Item2a_2021-02-08_LandUse_Pres — original pdf

URP & NCCD Use Regulations February 8, 2021 Content 12th St NCCD 11th St NCCD Urban Renewal Plan 12th St NCCD 12th St. Current Use Regulations Relies on the base zoning to define permitted uses. Uses are further restricted in the NCCD through a list of prohibited and conditional uses which are primarily commercial. A list of these can be found in Ordinance No. 20080228-078 & Ordinance No. 20081120-101 4 12th St. Proposed Use Regulations The proposed NCCD defines uses that are permitted, permitted with conditions and conditional through a land use table. For a use to be allowed on a property, it must be in the use table in the NCCD and allowed per the base zoning. 5 12th St. Proposed Use Regulations This limits properties SF-3 zoned properties more than they are limited under current regulations. SF-3 properties indicated in yellow 6 12th St. Proposed Use Regulations Because the residential uses allowed in SF-3 are not allowed in the proposed NCCD use table, these properties would be limited to civic uses or those outlined in the “save and except” section. A language change is needed to allow more residential uses on SF-3 properties 7 12th St. Recommended Change For properties zoned SF-3, allow uses in the base zoning. The use table in the NCCD does not apply. 8 11th St NCCD 11th St. Current Use Regulations Permitted and Conditional Uses are outlined by Subdistrict rather than the base zoning Unlike 12th St properties, most of the commercial base zoning on 11th does not have Mixed Use (-MU) overlay Therefore, most of the commercial base zoning on 11th St does not allow residential 10 11 11th St. Proposed Regulations Similar to the current NCCD, the proposed NCCD defines allowed uses by Subdistrict. However, in Subdistrict 1 & 2, for a use to be allowed on a property, it must be in the use table in the NCCD and allowed per the base zoning. This is more restrictive than current regulations. 12 11th St. Recommended Change The clause below from the proposed 12th St NCCD was added to the Urban Renewal Plan and the 11th St NCCD to align the documents. If the intention is to carry forward current use allowances with some refinement, then the clause below should be removed. 13 Urban Renewal Plan Proposed Urban Renewal Plan The proposed Plan’s land use section mirrors the NCCDs Recommended changes could be incorporated with the following language: 15 Questions