April 25, 2017 Approval Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

Visitor Impact Task Force April 25, 2017 3:00pm Austin Convention Center Meeting Room 5abc 500 E. Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701 MINUTES In Attendance: Gavin Garcia - Music Industry Representative Catlin Whitington - Music Industry Representative Lulu Flores - Arts Community Representative MariBen Ramsey - Arts Community Representative James Russell - Special Events Industry Representative Julie Niehoff - Special Events Industry Representative Tom Noonan - Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau Representative Shelly Schadegg - Hotel Industry Representative Bill Worsham - Public Safety Community Representative Alyson McGee - Preservation Community Representative Dan Keshet - Parks Community Representative Mark Tester - Convention Center Representative Dewitt Peart - Downtown Commission Representative Stephen Sternschein - Tourism Workforce Representative Jonathan Mahone - Community Member Representative Pam Thompson - Environmental Community Representative Richard Mendoza - Public Works Department Representative (ex-officio) Absent: Ashwin Ghatalia - Tourism Workforce Representative Skeeter Miller - Restaurant Industry Representative Staff and Others In Attendance: Mark Washington, ACM Carla Steffen, Austin Convention Center Department Felicia Ojeda, Austin Convention Center Department Bill Manno, City of Austin, Austin Center for Events George Cofer, Historic/ Parks/ Preservation Joe Clemens, Capital Metro Bill Bunch, Save Our Springs Alliance Scott Joslove, Texas Hotel & Lodging Association Rebecca Melancon, ABIA IBIZ Districts – Local Businesses Hill Abell, Local Business Arnold Garcia, Convention Center Staff and Others In Attendance: (con’t) Tam Hawkins Rudy Garza, Convention Center Expansion AGENDA 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order at 3:03pm by Chair James Russell 2. Approval of Minutes from April 11, 2017 Meeting, all voters approved minus Bill Worsham (due to absence of April 11, 2017 meeting) and the absence of Task Force Members, Ashwin Ghatalia and Skeeter Miller. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Larry Schooler discussed how Public Participation can be visible with SpeakUpAustin.org b. Chair, James Russell discussed Resolution details. c. Larry Schooler presented the February 28, 2017 meeting initial ideas for recommendations from each Task Force members to begin discussions of recommendations to deliver to the City Council. d. The Task Force voted and approved on adding an additional meeting, May 2, 2017 to the schedule. 4. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: 5:30pm a. George Cofer, Historic/ Parks/ Preservation b. Joe Clemens, Capital Metro c. Bill Bunch, Save Our Springs Alliance d. Scott Joslove, Texas Hotel & Lodging Association e. Rebecca Melancon, ABIA IBIZ Districts – Local Businesses f. Hill Abell, Local Business g. Arnold Garcia, Convention Center h. Tam Hawkins i. Rudy Garza, Convention Center Expansion 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Discussed possible recommendations on items for future agendas 6. ADJOURNMENT a. Meeting Adjourned at 6:05pm The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Larry Schooler at Communication and Public Information Office Department, at 512.974.6004, larry.schooler@austintexas.gov for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Visitor Impact Task Force, please contact Felicia Ojeda at 512.404.4022, felicia.ojeda@austintexas.gov.