Cultural Arts Recommendations — original pdf

General Recommendations for CAD with increased funding: 1.Marketing/Access/Outreach a.Website - Grants Funding page(s) more user friendly. There should be a video (2-3 minutes) on the landing page that explains each grant. Each grant program also needs a video (2-3 minutes), and graphics explaining regulations, deadlines, details. b.Enhanced Community Outreach/Marketing - Dedicated interactive monthly outreach events to under-served communities that includes previous recipients as presenters: arts organizations, musicians, artists. Grant videos should be screened at these meetings. c.Marketing - Increased visibility in under-served community via targeted outreach campaign. Make materials more relevant visually and culturally. 2.Grant Funding a.Artist-as-Entrepreneur (Core Funding) - Austin musicians and artists add tremendous value to culture, and even further, to economic growth in the ‘Live Music Capital.’ There are artists in Austin building careers outside of performance on stage that can ultimately develop their creative ventures into larger economic engines, fueling tourism in new markets - beyond traditional, historic locales. These business-oriented artists need greater opportunity to develop their ideas, and access to increased resources. Funding preference to ideas and plans that stimulate growth, and develop tourism opportunities in under-served communities. i.Specific funding to expand and develop individual artists that are building successful arts ventures with a history of growth 1.Incubator ($2,000-$10,000) - business with 1-2 year history. Funding delivery includes mentorship. 2.Growth ($10,000-$25,000) - business with 3-5 year history, proven growth, and strategic plan. Funding delivery includes mentorship. 3.Expansion ($25,000-$100,000) - 5-7 year history, previous funding from CAD, clear community partnerships/investment. Funding delivery includes mentorship. ii.Artists’ receiving funding in Growth and Expansion phases must become mentors as a stipulation of their participation in the program. iii.Each funding level can only be received once per artist.