Meeting Minutes 6-17-15 (not approved by board but Board Chair reviewed) — original pdf

+ URBAN FORESTRY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, June 17, 2015 - 5:30 p.m. Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Austin, Texas Board Members in Attendance: Board Chair Chris Kite, Board Vice-Chair Peggy Maceo, Board Members Nick Classen, Ryan Fleming and Len Newsom. Board Members Patrick Brewer and Keith Brown absent. Staff in Attendance: Parks and Recreation Department Lara Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Manager Development Services Department Keith Mars, Environmental Program Coordinator, City Arborist Program Emily King, Environmental Program Coordinator, Urban Forestry Lynn Tozser, Program Specialist, UFB Liaison Public Works Department Rob Grotty, Urban Forestry Program Manager Austin Energy Ray Henning, Line Clearance Supervisor MEETING MINUTES JUNE 17, 2015 A. CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Kite called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Urban Forestry Board meeting of May 20, 2015. Motion made by Board Member Newsom, seconded by Board Member Fleming. Approved by Board Chair Kite, Board Vice Chair Maceo and Board Members Classen, Fleming and Newsom. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 4 (four) speakers signed up prior to the calling of the meeting to order are allowed a three-minute allotment each to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. None. D. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Urban Forestry Manager position within the Development Services Department has been posted. PARD maintenance crews have been temporarily reassigned to the Resource Recovery Department to assist with cleanup of debris from the Memorial Day flood. The legal department has permitted PARD to start repair to damages to Zilker Park from the Cyclo-Cross event. C3 Presents has contributed $100,000 to PARD to put towards mitigation of use at Zilker Park. E. URBAN FORESTER EXECUTIVE LIAISON REPORT – Emily King, Environmental Program Coordinator, Development Services Department, including: Austin Urban Forest Plan Implementation Monthly Update. Presentation given. F. ACTION ITEM BRIEFINGS 1. Recommendations to Council for allocation of resources to implement Austin’s Urban Forest Plan. Presenter: Chris Kite, Urban Forestry Board Chair. Presentation given. 2. Draft Cemetery Master Plan – Update of annual levels of funding for full implementation of recommendations. Presenter: Lara Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Manager, Parks and Recreation Department. Presentation given. G. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation to Council for allocation of resources to implement Austin’s Urban Forest Plan. Presenter: Board Chair Chris Kite. Motion made by Board Member Newsom, seconded by Board Member Fleming to vote to approve recommendation to Council for allocation of resources to implement Austin’s Urban Forest Plan. Approved by Board Chair Kite, Board Vice Chair Maceo and Board Members Classen, Fleming and Newsom. 2. Discussion and possible action on update of annual levels of funding for full implementation of Cemetery Master Plan recommendations. Presenter: Board Chair Chris Kite. Motion made by Board Member Classen, seconded by Board Member Fleming to vote to approve recommendations for levels of funding for full implementation of Cemetery Master Plan recommendations. Approved by Board Chair Kite, Board Vice Chair Maceo and Board Member Classen. Opposed by Board Member Newsom. Board Member Fleming abstained. Board Members Brewer and Brown absent. Motion fails. H. BRIEFINGS – 10 Minute Limit For Each Briefing 1. Austin Energy Line Clearance Monthly Update – May 2015. Ray Henning, Line Clearance Superintendent, Austin Energy. Presentation given. 2. City Arborist Program Tree Preservation and Replenishment Monthly Update May 2015. Presenter: Keith Mars, Environmental Program Coordinator, City Arborist Office, Development Services Department. Presentation given. 3. City Arborist Program Heritage Tree Report – May 2015. Presenter: Keith Mars, Environmental Program Coordinator, City Arborist Office, Development Services Department. Presentation given. 4. Public Works Department Urban Forestry Program Monthly Update. Presenter: Rob Grotty, Urban Forestry Program Manager, Public Works. Presentation given. 5. Parks and Recreation Department Urban Forestry Program Monthly Update. Lara Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Manager, Parks and Recreation Department. A. Removal of Protected Size Trees on Parkland. Presentation given. B. Update on Cyclo-Cross Race Remediation Work at Zilker Park. Information given previously during Announcements section of meeting. 6. Trees of Govalle post show report – Presenter: Allison Orr, Artistic Director, Forklift Danceworks. Allison Orr absent. Presentation given by Emily King, Environmental Program Coordinator, Development Services Department and Laura Schuman, Urban Forestry Program Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Department. I. FUTURE ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS FOR COSIDERATION BY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION 1. Cemetery Funding 2. Assure that the Austin Urban Forest Plan is fully implemented by City staff. J. ADJOURNMENT OF FINAL URBAN FORESTRY BOARD MEETING Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm. K. DESSERT 1. Home-made dessert cake. Presenter: Lynn Tozser, Program Specialist, UFB Liaison 2. Home-made mango sorbet. Presenter: Board Chair Chris Kite The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications are provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 4 (four) days before the meeting date. Please call Lynn Tozser at the Planning and Development Review Department, at 512-974-2698, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Urban Forestry Board, please contact Emily King at or by phone at 512-974-9548.