F3 - UFB Functions to Transfer to Environmental Commission — original pdf

Suggested Changes to Ordinance #20141211-204 PART 20. City Code Section 2-1-144 (Environmental Board) is amended to read: “§2-1-144 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION [BOARD]” (B) The Environmental Commission [Board membership] should [may] include: [a Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District board member or staff person who has professional expertise in geology. hydrology, or ecology; and members who have:] (1)[Persons who have:] Members who have demonstrated concern for and the desire to improve the status of the natural resources and living environment of the City; (2)[A person who has] One or more persons who have professional expertise or who have demonstrated expertise in geology, hydrology, civil engineering, land planning, ecology, arboriculture, urban forestry, or landscape architecture; and 3) [Expertise in arboriculture, urban forestry, or landscape architecture] One Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District board or staff person who has professional expertise in geology, hydrology, or ecology. (C) A member described in Subsection (B) (3) need not be a City resident. (D) Not more than [three] five members should be employed in land development or related activities. (E) The department director and the director of the Development Services Department [the urban forester, the city arborist, and the director of the Parks and Recreation Department] are [shall be an] ex officio members of the commission [board] for the purpose of deliberation on a matter relating to [the] their respective departments. [for which each of them works.] (F) The commission may: (4) [Study, investigate, plan,] Advise, and recommend any [action, program, plan, or legislation] issue which the commission determines necessary or advisable for the [care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal, or disposition of trees and shrubs and other landscaping in public parks, along streets, and in other public areas.] enhancement and stewardship of the urban forest. (G) The commission shall: (2) Develop, establish and oversee implementation of a comprehensive urban forest plan for the planting, maintenance, and replacement of trees [in parks, along streets and in other public areas] within the city’s jurisdiction, and revise as necessary. When a portion of the plan has been developed and established, it shall be submitted to the city council for adoption before implementation. (H) (15) The [all matters pertaining to the City’s] urban forest. (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)§ 2-1-183 - URBAN FORESTRY BOARD.The Urban Forestry Board membership should include persons with expertise in arboriculture, urbanforestry, or landscape architecture and persons who represent diverse regions or interests of thecommunity.The urban forester, city arborist, the director of Parks and Recreation Department, and the director ofthe Watershed Protection Department shall serve as ex officio members of the board.The board shall act in an advisory capacity to the city council, the city manager and the director of theParks and Recreation Department in all matters pertaining to the City's urban forest.The board may study, investigate, plan, advise, report, and recommend any action, program, plan, orlegislation which the board determines necessary or advisable for the care, preservation, pruning,planting, replanting, removal, or disposition of trees and shrubs and other landscaping in publicparks, along streets, and in other public areas.The board shall develop and establish a comprehensive urban forest plan for the planting,maintenance, and replacement of trees in parks, along streets, and in other public areas. When aportion of the plan has been developed and established, it shall be submitted to the city council foradoption before implementation.The board shall perform other functions within the scope of its work if requested to do so by the citycouncil, the city manager, or the director of the Parks and Recreation Department.Source: Ord. 20071129-011; Ord. 20101209-003.(A)(B)(1)(2)(3)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(1)(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(2)(a)(b)(c)(3)(4)(5)§ 2-1-144 - ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD.In this section, "department" means the Watershed Protection Department.The Environmental Board membership may include:persons who have demonstrated concern for and the desire to improve the status of the naturalresources and living environment of the City;a person who has professional expertise in geology, hydrology, civil engineering, land planning,or ecology; anda Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District board or staff person who hasprofessional expertise in geology, hydrology, or ecology.A member described in Subsection (B)(3) need not be a City resident.Not more than three members should be employed in land development or related activities.The department director shall be an ex officio member of the board for the purpose of deliberationon a matter relating to the department.The board is empowered to review and analyze the policies relating to the environmental quality ofthe city, to act as an advisory board to the city council, the city manager, and the department in theirefforts to oversee the protection and integrity of the natural environment, promote growthmanagement and land use planning, minimize degradation of water resources, protect downstreamareas, and promote recreation opportunities and environmental awareness.The board shall assist the city council, the city manager, and the department in studying, promotingand enforcing environmental protection policies to assure the health, safety, welfare and quality oflife of all citizens within the City's incorporated boundaries as well as those within its extraterritorialjurisdiction where the boundaries apply.The board shall advise the city council, the city manager, and the department concerning policies,projects, and programs that affect the quality of life or have the potential to affect the environment,including those that relate to or affect:water quality:watershed protection;urban runoff;innovative wastewater treatment;regional wastewater treatment;improvement and protection of the Colorado River and the Edwards Aquifer; andwastewater irrigation;growth management and land use planning:municipal utility district review;capital improvement project review; andthe comprehensive plan;construction controls for erosion and sedimentation;City environmental policies regarding monitoring and enforcement;solid waste disposal plan alternatives;(6)(a)(b)(c)(d)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(I)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(J)(K)(L)(M)(1)(2)watershed protection:flood control;erosion control;water quality; andutility management;roadway planning;beautification;recreation resources;public education on environmental matters;hazardous waste materials management;revegetation and landscaping;air quality; andnoise abatement.The board shall:review all variances to requirements for water quality related to environmentally sensitive areas;review the monitoring of storm water runoff in developed and undeveloped areas;review the efficiency of existing and proposed structural and nonstructural controls;periodically review the effectiveness of Chapter 25-4 (Subdivision);review waste treatment permits within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction;review programs and policies for flood control, erosion control, and water quality;review capital improvement projects;review municipal utility district proposals and amendments;review roadway plan amendments;recommend urban runoff standards; andreview the environmental elements of planned unit developments.The board may recommend and initiate, with the advice and consent of the city council, specificproject studies concerning any of the matters described in Subsections (H) and (I), or any otherrelated environmental issue.The board shall make reports and recommendations for standards and criteria concerning any of thematters described in Subsections (H) and (I), or any other related environmental issue.The board shall promote close cooperation between the City and all private citizens, institutions, andagencies interested in or conducting natural resource and environmental activities, so that all similaractivities within the city may be coordinated to secure the greatest public welfare.A project for which Environmental Board review is required:must be submitted to the appropriate staff before the meeting at which it will be considered; andmay not be considered by the Planning Commission, the Zoning and Platting Commission, or thecity council until the board has had an opportunity to review the project at a regularly scheduledmeeting and to report its findings.Source: Ord. 20071129-011; Ord. 20080618-098; Ord. 20101209-003; Ord. 20130523-070.