring and Scottsdale Water and Wastewater System Renewal Project is part of the renewal and replacement of water and wastewater pipelines that includes approximately 982 linear feet of 8-inch PVC main along with service lines to individual properties and associated appurtenances, and manholes. Additionally, the project includes the replacement of existing storm drainpipes to mitigate aging infrastructure and to reduce localized flooding risks. Storm drains include construction of 416 linear feet of 18-inch, 24-inch, and 30-inch (elliptical) storm drainpipes and appurtenances located in the street right of way. This project also consists of approximately 3,476 square yards of milling and overlay pavement restoration. This item includes one allowance of $20,000 to address contaminated soil and groundwater. An allowance is an amount that is specified and included in the construction contract …
..Body Item 6 Water & Wastewater Commission: December 4, 2024 Council: December 12, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize an amendment to the contract for professional engineering services for the South Area and Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements with H.W. Lochner, Inc./K Friese & Associates, LLC, in the amount of $1,840,000 for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $5,976,395. Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. (Districts 6 and 10). Lead Department Financial Services Department. Managing Department Capital Delivery Services. Purchasing Language: Contract Amendment. MBE / WBE: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). Current participation to date is 13.46% MBE and 4.34% WBE. Prior Council Action: December 01, 2022 – Council approved an amendment to the contract for professional engineering services for the South Area and Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements with H.W. Lochner, Inc./K Friese & Associates, LLC. July 29, 2021 – Council approved an amendment to the contract for professional engineering services for the South Area and Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements with H.W. Lochner, Inc./K Friese & Associates, LLC Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: December 4, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. November 9, 2022 – Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on a vote of 6-0. July 14, 2021 – Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on a vote of 8-0. October 10, 2018 – No recommendation by the Water and Wastewater Commission due to a failed motion on the lack of six affirmative votes. Additional Backup Information: This amendment to the contract for professional engineering services is to support the Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements Program. Several Austin Water lift stations in Northwest Austin require engineering services for improvements. Lift stations and force mains in these areas have been identified for improvements based on the condition of the dry well, wet well, force main, or the capacity of the existing pumps and force main conveyance capacity. Lift station work entails the construction of four new lift stations to meet ultimate demand requirements and reduce maintenance and odor problems. Construction of these improvements will allow Austin Water to Item 6 Water & Wastewater Commission: December 4, 2024 Council: December 12, 2024 continue providing wastewater services to the increasing population in the areas, as well as reducing noxious odors impacting …
PFAS Update Water & Wastewater Commission Meeting December 4, 2024 Kasi Clay Water Quality Manager Agenda What are PFAS? Drinking Water Testing Future Drinking Water Regulations Wastewater and Biosolids EPA Studies 2 What are PFAS? Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: man-made chemicals widely used since 1940s - Persistent - Bioaccumulative - Toxic PFAS Environmental Pathways • Ground and surface water • Wastewater plant effluent, industrial waste • Soil contamination: landfill, industrial • Air: precipitation Potential health impacts from long-term exposure • Cancer • Reproductive health • Developmental effects 3 Source: US EPA Common PFAS Sources & Historical Uses Drinking Water Testing Regulatory Development Process UCMR purpose: Collect data on emerging, unregulated contaminants to assist EPA in the determination of future regulations Draft/Final CCL Proposed/ Final UCMR UCMR Monitoring Results Prelim/Final Regulatory Determination Proposed/ Final Rule Six-Year Review Drinking Water Testing 2013/2014 UCMR 3 Testing March 2024 UCMR 5 Q2 Testing July 2024 UCMR 5 Testing October 2023 UCMR 5 Q1 Testing April 2024 UCMR 5 Q3 Testing Tests treated drinking water collected from each Water Treatment Plant Quarterly testing over 12-month period 29 PFAS chemicals + lithium How much is one part per trillion? One drop in three Barton Springs Pools 1.2 square inches in the total area of Austin (305 square miles) One cent in $10 billion 6 Drinking Water Testing UCMR5 Results Parameter MCL* ppt HFPO-DA (GenX)* Not regulated individually 1.4 PFOA* PFOS* PFNA* PFHxS* PFBS* PFBA PFHxA PFPeA 7 21 Other Compounds 4.0 4.0 10 10 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A Average ppt 0 0.79 0 2.3 0 2.3 0.5 1.2 0 * Regulated beginning 2027 Future Drinking Water PFAS Regulatory Limits PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid) PFNA (perfluorononanoic acid) PFHxS (perfluorohexanesulfonic acid) HFPO-DA (GenX) (hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid) PFNA, PFHxS, GenX, and PFBS (Mixture) 8 PFAS Compound Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) 4.0 ppt 4.0 ppt 10 ppt 10 ppt 10 ppt 1 (unitless Hazard Index) Future Drinking Water Regulations National Primary Drinking Water Regulation • Now to 2027: Initial UCMR 5 testing determines future monitoring frequency • 2027: Monitoring begins • 2029: Compliance deadline for PFAS treatment Compliance based on Running Annual Average (RAA) of quarterly testing • Exceedances beyond EPA's MCL require public notice and treatment 9 Future Drinking Water Regulations Projected PFAS Compliance PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid) 4.0 ppt …
Regular Meeting of the Water and Wastewater Commission November 13, 2024 — 6:00 pm Austin Water Headquarters Waller Creek Center, 625 East 10th Street Austin, Texas Some members may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: For more information go to: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation. To register, call or email the board liaison at 512-972-0083 or . To register to speak in person, people must sign up at least ten minutes before the meeting is called to order. Commissioners: William Moriarty (Mayor) Jesse Penn (District 1) Alex Navarro (District 2) Amanda Marzullo (District 3) Mike Reyes, (District 4) Vacant (District 5) Shwetha Pandurangi (District 6) Judy Musgrove (District 7) Christopher Maxwell-Gaines, Vice Chair (District 8) Marcela Tuñón Sion (District 9) Susan Turrieta, Chair (District 10) CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES DISCUSSION AND ACTION 1. Approval of minutes from the October 9, 2024, regular meeting of the Water and Wastewater Commission. 2. Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2024, in a principal amount not to exceed $2,910,000. This item has no fiscal impact. 3. Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2024A, in a principal amount not to exceed $6,280,000. This item has no fiscal impact. 4. Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2024, in the amount of $3,630,000. This item has no fiscal impact. 5. Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2024A, in the amount of $7,085,000. This item has no fiscal impact. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days …
WATER AND WASTEWATER COMMISSION REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, October 9, 2024 The Water and Wastewater Commission convened in a regular called meeting on October 9, 2024, at Waller Creek Center, 625 E 10th Street, Austin, Texas. Chair Turrieta called the Water and Wastewater Commission to order at 6:04 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Chair Susan Turrieta, William Moriarty (Remote), Alex Navarro, Shwetha Pandurangi (Remote), Jesse Penn, Mike Reyes, Marcela Tunon Sion, Amanda Marzullo Commission Members Absent: Vice Chair Christopher Maxwell-Gaines, Judy Musgrove PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL There were no registered public speakers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from the September 11, 2024, regular meeting of the Water and Wastewater Commission. The minutes from the September 11, 2024, regular meeting were approved on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Navarro’s second on an 8-0 vote with Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines and Commissioner Musgrove absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION 2. Recommend approval to execute a contract for self-contained breathing apparatus air cylinders, air packs, and replacement parts with Heat Safety Equipment LLC, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $900,000. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Navarro’s second on an 8-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 3. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute a cost participation agreement with Sunfield Investments, LLC for the City to reimburse the developer for an amount not to exceed $7,526,750 for costs associated with the design and construction of an oversized elevated water reservoir and appurtenances related to Service Extension Request No. 4747R that will provide water service to a proposed residential and commercial development located at 1300 Turnersville Rd. (District 5) Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Navarro’s second on an 8-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 4. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute a cost participation agreement with CSW 10109 FM 969, LP for the City to reimburse the developer for an amount not to exceed $4,255,000 for costs associated with the design and construction of an oversized wastewater lift station, force main, and appurtenances related to Service Extension Request No. 5428R that will provide wastewater service to a proposed multi-family development located at 10109 FM 969. (near District 1) Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Navarro’s second on an 8-0 …
..Body Item 2 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2024, in a principal amount not to exceed $2,910,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Lead Department Financial Services Department Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: November 13, 2024 – to be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 (District), a political subdivision of the State of Texas, was created under the laws of the State of Texas by House Bill No. 1756, Acts of the 82nd Texas Legislature, Regular Session (2011), codified as Chapter 8376, Texas Special District Local Laws Code (Enabling Legislation), and operates under Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code. The Enabling Legislation became effective May 23, 2011, and created the District, subject to the consent of the City to the creation. The City consented to the creation of the District by Council action taken March 22, 2012 (Consent Ordinance) and under the terms of the Consent Agreement among the City, the District, and Carma Easton LLC, a Texas limited liability company (Developer) dated effective as of April 13, 2012 (Consent Agreement). The City and the District entered into a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) dated as of June 5, 2012, as authorized by Section 43.0751, Texas Local Government Code, which sets forth the terms and conditions of the City’s annexation of the land within the District and on which the District will continue to exist as a limited district, Pilot Knob Limited District No. 2 (Limited District), in accordance with Section 43.0751, Texas Local Government Code, and the Enabling Legislation following the City’s full-purpose annexation of the land within the District as provided in Consent Agreement and the SPA. The District, which currently contains 557.187 acres of land, is located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City in southeast Travis County, Texas. The District is located approximately eight miles southeast of the City’s downtown, about 1 mile east of McKinney Falls Parkway, about a half mile west of U.S. Highway 183, and just west of FM 1625. An extension of William Cannon Drive bisects the District in an east-west direction. North Fork Dry Creek traverses the northern part of the District in a west to east …
..Body Item 3 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2024A, in a principal amount not to exceed $6,280,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Lead Department Financial Services Department Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: November 13, 2024 – to be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission Review. Additional Backup Information: Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 (District), a political subdivision of the State of Texas, was created under the laws of the State of Texas by House Bill No. 1756, Acts of the 82nd Texas Legislature, Regular Session (2011), codified as Chapter 8376, Texas Special District Local Laws Code (Enabling Legislation), and operates under Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code. The Enabling Legislation became effective May 23, 2011, and created the District, subject to the consent of the City to the creation. The City consented to the creation of the District by Council action taken March 22, 2012 (Consent Ordinance) and under the terms of the Consent Agreement among the City, the District, and Carma Easton LLC, a Texas limited liability company (Developer) dated effective as of April 13, 2012 (Consent Agreement). The City and the District entered into a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) dated as of June 4, 2012, as authorized by Section 43.0751, Texas Local Government Code, which sets forth the terms and conditions of the City’s annexation of the land within the District and on which the District will continue to exist as a limited district, Pilot Knob Limited District No. 2 (Limited District), in accordance with Section 43.0751, Texas Local Government Code, and the Enabling Legislation following the City’s full-purpose annexation of the land within the District as provided in Consent Agreement and the SPA. The District, which currently contains 557.187 acres of land, is located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City in southeast Travis County, Texas. The District is located approximately eight miles southeast of the City’s downtown, about 1 mile east of McKinney Falls Parkway, about a half mile west of U.S. Highway 183, and just west of FM 1625. An extension of William Cannon Drive bisects the District in an east-west direction. North Fork Dry Creek traverses the northern part of the District in a west …
..Body Item 4 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2024, in the amount of $3,630,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Lead Department Financial Services Department Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: November 13, 2024 – to be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission Review. Additional Backup Information: Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 (District), a political subdivision of the State of Texas, was created under the laws of the State of Texas by House Bill No. 1758, Acts of the 82nd Texas Legislature, Regular Session (2011), codified as Chapter 8377, Texas Special District Local Laws Code (Enabling Legislation), and operates under Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code. The Enabling Legislation became effective May 25, 2011, and created the District, subject to the consent of the City. The City consented to the creation of the District by Council action taken March 22, 2012 (Consent Ordinance) and under the terms of the April 13, 2012 Consent Agreement among the City, the District, and Carma Easton LLC, a Texas limited liability company (Developer). The City and the District entered into a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) dated as of June 4, 2012, as authorized by Section 43.0751, Texas Local Government Code. The SPA sets forth the terms and conditions of the City’s annexation of the land within the District and frames the terms by which the District will continue to exist as a limited district, Pilot Knob Limited District No. 3, following the City’s full-purpose annexation of the land within the District as provided in Consent Agreement and the SPA. The District, which currently contains 677.567 acres of land, is within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City in southeast Travis County, Texas. The District is approximately eight miles southeast of the City’s downtown, adjacent to the east side of McKinney Falls Parkway and approximately one mile west of U.S. Highway 183. An extension of William Cannon Drive, the initial phases of which are under construction, bisects the District in an east-west direction. Cottonmouth Creek traverses the District in a north-south direction. The Austin-Bergstrom International Airport is approximately four miles to the northeast of the District. The District is required to obtain City approval for all bond sales pursuant to …
..Body Item 5 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2024A, in the amount of $7,085,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Lead Department Financial Services Department Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: November 13, 2024 – to be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission Review. Additional Backup Information: Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 (District), a political subdivision of the State of Texas, was created under the laws of the State of Texas by House Bill No. 1758, Acts of the 82nd Texas Legislature, Regular Session (2011), codified as Chapter 8377, Texas Special District Local Laws Code (Enabling Legislation), and operates under Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code. The Enabling Legislation became effective May 25, 2011, and created the District, subject to the consent of the City. The City consented to the creation of the District by Council action taken March 22, 2012 (Consent Ordinance) and under the terms of the April 13, 2012 Consent Agreement among the City, the District, and Carma Easton LLC, a Texas limited liability company (Developer). The City and the District entered into a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) dated as of June 4, 2012, as authorized by Section 43.0751, Texas Local Government Code. The SPA sets forth the terms and conditions of the City’s annexation of the land within the District and frames the terms by which the District will continue to exist as a limited district, Pilot Knob Limited District No. 3, following the City’s full-purpose annexation of the land within the District as provided in Consent Agreement and the SPA. The District, which currently contains 677.567 acres of land, is within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City in southeast Travis County, Texas. The District is approximately eight miles southeast of the City’s downtown, adjacent to the east side of McKinney Falls Parkway and approximately one mile west of U.S. Highway 183. An extension of William Cannon Drive, the initial phases of which are under construction, bisects the District in an east-west direction. Cottonmouth Creek traverses the District in a north-south direction. The Austin-Bergstrom International Airport is approximately four miles to the northeast of the District. The District is required to obtain City approval for all bond sales pursuant …
..Body Item 6 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for progressive cavity pump parts and accessories for Austin Water with Liberty Process Equipment, Inc., for an initial term of three years with up to two one- year extension options, for a total contract amount not to exceed $580,000. Funding in the amount of $88,611 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Water. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids solicitation IFB 2200 TJP1005 for these goods. The solicitation was issued on March 8, 2024, and closed on April 11, 2024. Of the four offers received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at MBE/WBE: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the goods required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: November 13, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will provide the City with Robbins and Myers Progressive Cavity Pumps parts and accessories. The progressive cavity pumps process the sludge in the water and wastewater treatment plants and require original equipment manufacturer parts to maintain warranty and efficiency. The requested authorization amount for this contract was determined using departmental estimates based on historical spend, along with a small annual increase to account for additional pump repairs due to aging equipment. This contract will replace a current contract that will expire June 7, 2025. The recommended contractor is not the current provider for these goods. If the City is unable to secure a contract, proper maintenance and unscheduled repairs would not be accomplished, risking pump failures affecting the timely processing of the sludge, impacting the City’s wastewater treatment, and creating a stockpile potentially contaminating the soil. Item 6 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Contract Details: Contract Term Initial Term Optional Extension 1 Optional …
..Body Item 7 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for flexible road base materials for Austin Water with Community Trucking LLC, for an initial term of three years with up to two one-year extension options, for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,100,000. Funding in the amount of $751,667 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Water. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids solicitation IFB 6100 2200 BYS1031 for these goods. The solicitation was issued on June 24, 2024, and closed on July 30, 2024. Of the seven offers received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at MBE/WBE: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the goods required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: November 13, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will provide flexible road base materials that safeguard Austin Water infrastructure during scheduled and unscheduled repairs, meeting City standards (Item No. 210S, "Flexible Base"). Proper backfilling post-repairs is crucial for public safety and utility longevity, and a readily available, flexible road base is essential for safe and effective backfilling after infrastructure repairs. Failure to secure these materials could lead to utility failures. The contract replaces a contract expiring March 31, 2025. Requested authorization is based on historical spending and departmental estimates of future needs. The recommended contractor is the current provider for these goods. If a contract is not secured, vital maintenance and repairs would be compromised, risking Austin Water's infrastructure integrity. Item 7 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Contract Details: Contract Term Initial Term Optional Extension 1 Optional Extension 2 Total Note: Contract Authorization amounts are based on the City’s estimated annual usage. Length of Term 3 years 1 year 1 year 5 years Contract …
..Body Item 8 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize execution of five contracts for water meters and parts for Austin Water with Badger Meter Inc. d/b/a Badger Meter, Core & Main LP d/b/a L&M Supply, Master Meter Inc., Mountain States Pipe & Supply Co., and Mueller Systems LLC d/b/a Mueller Company or Mueller Co LLC, each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $14,000,000, divided equally among the contractors or the Department may choose any contractor that has the available product. Funding in the amount of $2,333,333 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Water. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids solicitation IFB 2200 RBB1004 for these goods. The solicitation was issued on July 8, 2024, and closed on August 8, 2024. Of the six offers received, the recommended contractors submitted the lowest responsive offers. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at MBE/WBE: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the goods required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: November 13, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contracts will provide various types and sizes of water meters for Austin Water to install throughout the water distribution system. These meters work with the Advanced Meter Infrastructure system, which is necessary to measure usage and flow within the City’s water distribution system to establish revenue billing. The contracts will replace current contracts, which expire December 31, 2024. The requested authorization amount was determined using departmental estimates based on historical spending. Three of the five vendors are current providers of these goods. A delay in contract approval could impact Austin water’s ability to make repairs and provide new customers with water access. Item 8 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Contract Details: Contract Term Initial Term Optional Extension 1 Optional Extension …
..Body Item 9 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize execution of two contracts for magnesium hydroxide slurry for Austin Water with Forsythe Brothers Infrastructure, LLC, and Garrison Minerals LLC, each for an initial term of three years with two one-year extension options, for total contract amounts not to exceed $49,100,000 divided between the contractors equally or the Department may choose any contractor that has the available product. Funding in the amount of $9,001,667 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Water. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids IFB 2200 RGW1017REBID for these goods and services. The solicitation was issued on May 20, 2024, and closed on July 2, 2024. Of the four offers received, the recommended contractors submitted the lowest responsive offers. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at MBE/WBE: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the goods and services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: November 13, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contracts will provide a turnkey chemical storage and feed system designed for magnesium hydroxide slurry at designated wastewater treatment plants and sites. Magnesium hydroxide slurry is essential for alkalinity supplementation and pH adjustment to the wastewater treatment process. Alkalinity supplementation and pH adjustment are required due to industrial ammonia loadings, water conservation efforts, and water softening at the water treatment plants. Maintaining stable pH levels is critical in the biological wastewater treatment process. These contracts will replace two existing contracts that expire December 2024 and February 2025. The requested authorization amount was determined by departmental estimates, historical spend, and forecasted usage. One of the recommended contractors is the current provider for these goods and services. If the City is unable to secure these contracts, the City will not have a continuous source for magnesium hydroxide slurry, which would result in lower pH …
..Body Item 10 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for large-diameter water main leak detection and assessment services for Austin Water with Pure Technologies US Inc. d/b/a Wachs Water Services, for an initial term of two years with three one-year extension options, for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,000,000. Funding in the amount of $1,000,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Water. Purchasing Language: Professional Service. MBE/WBE: This contract will be awarded in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this procurement, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: November 13, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will provide leak detection and condition assessments for Austin Water's large-diameter transmission mains. SmartBall and Sahara technology will be utilized to identify and locate leaks, while P- Wave and PipeDiver technology will be used to predict the rate of deterioration of prestressed concrete cylinder pipes and prevent pipe failures. Identifying leaks will enable Austin Water to prevent water main failures and decrease the amount of water lost due to leaks. The contract will replace a contract which expires November 10, 2024. The recommended contractor is the current provider of these services. The requested authorization amounts were determined by using departmental estimates based on historical spending and the contractor’s proposal. If the City is unable to secure a contract for large-diameter transmission main leak detection, Austin Water could have an increased risk of water volume loss due to leaks. Item 10 Water & Wastewater Commission: November 13, 2024 Council: November 21, 2024 Contract Details: Contract Authorization Contract Term Initial Term Optional Extension 1 Optional Extension 2 Optional Extension 3 Total Note: Contract Authorization amounts are based on the City’s estimated annual usage. Length of Term 2 years 1 year 1 year 1 year 5 years $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $5,000,000