F1 - Draft Recommendation to Council for Urban Forestry Resources — original pdf

06-17-2015 DRAFT Resolution Austin Urban Forest Plan: A Master Plan for Public Property Re: City Manager Support for Implementation of Austin Urban Forest Plan WHEREAS, the City of Austin’s Code, sections § 6-3 and ordinances 031023-10 and 031211-11, mandate the establishment of the Comprehensive Urban Forest Plan, hereinafter referred to as the Austin Urban Forest Plan. WHEREAS, the development of the Austin Urban Forest Plan is a direct implementation of ImagineAustin via the Green Infrastructure Priority Program and 20 Priority Actions, including Priority Action CE A22 which directs the City to create an urban forest plan. WHEREAS, in February 2011 the Urban Forestry Board and City Urban Forester initiated the development of the Austin Urban Forest Plan. WHEREAS, Austin’s City Council adopted the Austin Urban Forest Plan: A Master Plan for Public Property on March 6th, 2014. WHEREAS, the functions of the City Urban Forester have recently been transferred from the Parks and Recreation Department to the Development Services Department. WHEREAS, implementation of the Austin Urban Forest Plan has been initiated by the City Urban Forester with an eighteen-month timeline to develop operational plans for fourteen departments involved with managing and regulating public lands. WHEREAS, it is critical that the following key departments are involved in the development of these Departmental Operational Plans: Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Development Services, Austin Water Utility, Austin Transportation, Austin Energy, and Watershed Protection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: City Council directs the City Manager to delineate clear lines of responsibility within the Development Services Department so that the City Urban Forester has the necessary authority to fully implement the Austin Urban Forest Plan as adopted by the City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: City Council directs the City Manager to identify executive level sponsors and direct staff from the following key departments to work with the City Urban Forester to implement the Austin Urban Forest Plan: Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Development Services, Austin Water Utility, Austin Transportation, Austin Energy, and Watershed Protection.