F2 - Urban Forestry Presentation on Cemetery Master Plan — original pdf

Cemetery Draft Master PlanLara SchumanCity of AustinParks and Recreation Urban ForestryTree Care Work Plan and Funding Analysis•Preserve trees during excavation or construction•Perform soil testing for nutrients and compaction•Fertilize or compost and mulch all trees•Prune levels following three priority levels•Explore alternative options for mitigating risk before removing a tree•Inspect all trees following storms and perform maintenance as necessaryTree Care HighlightsFunding Gaps IdentifiedItemHoursAdditional CostsRateCurrent Level of FundingRequired Level of FundingFunding GapTree protection/site plan review62430.53$ 1,588.00$ 19,051.00$ 17,463.00$ Soil Testing ‐ nutrients and bulk density506,142.00$ 30.53$ ‐$ 7,668.50$ 7,668.50$ Composting & Mulching686798,910.00$ 91.23$ ‐$ 725,386.41$ 725,386.41$ Level 1 inspection & maintenance225285,763.00$ 28.66$ 50,000.00$ 292,211.50$ 242,211.50$ Level 2 pruning2277131.23$ ‐$ 298,810.71$ 298,810.71$ Level 3 pruning2277131.23$ ‐$ 298,810.71$ 298,810.71$ Cabling/Bracing/Propping inspection time71928.66$ ‐$ 20,606.54$ 20,606.54$ Cabling/Bracing/Propping installation costN/A17,000.00$ N/A‐$ 17,000.00$ 17,000.00$ Inspection following storms22528.66$ ‐$ 6,448.50$ 6,448.50$ Maintenance following storms138131.23$ 5,511.66$ 18,109.74$ 12,598.08$ Totals57,099.66$ 1,704,103.61$ 1,647,003.95$ Plan to Implement1.Use inventory to perform Level 1 inspection and maintenance work2.Develop a MOU with Cemeteries, PARD Forestry, and City Arborist to protect trees during excavations and construction3.Train cemetery staff in proper tree care practices4.Pursue additional funding to support higher level of serviceHelp Needed•Recommendations for changes•Support of the plan with changes so it can go to City Council•Advocacy for funding to meet the gap identifiedThank You!austintexas.gov/department/urban-forestryLara.Schuman@austintexas.gov