Final Meeting Approved Minutes, May 23, 2017 — original pdf
Approved Minutes

Visitor Impact Task Force May 23, 2017 3:00pm Hyatt Regency Austin Foothills 2 Room 208 Barton Springs Austin, TX 78704 MINUTES In Attendance: Gavin Garcia - Music Industry Representative Catlin Whitington - Music Industry Representative Lulu Flores - Arts Community Representative MariBen Ramsey - Arts Community Representative James Russell - Special Events Industry Representative Julie Niehoff - Special Events Industry Representative Tom Noonan - Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau Representative Bill Worsham - Public Safety Community Representative Alyson McGee - Preservation Community Representative Dan Keshet - Parks Community Representative Mark Tester - Convention Center Representative Dewitt Peart - Downtown Commission Representative Ashwin Ghatalia - Tourism Workforce Representative Stephen Sternschein - Tourism Workforce Representative Jonathan Mahone - Community Member Representative Pam Thompson - Environmental Community Representative Richard Mendoza - Public Works Department Representative (ex-officio) Absent: Shelly Schadegg - Hotel Industry Representative Skeeter Miller - Restaurant Industry Representative Staff and Others In Attendance: Mark Washington, ACM Larry Schooler, CPIO, Facilitator Felicia Ojeda, Austin Convention Center Department Robert Lee Tommy Mantini Liz Lathan John Bernardoni Bill Bunch Rebecca Melancon Scott Joslove, THLA Staff and Others In Attendance: (con’t) Susan Richardson, Visit Austin Mary Kay Hackley Qi Dada Linda Atkins Gene McMenamin Jeff Jack Zenobia C. Joseph AGENDA 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order at 3:14pm by Chair James Russell 1. Approval of Minutes from May 16, 2017 Meeting, all voters approved minus the absence of Task Force Members, Shelly Schadegg and Skeeter Miller. 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Chair, James Russell continued the discussion of recommendations to present to City Council. b. Convention Center Design Amendments review presented by Task Force Member, Dan Keshet. c. Heritage Grant program funds review and presented by Task Force member, Alyson McGee. d. Cultural Arts Division review presented by Task Force member, Jonathan Mahone. 3. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: 5:25pm a. Robert Lee b. Tommy Mantini c. Liz Lathan d. John Bernardoni e. Bill Bunch f. Rebecca Melancon g. Qi Dada h. Gene McMenamin i. Jeff Jack j. Zenobia C. Joseph 4. OLD BUSINESS – resumed- 5:54pm a. Chair, James Russell reviewed Scott Joslove’s response to Task Force member, Pam Thompson’s recommendation b. Minority Report provided by Task Force member, Pam Thompson. c. Break to review Sticky Notes Recommendations from February 28 and April 25 meeting d. Finalizing Recommendations e. Task Force member, Lulu Flores, motioned to extend the meeting until 8pm f. Chair, James Russell requested for a motion to support the Recommendations i. Vice Chair, MariBen Ramsey motioned to approve and support the Recommendations ii. Catlin Whitington second the motion iii. All voters approved minus the absence of Task Force Members, Shelly Schadegg and Skeeter Miller, and Task Force Member, Pam Thompson abstained. 5. ADJOURNMENT a. Meeting Adjourned at 8:00pm The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Larry Schooler at Communication and Public Information Office Department, at 512.974.6004, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Visitor Impact Task Force, please contact Felicia Ojeda at 512.404.4022,