Key Interests from the Task Force — original pdf

Key Interests 1. Making sure that the all recommendations are compliant with current legal laws around the HOT tax is most important; although some taskforce members have urged for creativity and exploration beyond the current restrictions. Being aware of restrictions and staying within those boundaries was a common theme. 2. The general concern is that HOT fund should not only go towards promoting tourism but also mitigating some of the negative effects of tourism in the City. Primarily it should not cause an extra burden to locals. 3. There was also concern or advocacy for the arts. Arts includes cultural centers, local music industry, independent artists including painters, sculptors etc. Arts is one of the things that keeps Austin weird and there is a need to maintain a source of funding for these creative outlets. 4. Convention Center, some taskforce members concerned about cutting for budget for convention center and Visitor’s Bureau and how that will affect tourism. 5. Business Travelers, specific monitoring of the impact of businesses on the tourism industry in Austin. 6. Historic, maintaining the historic sites in Austin and preserving their importance in Austin community.