Responses to VITF Questions related to April 11, 2017 Financial Presentation — original pdf

Austin Convention Center Department Responses to VITF Questions related to April 11, 2017 Financial Presentation 1 | Page VITF Member Questions: 1) Page 12 shows combined operating Revenue (Convention center and PEC) to be $33.2M, on pages 16 and 17 it would be $22M for convention center + $15M for PEC + $37M for 2015‐2016 Need to understand the difference ACCD Response: The amounts on slides 16 and 17, of $22M for ACC and only $15k (thousand, not million) for Palmer Events Center (PEC), are amounts budgeted in those funds at the beginning of the fiscal year (FY). The majority of PEC revenue is actually budgeted in a separate fund (the Convention Center Palmer Events Center Revenue Fund) and transferred into the PEC operating fund depicted on slide 17 (included in the $8M on the “Transfers In” line). The amounts on slide 12 represent the accounting revenue as of the end of FY16. The final amounts for FY16 will not appear in the budget document until FY18 due to the timing differences. The FY18 Proposed Budget will be posted online in August 2017. The actual amounts that will appear in the FY18 budget documents for FY16 “actuals” will be $26,914,974 for ACC and $4,129,932 for PEC Operating, totaling $31,044,906. This is still different from what was reported on slide 12 as ACCD’s accounting revenue of $33,221,000, in part, because of the differences in the basis of reporting: budget‐basis (on slides 16 & 17) versus accounting‐basis (on slide 12). Slide 12: Slide 16: Austin Convention Center Department Responses to VITF Questions related to April 11, 2017 Financial Presentation 2 | Page Slide 17: Amounts that will be reported in FY18 budget documents: 2) On page 16 the ending balance for one year and starting balance for next year is same for some years but not for other years for convention center however on page 17 the PEC data is consistent. Need explanation ACCD Response: There are actually 2 columns on slides 16 and 17 for FY16 – one “Estimated” column and one “Amended” column. The “Amended” column represents the amounts that were approved by Council the previous September 2015, before the previous year (FY15) was even over. Austin Convention Center Department Responses to VITF Questions related to April 11, 2017 Financial Presentation 3 | Page Therefore, the actual beginning balance used at that point is only an estimate and will change once the previous year is final and all amounts have been determined. Differences are adjusted for/handled in subsequent years’ budgets. The “Amended” numbers are approved by City Council and will only change if Council Approves a budget amendment. The “Estimated” column represents our best guess as to what FY16 will end up being while we are preparing for FY17, but again, is reported before FY16 is even finished. Therefore, due to the timing of the budget process, the actual ending balance of FY15 agrees to the beginning balance of FY16’s “Estimated” column, but not the “Amended” column. Slide 16: Austin Convention Center Department Responses to VITF Questions related to April 11, 2017 Financial Presentation 4 | Page Slide 17: 3) On page 20 CIP appropriation through 2020 is $153M. It is described as debt ‐ what is the source of appropriation? ACCD Response: The $153M on slide 20 is a total, which is a combination of debt and cash. The total debt on that slide only totals $2.7M, and is related to ACCD’s GO Debt issuance from 2010. Cash funding totals $150.1 on that slide. Austin Convention Center Department Responses to VITF Questions related to April 11, 2017 Financial Presentation 5 | Page 4) Between 2015 and 2020 some $38M will be spent for CIP 1$115M ‐ please explain the rationale for appropriating such a large sum of money? ACCD Response: On slide 20, the $115M is found in the Austin Convention Center’s “Future” CIP Spending Plan column. We assume that is what is being questioned, not the $38 million. There is $37.4 million that represents projects we have committed to completing. The project descriptions are included in the CIP Plan and can be found on pages 45‐48 at:‐16/downloads/fy_16_5_year_cip_plan_final.pdf As we described during the presentation, the City plans CIP spending in 5 year spans. ACCD only commits to spending plans during that 5‐year term as cash is available – meaning what has already been appropriated in prior years, and then the appropriation for the current year only, not future years shown on the plan (this means for “Thru 2015” and “2016” for the presentation, shown in the red boxes on slide 20). To facilitate the “balancing” of the CIP plan as part of the City’s overall reporting process (i.e. the total spending plan equaling the appropriation and funding plans), ACCD reports any funds not yet committed to a project from “Thru 2015” and “2016”, plus all future years’ projected appropriation in the “Future” CIP Spending Plan column. 5) On page 7 CIP plan for 2016 is $37M, on page 20 under appropriation it shows $38M under the column "Actual through prior year". Are these the same entities? ACCD Response: No, the amounts referred to above do not represent the same thing. The $37M on slide 7 relates to the total spending plan amounts found in the blue boxes on slide 20, net of $2.7M debt funding. The detail for that number is found on slide 24: Austin Convention Center Department Responses to VITF Questions related to April 11, 2017 Financial Presentation 6 | Page From Slide 20: From Slide 24: 6) On page 20 CIP spending plan is $12M and $11.7M for year 2015 and 2016 resp., on page 16 the numbers are $ 9.7M and $16.4M for years 2015‐16 and 2016‐17 resp. what is the cause of difference? ACCD Response: The amounts on slides 16 and 20 do not represent the same thing. The amounts on slide 16 represent the budgeted transfers from the operating fund to the capital fund during FY15 and Austin Convention Center Department Responses to VITF Questions related to April 11, 2017 Financial Presentation 7 | Page FY16. The Appropriation Plan amounts on slide 20 represent amounts appropriated for spending through FY15 and for FY16. Annual budgeted transfers from operating funds and CIP appropriations are set at the beginning of the fiscal year. Therefore, because we cannot predict to the dollar how much hotel occupancy tax we will receive during the year, the current year CIP appropriation will include the revenue received in the previous year that was over the amount budgeted to be transferred at the beginning of the fiscal year. This is factored in on slide 22 as the “Add’l xfer to CIP in FY16, but not yet appropriated” amount of $24,050,534, and further detailed on slide 24. The amounts on the 2 documents represented on the slides 16 and 20 will never match due to the timing of when the revenue is received, budgeted to be transferred, and appropriated for CIP spending. From slide 16: Austin Convention Center Department Responses to VITF Questions related to April 11, 2017 Financial Presentation 8 | Page From slide 20: From slide 22: From slide 24: 7) On page 20 funds transfer in figure is $40M, per the HOT revenue ACC would have $45M, what happens to $5M left over? ACCD Response: As discussed in response to question 6 above, there will always be timing differences between operating budget revenues and CIP plan appropriations. Those differences are adjusted for in subsequent budget and CIP plan cycles.