Handout 1 — original pdf

From:To:Subject:Date:Pls add to materials for today"s mtg. Thanx!Tuesday, May 16, 2017 8:12:10 AMThe Visitors Impact Task Force recommends that City Counciland Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau review the GlobalSustainable Tourism criteria to consider implementing in Austin.Seems that this would simplify & define common goals initiallyin regards to expectations of business models. One example: vendors agreeing to recycle in the conventioncenter.Other possibilities include:A)Prioritize the allocation of HOT funds to recipients who arerequesting funds for the first time.B)Inject into the tourism conversation the idea of a carryingcapacity for hard and soft infrastructure.C)Use the plan to focus more resources on transportation safetyand developing new, low-emission mobility options.D)To protect green space in the urban core from encroachmentand to enhance the tree canopy.Funding could come from the cultural/arts program. It could betourism promotion, it could be historic preservation, it could evenbe fashioned as a "venue" if it was linking places in a commonplan that were not geographically linked. For example, part of asustainable tourism plan could be agri-tourism, linking our localfarms and remaining operating ranches with local breweries andfarm to table restaurants with other sustainable sites, including,for example, Austin Energy's East Austin solar farm. Pam ThompsonFelicia OjedaThe VITF encourages the City Council to ask the JointSustainable Committee to be involved in the review.http://www.gstcouncil.org/en/gstc-criteria-hotels-tour-operators-destinations/criteria-for-hotels-tour-operators-industry.html?id=1296:global-sustainable-tourism-criteria-hotels----Pam ThompsonPhone: 512-468-7607 Twitter: @pamtatx Location: Austin, TXPam ThompsonBoards and CommissionsIMPORTANT NOTICE: The City of Austin provides e-mail addresses for members of its boardsand commissions for their use as board members. This address should not be used for private orpersonal messages. The views expressed in e-mail messages reflect the views of the authorsalone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of any board or commission of which the authormay be a member. In particular, the views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of theCity of Austin, or any of its departments, employees or officials. E-mail messages may be subjectto required public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act.