Austin Urban Forestry Plan Implementation Update — original pdf

Implementation ElementImplementation ActivitiesAUFP TimelineStatus as of 5‐20‐2015Update status and trend of Performance Report Card2015DeferredUpdate on progress of Departmental Urban Forest Plans2015DeferredGather data for updating/improving Performance Report Card2015Planned (2016)Share urban forest data with departments for creation of DUFPs 2015In progressAnnual report to Urban Forestry Board and City Council via State of the Urban Forest Report 2015Planned (2016)Establish standardized data collection and formats2015In progressDevelop Departmental Urban Forest Plans2015In progress (deferred timeline)Use action matrix to facilitate DUFPs2015DeferredUrban Foresty Board hold annual public meeting to review and comment2015DeferredEstablish process to include public comments from AUFP into DUFPs2015PlannedReport annually to Urban Forestry Board on AUFP implementation status2015PlannedIdentify/compile all existing operational/regulatory items related to urban forest management 2015In progressFacilitate working group to develop Austin specific SoC 2014In progressUpdate Standards of Care, brief Urban Forestry Board 2016DeferredIncorporate SoC into codeDeferredEducate the public on SoCDeferredInterdepartmental work group to coordinate urban forest policy changes, BMPs2014PlannedCity Manager recommends changes 2016DeferredCompile organizational structure and funding from all city departments, obtain benchmark data from other municipalities2015In progressCity Manager recommends changes to organization and structure/funding2016PlannedAustin's Urban Forest Plan Implementation BenchmarksAnnual State of the Urban Forest ReportUrban Forest Annual Performance Report Card Departmental Urban Forest PlansAustin Standard of Care Coordination